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Animal foods are hard on our planet

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1 Animal foods are hard on our planet
Animal foods are hard on our planet! “our diet matters more than our cars”

2 If we all eat meat, we’ll need more planets

3 Nutritionally, large amounts of animal foods are hard on our health too
Those who eat the largest quantities of red meat are 40% more likely to have CVD, DM2, cancer Antibiotics in animal production have helped create superbugs

4 Protein is important in growth and in healing but is plentiful in u. s
Protein is important in growth and in healing but is plentiful in u.s. food supply. Meat is heavily marketed

5 our “microbiome” loves beans for their fiber
our “microbiome” loves beans for their fiber! Animal foods have zero fiber and I recommend beans for their cost. Nutrition is not too expensive!

6 other considerations Environmental pros for animal foods
Some land is not suited to grow plants Animal products are more sustainable than flesh foods Manure is great fertilizer A small amount of animal food “complements the proteins in plant foods and magnifies the iron” Nutrition pros for a small amount of animal foods Phytates in grain-heavy diets lead to anemia Bioavailabillity of some nutrients== Retinyl esters, B12, zinc, iron In healing bioavailability becomes vital

7 more nutritional factors…
Fish is promoted by nutrition science but not by me Vegans: Nutrition? It’s possible to have inadequate vegan diets Social? It’s hard to eat with vegans Religion? Compassion? Indians ate animals and honored their spirits Some land doesn’t grow plants well

8 Summary: Beef vs Beans

9 Food choices are a short-term decision with a long-term impact
Food choices are a short-term decision with a long-term impact. thomas Jefferson:

10 My Recommendation For the public for long-term health: Eat little or no animal flesh, especially red meat, to improve * health: weight, heart, antioxidants and fiber * Economy: micro- and macro expense * environment:: water, energy, air, land, transportation

11 But meat is only half the Environmental Problem!
Agriculture is the biggest contributor to climate change Dr Dariush Mozaffarian: Tufts University: Our food system is the leading cause of environmental impact on the planet. How we grow our food accounts for 70% of water use, 90% of tropical deforestation, immense challenges to the oceans and fish stock, and as much greenhouse gas emissions as all of the world’s transportation—cars, trucks, buses, planes, trains and ships— combined. The Harvard School of Public Health: Agriculture alone is responsible for up to 30% of global greenhouse gas emission—with almost half caused by livestock production alone Veggies, fruits and nuts currently account for only 2% of U.S. crop acreage. By contrast, nearly 60% is devoted to cereal grains and seeds grown primarily for the production of edible oils. The greatest uses of corn and soybeans include fuel (ethanol and biodiesel), livestock feed and ingredients such as high-fructose corn syrup. Only 10% of grains grown in the U.S. are for direct consumption by humans.

12 WATER: contamination and wastage:
Fracking pollutes and endangers our water for the future Our Midwest drought is serious, but California’s is worse Farmers in southwest KS grow thirsty corn with our future water Internationally there is a trend toward PRIVATIZING water Climate change will impact agriculture massively

13 solutionS are personal & societal
Change farming: Land Institute Salina KS: roots so deep that annual plowing will be obsolete Farm Bill subsidizes wrong foods Community & urban gardens And food practices:: 40% of all food is discarded somewhere between field to fridge And packaging Less is better.

14 Personal & societal recommendations

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