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Note Values and Simple Rhythms

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Presentation on theme: "Note Values and Simple Rhythms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Note Values and Simple Rhythms
The Foundation for Reading Music

2 The Definition of Music
Sound Silence Time

3 Rhythm Rhythm is the basic element of western music. Lets look at the way we read and write rhythms.

4 The Basic Notes These are the basic markings that we use to represent sound and silence. Notes represent sound and Rests represent silence.

5 The Basic Notes These notes and rests get the following number beats in 4/4 time. (We’ll learn about time signature later) A whole note/rest = 4 beats A half note/rest = 2 beats A quarter note/rest = 1 beat An eighth note/rest = ½ beat A sixteenth note/rest = ¼ beat

6 The Basic Notes Let’s try to clap and count some simple rhythms together and by ourselves to help us understand the concept of rhythm Quarter Notes Count Aloud!

7 The Basic Notes Half Notes Whole Notes Count Aloud! 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Whole Notes Count Aloud!

8 The Basic Notes Count Aloud! 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Count Aloud!

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