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CELDT Preparation 4- Picture Narrative

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1 CELDT Preparation 4- Picture Narrative
Objective: to practice story telling skills to prepare for the 4-picture narrative section of the CELDT Test.

2 What is a 4-Picture Narrative?
A narrative is a story. In the 4-picture narrative section of the CELDT, you will be telling a story out loud about four pictures. There is no one right answer for the story that the picture tells. You will be scored based on the complexity, correctness and clarity of your story.

3 0 Score Scoring Rubric No response. Spoken in another language.
Unintelligible (Not understandable). Response consists of a single word to the prompt 0r a few words that may or may not be related.

4 Scoring Rubric 1 Score Student attempts to tell a story based on one or more pictures, but does not construct a coherent narrative. Response displays a very limited range of vocabulary. The student’s speech is often halting or impeded. Response includes numerous grammatical errors that interfere with communication. Student’s speech is generally difficult to understand. Pronunciation often interferes with communication.

5 Scoring Rubric 2 Score Story is based on pictures, but does not clearly explain one or more pictures. Response displays some of the necessary vocabulary , but the student often cannot find the right word. Response shows control of basic grammatical structures, but includes numerous errors, some of which interfere with communication. Student’s speech is sometimes difficult to understand. Pronunciation sometimes interferes with communication.

6 Scoring Rubric 3 Score Story is coherent and includes explanation of all four pictures, but does not provide much elaboration (e.g., explanation of details and context). Vocabulary resources are generally adequate to perform the task. The student sometimes cannot find the right word. Response is generally adequate grammatically. Errors rarely interfere with communication. Student may have an accent and/or make some errors in pronunciation, but pronunciation is generally accurate and does not interfere with communication.

7 Scoring Rubric 4 Score Story is coherent and effective, including explanation of all four pictures, with appropriate elaboration (e.g., explanation of details and context). Contains more complex sentence structure. Vocabulary resources are well developed . The student can almost always find the appropriate word. Uses precise word choice. Response displays few grammatical errors and contains varied grammatical and syntactical structures. Any errors are minor (e.g., difficulty with articles or prepositions) and do not interfere with communication. Student may have an accent, but both pronunciation and intonation are generally accurate and do not interfere with communication.

8 Remember The 5 W’s – Who, What, Where, When & Why
Who is in your story? Describe them. Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Example: After school my older cousin Marina went to varsity track practice in the lower field of our school on a very hot day.

9 Remember The 5 W’s – Who, What, Where, When & Why
What is happening in your story? Describe the situation. Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Example: After school my older cousin Marina went to varsity track practice in the lower field of our school on a very hot day.

10 Remember The 5 W’s – Who, What, Where, When & Why Where is your story happening? Describe the place. Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Some ideas: Describe the weather, name a specific place, describe what it looks like. Example: After school my older cousin Marina went to varsity track practice in the lower field of our school on a very hot day.

11 Remember The 5 W’s – Who, What, Where, When & Why
When is your story happening? Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Example: After school at 3:30 my older cousin Marina went to varsity track practice in the lower field of our school on a very hot day.

12 Remember The 5 W’s – Who, What, Where, When & Why
Why are the people acting they way that they are? Be as descriptive and specific as possible. Example: Marina decided to get a drink of water after her run because she was very thirsty and it was over 100 degrees.

13 Remember Use prepositions. They are words that describe where things are happening in space and time. Example: After school my older cousin Marina went to varsity track practice in the lower field of our school on a very hot day.

14 Remember To use adjectives (words that describe people, places and things). Example: After school my older cousin Marina went to varsity track practice in the lower field of our school on a very hot day.

15 Remember To use Conjunctions and Transitions
Example: First, she warmed up for practice by stretching and jogging in place. Then she made sure her shoelaces were tight enough and she asked her coach for directions.

16 Remember To use complex sentences-- use subordinating conjunctions to create longer, more interesting sentences. Examples Although Before If So that Once As soon as As Until Where Though When Even though While Whenever After Because Unless Since

17 Remember To identify nouns and subjects clearly with out confusion
Example: Marina gave her friend Gloria a snack after practice.

18 1st Practice: Whole Class
Look at all four pictures. They tell a story. Take turns with your partner describing what is happening. Make sure to speak using a complete, detailed sentence for each picture. Share your ideas with the class when your teacher calls on you.

19 2nd Practice: Whole Class
Look at all four pictures. They tell a story. Take turns with your partner describing what is happening. Make sure to speak using a complete, detailed sentence for each picture. Share your ideas with the class when your teacher calls on you.

20 Group Practice Your teacher will put you into a group of four.
Take turns telling your version of the story of one of the 4-picture narratives in the CELDT practice booklet. Use your handout to remember story telling strategies. Try to be as creative as possible. Listen closely to your group members. As a group, select the story you think was best. If your story is selected, you will share it with the class.

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