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Cloud Computing and MapReduce

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1 Cloud Computing and MapReduce
Used slides from RAD Lab at UC Berkeley about the cloud ( and slides from Jimmy Lin’s slides ( (licensed under Creation Commons Attribution 3.0 License)

2 Cloud computing What is the “cloud”?
Many answers. Easier to explain with examples: Gmail is in the cloud Amazon (AWS) EC2 and S3 are the cloud Google AppEngine is the cloud Windows Azure is the cloud SimpleDB is in the cloud The “network” (cloud) is the computer

3 Cloud Computing What about Wikipedia?
“Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet). “

4 Cloud Computing Computing as a “service” rather than a “product”
Everything happens in the “cloud”: both storage and computing Personal devices (laptops/tablets) simply interact with the cloud Advantages Device agonstic – can seamlessly move from one device to other Efficiency/scalability: programming frameworks allow easy scalability (relatively speaking) Increasing need to handle “Big Data” Reliability Multi-tenancy (better on the cloud provider) Cost: “pay as you go” allows renting computing resources as needed – much cheaper than building your own systems

5 more Scalability means that you (can) have infinite resources, can handle unlimited number of users Multi-tenancy enables sharing of resources and costs across a large pool of users. Lower cost, higher utilization… but other issues: e.g. security. Elasticity: you can add or remove computer nodes and the end user will not be affected/see the improvement quickly. Utility computing (similar to electrical grid)

6 X-as-a-Service

7 X-as-a-Service

8 Cloud Types

9 Data Centers The key infrastructure piece that enables CC
Everyone is building them Huge amount of work on deciding how to build/design them

10 Data Centers

11 Data Centers

12 Data Centers Amazon data centers: Some old data
8 MW data center can include about 46,000 servers Costs about $88 million to build (just the facility) Power a pretty large portion, but server costs still dominate source: James Hamilton Presentation

13 Data Centers Power distribution
Slides from 4-5 years ago Data Centers Power distribution Almost 11% lost in distribution – starts mattering when the total power consumption is in millions Modular and pre-fab designs Fast and economic deployments, built in a factory source: James Hamilton Presentation

14 Data Centers Networking equipment Cooling/temperature/energy issues
Very very expensive: server/storage prices dropping fast Networking frozen in time: vertically integrated ecosystem Bottleneck – forces workload placement restrictions Cooling/temperature/energy issues Appropriate placement of vents, inlets etc. a key issue Thermal hotspots often appear and need to worked around Overall cost of cooling is quite high So is the cost of running the computing equipment Both have led to issues in energy-efficient computing Hard to optimize PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) in small data centers  may lead to very large data centers in near future Ideally PUE should be 1, currently numbers are around 1.07 is a Facebook data center that does not have A/C source: James Hamilton Presentation

15 MGHPCC Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center
MGHPCC in Holyoke, MA Cost: $95M 8.6 acres, 10,000 high-end computers with hundreds of thousands of processor cores 10 MW power + 5MW for cooling/lighting Close to electricity sources (hydroelectric plant)+ solar More:

16 Amazon Web Services 11 AWS regions worldwide

17 Virtualization Virtual machines (e.g., running Windows inside a Mac) etc. has been around for a long time Used to be very slow… Only recently became efficient enough to make it a key for CC Basic idea: run virtual machines on your servers and sell time on them That’s how Amazon EC2 runs Many advantages: “Security”: virtual machines serves as “almost” impenetrable boundary Multi-tenancy: can have multiple VMs on the same server Efficiency: replace many underpowered machines with a few high-power machines

18 Virtualization Consumer VM products include VMWare, Parallels (for Mac), VirtualBox etc… Some tricky things to keep in mind: Harder to reason about performance (if you care) Identical VMs may deliver somewhat different performance Much continuing work on the virtualization technology itself

19 Docker Hottest thing right now…
Avoid the overheads of virtualization altogether


21 Cloud Application Demand
Many cloud applications have cyclical demand curves Daily, weekly, monthly, … Demand Time Resources 21

22 Economics of Cloud Users
How do you pick a capacity level? Economics of Cloud Users Pay by use instead of provisioning for peak Recall: DC costs >$150M and takes 24+ months to design and build Demand Capacity Time Resources Demand Capacity Time Resources Unused resources Static data center Data center in the cloud 22

23 Economics of Cloud Users
Risk of over-provisioning: underutilization Huge sunk cost in infrastructure Demand Capacity Time Resources Unused resources Resources Demand Capacity Time (days) 1 2 3 Static data center 23

24 Utility Computing Arrives
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) “Compute unit” rental: $ /hour 1 CU ≈ GHz 2007 AMD Opteron/Intel Xeon core No up-front cost, no contract, no minimum Billing rounded to nearest hour (also regional,spot pricing) Platform Units Memory Disk Small - $0.10 $.085/hour 32-bit 1 1.7GB 160GB Large - $0.40 $0.35/hour 64-bit 4 7.5GB 850GB – 2 spindles X Large - $0.80 $0.68/hour 8 15GB 1690GB – 4 spindles High CPU Med - $0.20 $0.17 5 350GB High CPU Large - $0.80 $0.68 20 7GB 1690GB High Mem X Large - $0.50 6.5 17.1GB High Mem XXL - $1.20 13 34.2GB High Mem XXXL - $2.40 26 68.4GB 24

25 Utility Storage Arrives
Amazon S3 and Elastic Block Storage offer low-cost, contract-less storage 25


27 Programming Frameworks
Third key piece emerged from efforts to “scale out” i.e., distribute work over large numbers of machines (1000’s of machines) Parallelism has been around for a long time Both in a single machine, and as a cluster of computers But always been considered very hard to program, especially the distributed kind Too many things to keep track of How to parallelize, how to distribute the data, how to handle failures etc etc.. Google developed MapReduce and BigTable frameworks, and ushered in a new era

28 Programming Frameworks
Note the difference between “scale up” and “scale out” scale up usually refers to using a larger machine – easier to do scale out refers to distributing over a large number of machines Even with VMs, I still need to know how to distribute work across multiple VMs Amazon’s largest single instance may not be enough

29 Cloud Computing Infrastructure
Computation model: MapReduce* Storage model: HDFS* Other computation models: HPC/Grid Computing Network structure *Some material adapted from slides by Jimmy Lin, Christophe Bisciglia, Aaron Kimball, & Sierra Michels-Slettvet, Google Distributed Computing Seminar, 2007 (licensed under Creation Commons Attribution 3.0 License) 29

30 Cloud Computing Computation Models
Finding the right level of abstraction von Neumann architecture vs cloud environment Hide system-level details from the developers No more race conditions, lock contention, etc. Separating the what from how Developer specifies the computation that needs to be performed Execution framework (“runtime”) handles actual execution Similar to SQL!! 30

31 Typical Large-Data Problem
Map Iterate over a large number of records Extract something of interest from each Shuffle and sort intermediate results Aggregate intermediate results Generate final output Reduce Key idea: provide a functional abstraction for these two operations – MapReduce (Dean and Ghemawat, OSDI 2004) 31

32 MapReduce Programmers specify two functions:
map (k, v) → <k’, v’>* reduce (k’, v’) → <k’, v’’>* All values with the same key are sent to the same reducer The execution framework handles everything else… 33

33 Shuffle and Sort: aggregate values by keys
MapReduce k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 k6 v1 v2 v3 v4 v5 v6 map map map map b a 1 2 c 3 6 a c 5 2 b c 7 8 Shuffle and Sort: aggregate values by keys a 1 5 b 2 7 c 2 3 6 8 reduce reduce reduce r1 s1 r2 s2 r3 s3 34

34 MapReduce What’s “everything else”? Programmers specify two functions:
map (k, v) → <k’, v’>* reduce (k’, v’) → <k’, v’>* All values with the same key are sent to the same reducer The execution framework handles everything else… What’s “everything else”? 35

35 Sounds simple, but many challenges!
MapReduce “Runtime” Handles scheduling Assigns workers to map and reduce tasks Handles “data distribution” Moves processes to data Handles synchronization Gathers, sorts, and shuffles intermediate data Handles errors and faults Detects worker failures and automatically restarts Handles speculative execution Detects “slow” workers and re-executes work Everything happens on top of a distributed FS (later) Sounds simple, but many challenges! 36

36 MapReduce Programmers specify two functions:
map (k, v) → <k’, v’>* reduce (k’, v’) → <k’, v’>* All values with the same key are reduced together The execution framework handles everything else… Not quite…usually, programmers also specify: partition (k’, number of partitions) → partition for k’ Often a simple hash of the key, e.g., hash(k’) mod R Divides up key space for parallel reduce operations combine (k’, v’) → <k’, v’>* Mini-reducers that run in memory after the map phase Used as an optimization to reduce network traffic 37

37 Shuffle and Sort: aggregate values by keys
map map map map b a 1 2 c 3 6 a c 5 2 b c 7 8 combine combine combine combine b a 1 2 c 9 a c 5 2 b c 7 8 partition partition partition partition Shuffle and Sort: aggregate values by keys a 1 5 b 2 7 c 2 3 6 8 c 2 9 8 reduce reduce reduce r1 s1 r2 s2 r3 s3 38

38 Two more details… Barrier between map and reduce phases
But we can begin copying intermediate data earlier Keys arrive at each reducer in sorted order No enforced ordering across reducers 39

39 MapReduce Overall Architecture
User Program (1) submit Master (2) schedule map (2) schedule reduce worker split 0 (5) remote read (6) write output file 0 split 1 worker (3) read split 2 (4) local write worker split 3 output file 1 split 4 worker worker Input files Map phase Intermediate files (on local disk) Reduce phase Output files Adapted from (Dean and Ghemawat, OSDI 2004) 40

40 “Hello World” Example: Word Count
Map(String docid, String text): for each word w in text: Emit(w, 1); Reduce(String term, Iterator<Int> values): int sum = 0; for each v in values: sum += v; Emit(term, value); 41

41 MapReduce can refer to…
The programming model The execution framework (aka “runtime”) The specific implementation Usage is usually clear from context! 42

42 MapReduce Implementations
Google has a proprietary implementation in C++ Bindings in Java, Python Hadoop is an open-source implementation in Java Development led by Yahoo, used in production Now an Apache project Rapidly expanding software ecosystem, but still lots of room for improvement Lots of custom research implementations For GPUs, cell processors, etc. 43

43 Cloud Computing Storage, or how do we get data to the workers?
NAS SAN Compute Nodes What’s the problem here? 44

44 Distributed File System
Don’t move data to workers… move workers to the data! Store data on the local disks of nodes in the cluster Start up the workers on the node that has the data local Why? Network bisection bandwidth is limited Not enough RAM to hold all the data in memory Disk access is slow, but disk throughput is reasonable A distributed file system is the answer GFS (Google File System) for Google’s MapReduce HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) for Hadoop 45

45 GFS: Assumptions Choose commodity hardware over “exotic” hardware
Scale “out”, not “up” High component failure rates Inexpensive commodity components fail all the time “Modest” number of huge files Multi-gigabyte files are common, if not encouraged Files are write-once, mostly appended to Perhaps concurrently Large streaming reads over random access High sustained throughput over low latency GFS slides adapted from material by (Ghemawat et al., SOSP 2003) 46

46 GFS: Design Decisions Files stored as chunks
Fixed size (64MB) Reliability through replication Each chunk replicated across 3+ chunkservers Single master to coordinate access, keep metadata Simple centralized management No data caching Little benefit due to large datasets, streaming reads Simplify the API Push some of the issues onto the client (e.g., data layout) HDFS = GFS clone (same basic ideas implemented in Java) 47

47 From GFS to HDFS Terminology differences: Functional differences:
GFS master = Hadoop namenode GFS chunkservers = Hadoop datanodes Functional differences: No file appends in HDFS (was planned) HDFS performance is (likely) slower 48

48 HDFS Architecture … … HDFS namenode /foo/bar (file name, block id)
Application /foo/bar (file name, block id) File namespace HDFS Client block 3df2 (block id, block location) HDFS datanode Linux file system instructions to datanode HDFS datanode Linux file system datanode state (block id, byte range) block data Adapted from (Ghemawat et al., SOSP 2003) 49

49 Namenode Responsibilities
Managing the file system namespace: Holds file/directory structure, metadata, file-to-block mapping, access permissions, etc. Coordinating file operations: Directs clients to datanodes for reads and writes No data is moved through the namenode Maintaining overall health: Periodic communication with the datanodes Block re-replication and rebalancing Garbage collection 50

50 Putting everything together…
namenode job submission node namenode daemon jobtracker tasktracker tasktracker tasktracker datanode daemon datanode daemon datanode daemon Linux file system Linux file system Linux file system slave node slave node slave node 51

51 MapReduce/GFS Summary
Simple, but powerful programming model Scales to handle petabyte+ workloads Google: six hours and two minutes to sort 1PB (10 trillion 100-byte records) on 4,000 computers Yahoo!: hours to sort 1PB on 3,800 computers Incremental performance improvement with more nodes Seamlessly handles failures, but possibly with performance penalties 52

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