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ELD Portfolio Development

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2 ELD Portfolio Development
Quoc Tran March 19, 2015


4 Aligned to CA New ELD Standards (Nov. 2012)
Assess and Monitor Individual ELD Progress Designated ELD Instruction Federal Program Monitoring (FPM) Consistent Grade-to-Grade Articulation ELD and Academic Data Long-term English Learners Electronic/Online Assessment and Tracking Parental Communication

5 ELD Portfolio Procedure
Rowland Unified School District Brian Huff Director of Curriculum, Staff Development and Student Assessment March 19, 2015


7 How many times a year? K-6th 3 times/year (end of each trimester)
7th-12th 2 times/year (end of each semester) One ELD Portfolio for each English Learner until redesignated

8 …”consistently…”

9 …”consistently…” 3 recorded results/observations
Formal-Informal-Informal Class/Homework Assignment (formal) Student-student interaction (informal) Student-teacher interaction (informal)

10 …”entering the month and year…”

11 …”entering the month and year…”

12 …month and year… 11/14

13 Circle, Initial/Sign and Date (End of Year/Semester/Trimester)

14 Circle, Initial/Sign and Date

15 Level Competency 85% standards (same level) completed
15-16 standards achieved

16 …asterisk…?

17 Standard 10: Writing (Samples)

18 Parental Communications

19 Parental Communications



22 ELs in Mainstreamed English

23 7th-12th: Standards 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 18 and 19

24 Midyear Entering ELs

25 EL-to-FEP Redesignation

26 EL-to-FEP Redesignation Data

27 The New ELD Standards for CA



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