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Computer for Grade 4 Student's Name:

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2 Computer for Grade 4 Student's Name:................................
Class : Computer for Grade 4

3 CHAPTER 1 Computer Basics

4 Lesson 1- Computer Parts
Advantages of Computers : A computer is a machine that works with data or information. It’s used to: write letters and numbers. draw pictures and color them. communicate with people all over the world. search for information and videos using the Internet. listen to music. watch videos and movies. print paper.

5 Note: .

6 Computer Parts: C.P.U Monitor Mouse Keyboard Printer

7 The Mouse lets you point and click to tell the computer what to do.
The Monitor is like a television screen. It shows pictures and letters. The Keyboard has letters and numbers on buttons called Keys. It allows you to write and put information into the computer. The Mouse lets you point and click to tell the computer what to do. The Printer makes paper copies of your work. The C.P.U (Central Processing Unit) is the brain of the computer. It controls the computer. The C.P.U is inside the system case. Printer C.P.U Mouse Keyboard Monitor

8 Input, Output and Storage units
Computer parts can be classified into three groups according to their function. Input units: Tools that put information into the computer such as: mouse keyboard scanner microphone digital camera Output units: Tools that take information out of the computer such as: monitor printer speakers

9 Storage Units: We use the storage units to save data , such as:
Floppy disk Hard disk drive CD-ROM Flash memory

10 (Mouse – Keyboard – Printer – Monitor - C.P.U – Scanner - Speakers)
Student Assessment Match Who am I? (Mouse – Keyboard – Printer – Monitor - C.P.U – Scanner - Speakers) 1. I am the brain of the computer ………………… 2. I am like a television screen. I show pictures and letters ……………….. 3. I make you write and put information into the computer ………………… 4.I am used to tell the computer what to do …………………. 5. I am used to print paper ………………..…

11 Classify which is input unit (I/U) ,output unit (O/U), and storage unit (S/U):


13 Lesson 2- Drop - Down Menu
The Drop down menu is a menu that contains many commands, every command is used for a certain function. This is the Drop- down menu Example: 1- Open a word document. 2- Click on File in the menu bar. 3- File menu is an example for a drop down menu that contains many commands like: Print – Save – New – Open - Exit word To exit the drop-down menu, Click Outside the menu using the mouse.

14 Lesson 2- Organize Files
A file Is a page or pages created on the computer. Almost all information stored in a computer must be in a file. There are many types of files: Examples: document, spreadsheet and presentations. A folder A subdivision of the hard disk for organizing data. Folders contain files as well as other folders. Folders can be created on the desktop or on any other place on the computer Example: (Hard disk – Floppy disk – CD). To RENAME a file or a folder: Right click on the file or folder then choose Rename Or Press F2 on the keyboard. 2. Write the new name. 3. Press Enter.

15 To Paste the copied file:
To Create a new folder: Right click on any space, choose New, then choose Folder, the folder will appear ready to rename. To Copy a file: Right click on the file to be copied – choose copy. To Paste the copied file: Go to the new place where you want the copy of your file, right click, then choose paste (Now you have two copies of the same file). Folder Files

16 Lesson 4- Use the Search feature
Search feature is a computer program that finds files or folders that are stored on the computer. Example: There’s a file called “Books” and you can’t remember its place, You can use Search feature to search for it. To search for a file, take the following steps: 1- Open start and choose search Choose “All files and folders”.

17 3- Write the file name “Books ” and click on the Search button to start searching.
4- When the file is found, its name will be displayed, double click on the file name to open it Double click on the file name to open it.

18 Student Assessment Match 1-File Menu 2-F2 3-A folder 4-A file 5-Search
A- Is an object created to organize files or folders. 2-F2 B-Is a page or pages created on the computer . 3-A folder C-a computer program that finds files or folders that are stored on the computer. 4-A file D- It’s an example for a drop down menu. 5-Search E- Is used to rename a file or a folder. 1 ( ……) 2 ( ……) 3 ( ……) 4 ( ……) 5 ( ……)

19 Lesson 5- Open and Close a Program
You can use the mouse to open and close a program. You have many kinds of programs such as: Power Point Program. 2. Excel program. 3. Word Processing Program. Double click on the icon to open a program. To close a program, there are many ways: X-button in the menu bar. 2. Open File menu and choose Exit.

20 Lesson 6- Navigation You can use the keyboard buttons to navigate (Move) through a document. Follow these steps to navigate using the keyboard: Use the four arrows to move up, down, right and left. 2. Special keys are used to move around the document quickly. We use page up Key to move only one page up in the document. We use page down Key to move only one page down in the document. We use Ctrl + end to move to the end of the document. We use Ctrl+ home to move to the beginning of the document.

21 You can use the mouse to move the page (up & down)
Follow these steps to practice navigating by the mouse: Click on up or down arrow. Click on scroll box, drag it up or down. This is the up arrow This is the scroll box This is the down arrow

22 Lesson 7- Computer’s Calculator
You can use the calculator that appears by either using your mouse to click the buttons or by using the number keypad on the right side of your keyboard. There are two ways to open the computer’s calculator:- 1)  Go to the Start menu in the lower left hand corner and click on it. 2)  Click on "All Programs" or "Programs" 3)  Look for "Accessories" and then select "Calculator"

23 Write Calc and click on ok.
Start Run Write Calc and click on ok. (Minus Sign ) (Plus Sign ) These numbers are used to make different calculations (Product Sign ) (Equal Sign )

24 Student Assessment ( ) 1. Plus sign 2. Equal sign 3. Product sign
Match ( ) 1. Plus sign 2. Equal sign 3. Product sign 4. Minus sign

25 Unit 2


27 Lesson 1- Keyboarding Basics
Numbers Arrows Space Bar Enter Shift Letters Place your right thumb lightly on the Space Bar. With your right little finger, tap Enter.

28 Lesson 2- Proper Position
Proper Keyboarding Posture and Techniques Sit up straight. Feet flat on the floor. Body centered in front of the computer. Elbows naturally by side. Fingers curved on the keyboard. Wrists low, but not touching the keyboard. Right little finger used to tap enter key; other fingers remain on the home keys.

29 Wrong Right Work Area Arrangement Keyboard directly in front of chair.
Keyboard even with edge of desk. Monitor placed for easy viewing. Disk drives placed for easy access. Printer is located on the right of the monitor. Wrong Right



32 Put (√) or (X) below each picture:

33 Lesson 3- Home Keys Follow these steps to practice using Home Keys:
Place fingers of left hand on A S D F Place fingers of right hand on J K L ; Rest your right thumb lightly on the space bar. (Your left thumb is free.) A S D F and J K L ; have a special name. They're called the home keys. Why? Because in touching the keyboard, you always start from these keys, and return to them. That way your fingers never lose their place. Lesson 3- Home Keys

34 Second finger Third finger Note: Start counting your fingers after the thumb. First finger little finger Thumb

35 Student Assessment Circle the correct answer:
1. Which is the correct keyboarding position? a- Sit up straight, both feet on the floor, fingers curved. b- Sit up straight, both feet on the floor, fingers straight. C- One foot on the floor, fingers curved. 2. The Home Keys are…………………… a- asdg hijl b- asdf jkl; c- asdf jkl”

36 Write the name of every finger in its place:
(little finger - Third finger – Second Finger – First Finger – Thumb)

37 a). ej uj ujh juj dc dc cd cd b). EjEj cas caf jek jul hk uku
Lesson 4- The E and H Keys Follow these steps to practice using E & H keys: 1. Place your fingers on the Home keys. 2. Look at the picture. Reach with your left second finger to tap E. Return your finger quickly to D 3. Look again to the picture. Reach with your right first finger to tap H. Return your finger quickly to J 4. Key the lines below. Use the left shift key for capital letters. Tap ENTER to start a new line. a). ej uj ujh juj dc dc cd cd b). EjEj cas caf jek jul hk uku

38 Lesson 5- The O and R Keys Lesson 6- The I and T Keys
Follow these steps to practice using O & R keys: 1. Place your fingers on the Home keys. 2. Reach with your right third finger to tap O. Return your finger quickly to L 3. Reach with your left third finger to tap R. Return your finger quickly to F Lesson 6- The I and T Keys Follow these steps to practice using J & T keys: 1. Place your fingers on the Home keys. 2. Reach with your right second finger to tap I. Return your finger quickly to K 3. Reach with your left first finger to tap T . Return your finger quickly to F

39 Lesson 7- The Left Shift Key b). Hot Jot Led Lot Lad Jed
Follow these steps to practice using the left shift key : 1. Place your fingers on the Home keys. 2. Look at the picture. Reach with your left little finger to tap left shift. Use the left shift key to capitalize letters that you key with your right fingers. 3. Practice tapping left shift with J, K, L, O, I, and H Key the lines below. a). Jj Kk Oo Ii Hh J K L O I H b). Hot Jot Led Lot Lad Jed


41 Student Assessment Circle the correct answer:
1. To start a new line, use……………. a- the enter key c- the scroll bar. b- the space Bar d- shift key. 2. Which key should you use to capitalize a letter? a- Tap c- Space bar. b- Shift d- Enter key. 3. To turn off Caps Lock, press ……………. a- delete c- Space bar. b- caps lock d- Enter key. 4. To tap the space bar, use ……………. a- the right thumb c- the right little finger. b- the left thumb d- the right little finger.

42 Unit 3 Internet

43 Lesson 1:Web Basics Review
Internet is a collection of web pages that contains information and pictures. People in offices use internet to find facts to make their business grow. You can use the internet to find facts about your favorite animal. You can also search for pictures and videos and communicate with people all over the world. Many programs can be used to search for information. For example: Internet Explorer.

44 Internet explorer icon is on the desktop or on the start menu.
Double click on this icon to log on the internet. The page in the internet is called web page. Home Page: The first web page that opens when we log on the internet. To go to any web page we write the URL in the address box then press on enter or go. This is the URL This is the address box


46 Lesson 4: Favorites To add a link to favorites, follow these steps:
Favorites are links to websites that you save in internet explorer. By saving favorites, you can quickly return to websites that you like to visit often. For example, if you discover a new website that you think you might want to return to, you can add a link to it in your list of favorites or on the Favorites bar. when you want to return to the website, you can get there with a single click, instead of having to type the address. To add a link to favorites, follow these steps: Open your web page by using internet Explorer. Go to the webpage you want to add to the Favorites bar. Click Favorites. Click add page to Favorites.

47 Put () for the correct sentences and (X) for the wrong ones:
Student Assessment Put () for the correct sentences and (X) for the wrong ones: To log on the Internet, use internet explorer ( ) The page in the internet is called document ( ) The first web page that opens when we log on to the internet is called home page ( ) 4. forward is used to go to the previous web page ( ) 5. Stop is used to refresh your current page ( ) 6. Print is used to print a web page ( ) 7. To add a link to favorites, open tools menu ( )

48 Choose the correct answer:
1-A URL is ………… an address. the home page of a web site. the address of a web page. a web browser. 2- To move from one web page to the previous one you visited, use ……………… forward button. reload button. back button. go button.

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