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Welcome to our school Aims of the evening: Provide Key Information

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to our school Aims of the evening: Provide Key Information"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to our school Aims of the evening: Provide Key Information
Offer an insight into what your child will experience Answer your questions Create an inclusive Community of learners

2 Our School Vision: To create an inclusive community of learners
Do Know Where everyone learns to… Be themselves Be together

3 We aim to… Listen and respond Offer
Work in partnership Listen and respond Keep you informed Offer irresistible and memorable learning Provide a balance of support and challenge

4 Meet the team!

5 A typical school day in Year R at Fordingbridge Infant School

6 Funky Fingers – developing gross and fine motor skills Plan, Discover and Review – a mixture between adult-led and child-led learning Rolling snack – Fruit and milk are available throughout the morning Lunch time – 1 hour for lunch Assembly or Singing in the hall or classroom Additional learning during the week: P.E., Music and Welly Walks

7 How is the learning organised in the classroom?

8 Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Prime Areas Communication and Language Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development

9 Communication and Language Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Physical Development Personal, Social and Emotional Development

10 Areas of Learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage
Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

11 Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design
Literacy Mathematics Understanding the World Expressive Arts and Design

12 How can you help your child to be ready for school?

13 Read with your child Talk to your child and model language Play alongside your child Talk to your child about starting school and share our ‘Transition Booklet’ with them Play with other children Involve your child in your daily activities e.g. cooking Encourage independence

14 Getting dressed and undressed
Putting their shoes on and fastening them Recognising their own name Identify their own lunch box and water bottle Going to the toilet and wash their hands independently Using hand dryers Putting their coat on

15 What does your child need for school?

16 What are we providing for your child when they start school?
Bookbag (paid for by FFIS) Milk (until their 5th birthday) Fruit Free school lunches: hot lunch or a picnic bag Reading diary Home reading books Library books

17 Please can you provide…
School uniform PE kit Lunchbox (if they will be having a packed lunch from home) Water bottle Wellies and all-in-one waterproofs in a named bag (to be kept in school) Appropriate clothing dependent on weather e.g. hat, gloves, sun hat, waterproof coat Please label ALL items!

18 How do we keep you informed about your child’s learning?

19 Open door policy Parents’ Evening in the Autumn and Spring terms Tapestry – Online learning journal Written report in the Summer term

20 What will happen before my child starts school?

21 Pre-school visits (week commencing 19th June)
Play and stay sessions Wednesday 28th June and Monday 3rd July from 2.00pm-2.50pm. Parents to stay with their child. Any requests to change your child’s starting pattern – please speak to Mrs Sledge ASAP Home visits - week commencing Monday 4th September

22 If your child needs more support… In school External support

23 Pupil Premium Funding Extra money helps you and your child
Please sign up

24 Attendance and Punctuality

25 Come in to help Friends (FFIS) Governing body

26 Thank you

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