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Fortran Tutorial Fortran spaces for code qqqqqqCODE

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Presentation on theme: "Fortran Tutorial Fortran spaces for code qqqqqqCODE"— Presentation transcript:

1 Fortran Tutorial Fortran 77 7-72 spaces for code qqqqqqCODE
program progname ! ! Comments are preceded by ! “!” or “C” implicit none C C Data initialization to C follow… integer :: i,j,k,n,m real :: x,y,z integer, dimension(3) :: larray real, dimension(3) :: rvec,forces real, dimension(0:3,8) :: tensor character(len=6) :: name ! Comment. logical :: some_flag,another_flag complex :: phase,factor real, parameter :: four = 4.0E0 ! ===================================== ! Beyond this point expressions are ! allowed. 7-72 spaces for code qqqqqqCODE Must leave six spaces for “statement label”. Single precision (kind=4) Double precision (kind=8) Comments can be added at the end of a line.

2 Fortran Tutorial ! ! Data initiation continued... x = 1.50E0
y = 10.0E0 rvec(1) = 0.100E0 rvec(2) = 0.000E0 rvec(3) = 0.750E0 forces(1:3) = 0.00E0 phase = (2.0E0,1.25E0) tensor(0,:) = 0.0E0 tensor(1:3,:) = 3.0E0 name = ‘PRESS’ some_flag = .true. another_flag = .false. do i=1,3 forces(i) = 0.0E0 enddo do i=1,3 do j=1,3 tensor(i,j) = 3.0E0 enddo

3 Fortran Tutorial ! ! Conditional statements if (i == 3) statement
if (x >= 0.0E0 ) then statement endif if ( a > x .and. b < y ) then if ( c == 0.0E0 ) then else if ( c > 0.0E0 ) then else if (some_flag) then ... if (.not.another_flag) then ... if (name == ‘PRESS’ ) then ... F F Operation == eq Equal to /= ne Not equal to > gt Greater than >= ge Greater or equal to < lt Less than <= le Less than or equal to

4 Fortran Tutorial ! ! Loop statements do i=1,3 statement enddo
do i=1,n-1 do j=i+1,n do i=1,10 if (force(i) > 10.0E0) exit do if (condition) break do i=1,10 statement if (condition) goto 10 enddo 10 continue

5 Fortran Tutorial ! ! Loop statements (continued)
do i=1,n, ! Increment by 3 statement enddo ! While loop... i = 0 do while (i<n) i = i + 1

6 Fortran Tutorial Fortran 77 Continuation symbol at space #5 !
! Expressions x = a * b / c x = a**3 * b + c/d x = exp( sqrt( x**2 + y**2 + & z**2) ) ! Complex variables... phase = (1.0E0,1.0E0) ! Equals 1+i phase = cmplx(a,b) ! Equals a+ib c = conjg(phase) ! Equals a-ib a = real(phase) b = aimag(phase) ! Floating points & integers... i = 3.45E ! Equals 3 i = -2.76E ! Equals –3 ! Good practice ... i = int( real(j)*force(k)/2.0E0 ) Fortran 77 x = exp( sqrt( x**2 + y**2 + & z**2) ) Continuation symbol at space #5

7 Fortran Tutorial End of program Begin the subroutine
! ! Subroutines... call myroutine(a,b,3,x,y,z,flag) stop end ! subroutine myroutine(a,b,k,x,y,z,root) implicit none real :: a,b,x,y,z integer :: k logical :: root integer :: i a = (x**2+y**2+z**2) do i=1,k a = a + b**I enddo if (root) a = sqrt(a) return end subroutine ! End of program Begin the subroutine Return control back to calling program or routine End the routine

8 Fortran Tutorial ! ! User functions... integer :: n,x,factorial .
x = factorial(n) stop end ! function factorial(n) implicit none integer :: factorial,n integer :: i if (i<0) return(0) if (i=0) return(1) factorial = 1 do i=1,n factorial = factorial * i enddo return end function !

9 Fortran Tutorial in integer n spaces long. !
fn.d floating point n spaces long, d spaces after the decimal place. an character string n spaces long. en.d exponential n spaces long, d spaces after the decimal point. (n>=d+7) esn.d scientific n spaces long, d spaces ln logical n spaces long. x space. t tab. ! ! Output... ! Free format -> write(*,*) ‘This is a tutorial.’ write(*,*) ‘The answer is ‘,i ! Fixed format -> write(*,100) i 100 format(‘This is a tutorial.’,/, & ‘The answer is ‘,i3) write(*,200) (force(i),I=1,3) 200 format(/,’Particle force = ‘,3f4.1) name = ‘alpha’ do i=1,n write(*,300) name,i,x,y,z enddo 300 format(‘ data set ‘,a5,’: iter = ‘, & i3,’, force = ‘,3(x,f4.1)) Particle force = data set alpha: iter = 1, force = –2.9 data set alpha: iter = 2, force = –4.3 data set alpha: iter = 3, force = data set alpha: iter = 4, force = data set alpha: iter = 5, force = **** –0.2

10 Fortran Tutorial Status clause (possible values)
! ! External files... open(unit=6,file=‘myfile’, & form=‘formatted’,status=‘old’) ! File with I/O unit=6 is now open. ! Unformatted read---> read(6,*) a,b,c ! These are read(6,*) x,y,z ! on separate read(6,*) (force(i),i=1,3) ! lines. ! Formatted read---> read(6,100) i,j,name 100 format(2x,i3,x,i3,3x,a6) close(unit=6) ! Close file. ! ! Write to files... open(unit=7,file=‘output’, & form=‘formatted’,status=‘new’) write(7,200) name,x,y,z 200 format(2x,a6,’ data -> ‘,3(2x,f5.2)) close(unit=7) Status clause (possible values) ‘old’,’new’,’unknown’, ‘scratch’,’replace’ form clause (possible values) ‘formatted’, ‘unformatted’

11 Fortran Tutorial Run the program
COMPILING... -> f90 –o executable program.f Linking many files -> f90 –c code1.f -> f90 –c code2.f -> f90 –o executable code1.o code2.o program.f Example: -> f90 –o prog.x code1.o code2.o program.f -> prog.x To run in “background” -> prog.x & -> Check the status of a run -> ps –a Kill a run -> kill –9 6445 Run the program Code will run in background and allow you use other commands. Include process ID (from”ps –a”)

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