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All-Campus Forum September 2006 Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak

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Presentation on theme: "All-Campus Forum September 2006 Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak"— Presentation transcript:

1 All-Campus Forum September 2006 Chancellor Pam Shockley-Zalabak
Associate Vice Chancellor David Moon Sept. 13, 2006

2 Areas to Cover budget Enrollment Strategic Planning NCA

3 2006-2007 Budget PAST Began FY 2006 with a balanced budget
Regents approve Seven Year Plan June 2005 PRESENT Begin balanced budget in FY 2007 New funds support Seven Year Plan Restrict tuition increases Initiate 5 year commitment to campus salary issues

4 Budget FY 2007 Current Funds Budget of $107.5 M, a 13.8% increase Appropriated Funds $60.7 M Auxiliary Funds $28.7 M Restricted Funds $18.1 M

5 Capital Construction Appropriations
Budget Capital Construction Appropriations Campus Recreation Center $12 M (Cash Funds) Dwire Hall Renovation $7 M ($3.5 M State Funding, $3.5 M Cash Funds) Controlled Maintenance $900,000 (State Funding) Science/Engineering Bldg. $2 M (State Funding)

6 FY 2007 State Appropriated Revenue Budget Increases $5.2 million
Sources Fee for Service $ 115,091 COF $1,600,349 Tuition & Fees $2,084,268 F&A/Misc Revenue $ ,087 Enrollment Funding $1,396,218 Total New Revenue $5,230,013

7 Budget Expenditures Faculty and exempt salary and benefit increases $1,348,363 Enrollment reserve $ 744,485 2% operating increases (includes hourly and capital) $ 203,052 Library materials $ ,816 Financial aid $ 130,000 Classified salary and benefits increases $ 518,819 Property insurance/worker’s compensation $ 104,395 Utilities $ 193,070

8 2006-2007 Budget Expenditures continued
ICCA $65,322 Disability Services $100,000 IT security $50,000 Reduction in Foundation support and tuition buy down $(220,500) Seven Year Plan $863,471 Programs previously approved (PGM & Geropsych) $307,460 North Nevada project manager $60,000 Capital commitments $714,260 Total New Expenditures $5,230,013 Seven Year Plan Detail In FY 2007 the campus is funding five new faculty positions, nine new classified staff positions, and the accelerating nursing program in the Beth El College of Nursing ($103,000). The five faculty ($326,756) are in Beth El, Criminal Justice, Biology, Library, and Education (conversion from PEX to faculty). The nine staff ($433,715) are in Information Technology, Arts&Sciences, VCAA Office (half time), Institutional Research, Facilities, Accounting, Student Success, Financial Aid, and a shared position in Recruitment and Multi-Cultural Affairs

9 Appropriated Budget Breakdown

10 Enrollment Overview 7,517 students, 50 student decline (.7%) 85,695 SCH, 772 hour decline (.9%) 6,359 non-resident SCH, 14% increase 8,604 Graduate SCH, .2% increase Engineering, Nursing, Public Affairs increase 3,005 men enroll, 35 student increase, 1.2%

11 Enrollment 996 new freshmen, second largest class -- 220% increase since 1996 percent ethnic minority -- 65% have CCHE index of 103 or above -- 93% are 18 or 19 years old -- 40% have high school GPA of 3.5 or better

12 America’s premier regional comprehensive research university
Strategic Planning UCCS: America’s Premier Regional Comprehensive Research University UCCS: America’s premier regional comprehensive research university

13 Strategic Planning Key elements 2007-2012 time frame Build excellence
Deepen learning experience Enhance diversity Build bridges to community Secure financial future Shared responsibility culture

14 Strategic Planning Academic Strategic Plan, Peg Bacon
Facilities Strategic Plan, Brian Burnett Diversity Strategic Plan, Kee Warner Student Success, Jim Henderson Sustainability Strategic Plan, Linda Kogan Financial, Brian Burnett Faculty and staff compensation, Pam Shockley-Zalabak Overall UCCS Goals, Pam Shockley-Zalabak

15 North Central Accreditation
All campus process Accreditation renewal fundamental Website updates required Flexibility required David Moon, associate vice chancellor, Academic Affairs, leads process

16 North Central Accreditation
Two goals: review and counsel Five criteria -- Mission and integrity -- Preparing for future -- Student learning and effectiveness -- Knowledge -- Engagement and service

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