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Level II Orientation Tuesday, January 31, 2017.

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Presentation on theme: "Level II Orientation Tuesday, January 31, 2017."— Presentation transcript:

1 Level II Orientation Tuesday, January 31, 2017

2 Agenda Introduction to Level II
Professional Code of Conduct (dress code, attendance, professional behavior) Sequence of Placement Supervision, Evaluation and Plans of Improvement Student Teaching Applications; Teacher in Residence Questions?

3 What is Level II? 75 hour clinical experience prior to Level III (student teaching) Content specific (Reading Block for elementary majors) 90-minutes to 2 hours each day, 5 days per week, until 75-hours are complete. Lesson planning, unit writing, beginning teaching

4 Professional Code of Conduct
Professional behavior and attitude toward the clinical experience Follow all rules and expectations of classroom teacher Maintain confidentiality regarding students and school issues Keep an open mind and a positive attitude

5 Social Media/Cell Phone Usage
DO NOT use your cell phone during the clinical. NO TEXTING. DO NOT accept students or parents on social media sites. DO NOT post pictures or information on social media sites about students or school issues.

6 Dress Code Business casual dress
Clothes should fit and cover appropriately. Good hygiene. No jeans, with the exception of special dress days. No tattoos or piercings visible, with the exception of ear piercing. ID badge should be worn at all times.

7 Attendance Policy Student must log all time on Live Text each day.
If a student is going to be absent, FIRST notify cooperating teacher, NEXT notify university supervisor. No exceptions. Upon 3 absences, student will be placed on a Plan of Improvement. Upon 6 absences, student will be given a grade of “no credit” and must repeat the clinical.

8 Supervision and Evaluation
Each student is assigned a university supervisor University supervisor serves as liaison between cooperating teacher, student and university. University supervisor will complete observations, midterm evaluation and final evaluation. Cooperating teacher will complete observations, midterm evaluation and final evaluation. Any score of “unsatisfactory” on the midterm will result in Plan of Improvement. Any score of “unsatisfactory” on the final evaluation will result in failure of the clinical.

9 Plan of Improvement Attendance Unacceptable dress
Unacceptable behavior Not following protocol regarding lesson plans Any rating of “unsatisfactory” on midterm evaluation.

10 Teacher in Residence (TiR) program
Affiliation between Marshall University COEPD and select surrounding WV counties Complete student teaching in a content specific position, receiving a portion of the contract salary Complete all pieces of evaluation for MUCOEPD student teaching (evaluations and observations by university supervisor, successful completion of Teacher Performance Assessment, successful completion of Capstone Interview). Upon completion of student teaching, student is hired on probationary teaching contract.

11 Student Teaching Application
Complete if planning to student teach in Fall 2017. Please list all county requests, school requests and any other information needed to make placement. Use the back of the application if necessary. Out of area placements only for Medical, Military and Marriage.

12 Questions, Concerns? Amanda Preece Marshall University COEPD SCoPES

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