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Early Adulthood.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Adulthood."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Adulthood

2 Cognitive Development
Piaget’s Formal Operation stage Postformal thought Perry’s theory-dualistic thinking-dividing information Relativistic thinking-not absolute truth but multiple truths

3 Schaie’s theory Acquisitive stage (childhood and adolescence)-knowledge acquisition Achieving stage-(early adulthood) People must adapt their cognitive skills to situations that profound effect on long-term goals Focus on applying knowledge to everyday life

4 Physical Changes Change in lifestyle
Stress Hypertension Heart disease Substance abuse Smoking Alcohol obesity Focus on exercise and diet for healthy lifestyle

5 Immune system T cells-form in the born marrow and mature in the thymus and attack antigens The immune system increases during adolescence and decreases after 20 years of age

6 Reproduction Increase of first births in women in 30s
Age affects male reproductive capacity especially after 40

7 Selecting a vocation Fantasy period Tentative period Realistic period
Gender stereotypes-table 13.2

8 Emotional Development
Table 14.1 Intimacy vs. isolation Careers Intimacy Age 30 transition Social clock Mate selection

9 More Emotional Development
Friendships Leaving home Starting families Parenthood Divorce Childlessness Establishing a career

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