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Math Expo Information.

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1 Math Expo Information

2 The purpose of the Math Expo is to offer students the opportunity to think deeply about mathematics as it applies to everyday life.

3 Dates Lake Norman Elementary Math Expo Lake Norman Elementary
Friday, February 24, 2017 Western Regional Math Expo Appalachian State University, Boone, NC Saturday, March 25, 2017 State Math Expo North Carolina School of Science and Math, Durham, NC Date- April 28, 2017

4 Overview of LNE Math Expo 2015-2016
The LNE Math Exposition will be held at the school. Projects entered should explore mathematical ideas of interest to the student. Be creative! Explore your own original idea or one of these examples: Experiments in estimation, measurement, or problem-solving Application of mathematics in navigation, astronomy, economics, photography, music, hobbies, etc. Analysis, Trigonometry, Topology, Statistics and Probability Make a game using math concepts. Write a biography of a famous mathematician Explain an mathematical theory Solve a problem using a mathematical formula

5 Steps in Developing a Math Fair Project
Decide on a topic Plan steps in project Conduct some research about your topic Investigate and collect data Create a display with write-ups and graphics Practice talking about your project

6 Quality Point Criteria
Written documentation which must include Origin of idea An outline of the development of the project Discussion of mathematical concepts investigated References used including names of resource people Oral presentation which must include Clear and well organized discussion of mathematical concept presented Response to evaluator’s questions Development and demonstration of mathematical concepts in an effective manner Investigations which extend beyond the student’s everyday classroom investigations Student creativity Organization of ideas, thoroughness, and clarity Appearance

7 Project Guidelines (These guidelines are set by the Regional and State Math Fairs)
Maximum Size of Exhibit with all measurements made at the widest points. One meter in width (side to side) One meter in depth (front to back) One meter in height The explanation of your idea and your written mathematical process must be displayed on a project board. The project board is to show evidence of your mathematical thinking. Each project must be labeled on the back of project board with a 3x5 index card with the following information: Name of individual or class. Class projects should name presenters representing the class. Grade level Class or Individual Project Title Teacher/Coach Name School Name Any special equipment such as a microcomputer, printer, extension cord, power strip, etc. must be supplied by the presenter. Quality Points will be awarded on a scale of 0 to 3: 0=Below Average, 1=Average, 2=Above Average, 3=Outstanding. Individual projects may involve one or two students only. The day of the Exposition one or two students must be available for the presentation and interview for each project. Student presenters must be present during the scheduled presentation and interview time for the category entered. Math related activity sessions are scheduled for students when they are presenting and interviewing.

8 Points Awarded per category
Score WRITTEN DOCUMENTATION ORAL PRESENTATION MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS INVESTIGATIONS CREATIVITY ORGANIZATION APPEARANCE 3 Project clearly includes ideas on each: the origin of the idea, a project description, student thinking process, discussion about the mathematical concept investigated, and the references Project presenter provides clear and well-organized discussion of the project and responds effectively to judges’ questions Project clearly demonstrate mathematical concepts in an effective manner Project clearly goes beyond everyday classroom investigations in math Project clearly demonstrate creative and innovative ideas Project clearly demonstrates good organization of ideas, thoroughness, and clarity Project clearly presents a neat and attractive appearance 2 Project seems to includes most information on each: origin of the idea, a project description, discussion about the mathematical concept investigated, and the references Project presenter provides some discussion of the project and respond with appropriate answers to judges’ questions Project demonstrate mathematical concepts Project seems to go beyond everyday classroom investigations in math Project demonstrates some creative or innovative ideas Project demonstrates some organization of ideas, thoroughness, and clarity Project seems neat and attractive 1 Project omits or ineffectively provides information on one or more categories: the origin of the idea, a project description, discussion about the mathematical concept investigated, and the references Project presenter does not clearly discuss the project and/or responds inappropriately to judges’ questions Project does not clearly demonstrate mathematical concepts Project demonstrates everyday classroom investigations in math Project demonstrates little creative or innovative ideas Project demonstrates little organization of ideas, thoroughness, and clarity Project lacks a neat and attractive appearance Points Awarded per category Additional comments: Up to 5 extra points may be awarded for clearly demonstrating work or thinking beyond high expectations for grade level. Comments should reflect support for additional points awarded. Total Score: ________ Student Name _____________________________________________ School and Grade Level _________________________




12 Topics to Think About Computation Algebra Geometry Probability
Decimals/Fractions Graphing Measurement Data Analysis Scale drawing or models Tessellations Famous mathematicians Optical Illusions Stock Market Ratios Consumer Math Proportion Tangrams Estimation Game theory Formulas Time Magic Squares Abacus Math and Science Math and Art Math and Music Math and Literature Math and Social Studies

13 Questions: Contact Bethany Orr

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