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Understanding The Various Social Media Outlets

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding The Various Social Media Outlets"— Presentation transcript:

1 Upping Your Game on Social Media Tips To A Stronger Social Media Campaign

2 Understanding The Various Social Media Outlets
What’s Their Format? What’s Best For My Local?? Is my local using these effectively?

3 Assessing Local Resources: What Do You Have?
While most social media is free, do you have a budget for advertising? Do you have members that are capable of providing good social media content? Do you have members with communications, video, or PR experience? Do you have a communications person that will place the local before themselves?

4 - Over 1 Billion users. - Opportunity to get their message out without slant. - Facebook is FREE. - Proper planning and use far outweighs the effects of campaigns that can costs $$$

5 - Provides opportunity for locals to provide private communications to members.
- Create events and send notifications. - Targeted advertising. - Establishes online personality. Gives the public a full idea of who you are and what you do.

6 3 Types of Facebook Pages
Personal Profile Group Page Fan Page

7 Personal Profile - People have to request to be friends
- Can set security levels - Limit of 5,000 friends

8 Group Page - Allow for internal communications in the local.
- Settings for Open, Closed, and Secret. - In this setting, you have the ability to keep others from posting but they can still comment on other posts.

9 Fan Page - Anyone can “LIKE” your page. No requests.
- You can limit who posts on your page and ban fans if they get stupid - No limit on fans

10 IMPORTANT- Facebook Prioritizes Content
Creating Content on Facebook IMPORTANT- Facebook Prioritizes Content Organic Vs. Inorganic Facebook Algorithm Types of Posts

11 IMPORTANT- Facebook Prioritizes Content
Creating Content on Facebook IMPORTANT- Facebook Prioritizes Content Organic Likes Content you specifically create, whether it is a post, picture, or video. When you click on a post to like it or share it without being prompted in the post you are reading.

12 Creating Content on Facebook
Inorganic Likes Anything on Facebook that you are prompted to like or share. Posts that you just have a link for, such as a newspaper ad or media report. Any content on your page that you are not the creator for.

13 Creating Content on Facebook
Facebook uses a mathematical algorithm to determine what appears on your Facebook newsfeed. The Facebook Algorithm has over 100,000 determining factors and is changing every few months. If your post gains traction with your followers, the post will be shown to more of your followers

14 Creating Content on Facebook
This algorithm determines the difference between “Organic” and “Inorganic” posts and then releases it to a sample of your followers to see how interested they are. Understanding that there is an algorithm is the key to increased Facebook success.

15 YES! New Post NO  Lot of Likes? Algorithm assigns your post to
Understanding the Facebook Algorithm Yes? Algorithm pushes your post to more followers. YES! New Post Lot of Likes? NO  Algorithm assigns your post to roughly 7-10% of your fan base. New post goes on NYSPFFA Fan Page. No? Algorithm buries your post.

16 Types of Posts Matter Video :: Original Content Pictures :: Links
Creating Content on Facebook IMPORTANT- Facebook Prioritizes Content Types of Posts Matter Video :: Original Content Pictures :: Links

17 Videos are now the most preferred post on Facebook.
In just one year, the number of video posts per person has increased 75% globally and 94% in the US. The amount of video from people and brands in the News Feed has increased 3.6x year-over-year. 76% of people in the US who use Facebook say they tend to discover the videos they watch on Facebook. On average, more than 50% of people who come to Facebook every day in the US watch at least one video daily.

18 Creating Content on Facebook
Video is king. Facebook gives priority to the videos you create and upload. Original Content- Type in what you want people to know. Generate good engagement Upload a photo- Second highest- Although a great picture will bring in the most “LIKES” and “SHARES” Add links to news stories- Third in total views but still effective way to generate content.




22 Twitter to Facebook


24 Be Creative- Make your Facebook page an
Indispensable part of your community. - Amber Alerts - Missing Pets - Community events - Not all posts have to be about Fire/EMS Post Engaging Content- Content that engages followers leads to new followers and more people seeing your content.

25 Video- When you have a video to share, do not upload it to YouTube and share the link. Upload the video directly to Facebook. Original Content- Make sure to provide original content as much as possible Generate Activity- When you post, ask fans what they think. More activity generates more views.

26 Watch your analytics

27 Know when your fans are online


29 Don’t Do This On Facebook
Be careful what you post Don’t post body parts, incident addresses, or people’s medical history Don’t slander others or make offending comments at your superiors Don’t post about your slow day of overtime and how you are sitting in the recliner.

30 Don’t Do This On Facebook


32 Get your message out in 140 characters.
The number one social media outlet for members of the media and their stations. Twitter moves faster than TV news. Your ability to master Twitter can affect whether breaking news benefits you or hurts you. It’s an unfiltered messaging system. No reporter slant. No edited stories. Just your message the way you want it.

33 Getting On Twitter: Twitter Basics:

34 Using Hashtags

35 The “#” symbol turns a word into a link to all tweets with that tag.
Twitter + Hashtags= a search engine on your topic. Basically a library housing all of the information on your subject/event. Provides for a Real-Time conversation about a topic/event.

36 People use the hashtag symbol # before a relevant keyword or phrase (no spaces) in their Tweet to categorize those Tweets and help them show more easily in Twitter Search.  Clicking on a hashtagged word in any message shows you all of the other tweets marked with that keyword.

37 Hashtags can occur anywhere in the Tweet- At the beginning, middle, or end.
Hashtagged words that become very popular are often called Trending Topics


39 Motto of “Broadcast Yourself” couldn’t be any more to the point.
3rd most visited website in the world behind Google and Facebook. Over 1 Billion people a month visit YouTube, accounting for 4 Billion hours of video watching.

40 Instagram Over 300 Million users by June of million in the United States. 49% of Instagram users are female while 51% are male. Instagram has been proven to attract the younger generation with 90% of the 300 million users under the age of 35.

41 The IAFF Daily is delivered to your inbox daily
The IAFF Daily is delivered to your inbox daily. Subscribe today:

42 Flipboard

43 IAFF Developed Online Magazines to bring to light issues of importance to our locals.
Serves as a “one-stop shop” for all of the news articles pertaining to a politician who oppose fire fighters. Beautiful layout designed for smart phones and tablets. Can be used on desktops and laptops.

44 IAFF developed online magazines that are “living, breathing, documents
Your Facebook photo albums can be placed in the flipboard. Articles can be moved around and the cover can be changed to make it look like you have a new magazine. Some websites do not allow their content to be flipped into a Flipboard. Also move the web tool into your toolbar.

45 Manage Your Social Media

46 Build your social media audience BEFORE you need it.
Social Media Tips Build your social media audience BEFORE you need it. Understand the different social media outlets and how to properly engage people on those platforms.

47 Get on Twitter. Make sure you engage local media on Twitter.
Social Media Tips Get on Twitter. Make sure you engage local media on Twitter. Have the right people in place to run your social media programs. DON’T depend on ONE person to manage ALL of your accounts for a campaign.

48 - For any event you plan in the future,
Social Media Tips Make sure your digital ambassador stays on message with your local’s issue. - For any event you plan in the future, #USEAHASHTAG

49 Social Media Tips Understand your target audience and find people online with common ideas to build support. Pick the right social media for your campaign to help with desired results.

50 Social Media Tips Know how to tell your local’s story, issue and position digitally Have a compelling, clear, concise message

51 Activate your community and identify influencers to help your message.
Social Media Tips Activate your community and identify influencers to help your message. Be prepared to inform, engage, activate and be honest about your campaign, position and issue.


53 Upper level communications training for IAFF members serving as Comm Directors.
Weeklong classes on advanced social media, creating video, online advertising with extra focus on branding. 50 members at one time. Applications accepted based on attendance at ALTS and regional IAFF provided communications training. Look for application on after ALTS.

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