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Cottage Armory Restoration Project

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1 Cottage Armory Restoration Project
Let’s Make History! Lets Make History!

2 Intro to the Armory Project
The City of Cottage Grove purchased the National Guard Armory in 2010 Goals for the Armory Project: To design, implement and manage the development campaign for the restoration and renovation of the CG Armory project in Cottage Grove, OR To raise a minimum of $2.6 Million over 30 months To create awareness of the project through education, tourism and donor stewardship To assist in the development of a “Friends of the Armory” volunteer group.

3 History The Amory located at 628 E. Washington Ave was completed in 1931 as a National Guard Armory and local community center Art Deco Style 33,000 spare foot, two-story cast-in-place concrete structure: Largest building in the National Register-listed Downtown CG Historic District Important component of the streetscape of the Downtown Cottage Grove Historic District

4 History Designed by the Eugene architecture firm of Hunzicker, Smith and Philips at the start of the great depression Drill hall: In addition to military drills and deployment ceremonies Bohemia Days queen WWII roller skating rink Ballroom dancing School dances Gymnastics competitions Flower shows In 2009, the National Guard consolidated its units in Springfield, vacating the Cottage Grove Armory

5 Now Owned by the City of Cottage Grove, but cannot be occupied in its current condition: The only restrooms are in the basement level The boiler system is inoperable, so there is no heating, air conditioning or fire suppression Possible asbestos and certain lead contamination No ADA access to the basement or second floor The drill hall/gymnasium is not seismically stable To utilize the building to its full potential, restoration of the exterior and extension rehabilitation of the interior must occur

6 Needs that the new Armory will fulfill in the community
Community gathering space Large event space Convention space Boys and Girls club/ youth recreation General recreation Commercial kitchen Business incubation Archival space for local historic non-profits Soup Kitchen Historic preservation

7 Why now? The longer the Armory sits, the more the building degrades

8 Plan: Schematic Design
Historic Preservation Maintaining character while incorporating modifications to accommodate proposed uses Historic Preservation The proposed Armory retains the character of the existing appearance while incorporating modifications to accommodate proposed uses. Accessibility The armory is currently very limited in regards to being ADA-compliant. The proposed Armory provides a new street-level northeast entry with stairs and elevator to provide access to all levels. In addition, the new ramped access on the west side and circulation throughout the building provide ADA-compliant access to each space while preserving the existing ceremonial southeast entry stair with only minor modifications. The elevator at the northeast entry is sized to accommodate carts to allow moving tables and related furnishings to all levels of the facility, as well as to accommodate EMT gurneys in the event of an emergency.

9 Accessibility Accessibility
The armory is currently very limited in regards to being ADA-compliant. The proposed Armory provides a new elevator system to help solve our ADA-compliancy issues

10 Plan: Schematic Design
Drill Hall Preservation of the Drill Hall because of its wide-space potential Balcony The flexibility this provides for displays and alternate uses, as well as for accessibility for users, were main concerns in this decision. Sections of re-locatable bleachers will be used to increase seating capacity for some uses, while being stored at the southwest corner when not in use. Also shown on the Balcony level is a modest elevated Sound Booth for A-V controls. Drill Hall An early consensus was to preserve intact the open space of the Drill Hall, even while providing for a wide variety of activities. The interior connecting stairs from the main level of the Drill Hall to the Balcony, as well as from the Drill Hall to the Lower Level, are shown as restored and widened sufficiently to provide legal access. Balcony The Balcony is shown without restoration of the original tiered seating (which was removed prior to the City’s purchase of the Armory). The flexibility this provides for displays and alternate uses, as well as for accessibility for users, were main concerns in this decision. Sections of relocatable bleachers are shown at the sound end to increase seating capacity for some uses, while being stored at the southwest corner when not in use. Also shown on the Balcony level is a modest elevated Sound Booth for A-V controls.

11 Plan: Schematic Design
Kitchen/Food Service Proposed kitchen uses: Small group kitchen, teaching kitchen, catering support kitchen, rental/ incubator kitchen, and banquet kitchen. Southwest corner: Service and staging area with stair and small elevator to Main Level. Quartermasters room: Additional staging and support for both the Drill Hall and the Company Room for smaller groups. Northeast meeting rooms: Wet corner for coffee service and support of small group use of these spaces. Kitchen/Food Service Food service and support of the intended uses and activities resulted in the Kitchen as shown on the lower level as well as secondary support areas on the Main Level. To support banquets and food service in the Drill Hall, the southwest corner of the Lower Level is developed as a service and staging area with stair and small elevator to the Main Level. On the Main Level, in the Quartermaster’s Room, additional staging and support is provided for both the Drill Hall and the Company Room when used for smaller groups in meetings and small banquets. Also on the Main Level, the northeast meeting rooms include a modest wet corner for coffee service and support of small group use of these spaces.

12 Plan: Schematic Design
Meeting and Multi-Purpose Rooms Options for meeting rooms: The Company Room on the Main Level The Legion Room on the Lower Level The Commanding Officer’s Room on the Upper Level The Banquet Room on the Lower Level Additional Lower Level spaces for meetings, conference and film screening Larger space on left side of Lower Level for youth activities, exercise studios or similar uses Meeting and Multi-Purpose Rooms Multiple options for meeting rooms are available, reflecting the considerable concern for flexible use of the entire facility and the variety of intended users. The Company Room on the Main Level and the Legion Room on the Lower Level are preserved intact for meetings and out of respect for their historical uses. The Commanding Officer’s Room is preserved on the Upper Level as a ceremonial and display room. The Banquet Room on the Lower Level offers additional meeting space, adjecent to the proposed kitchen facility. Additional spaces are created on the Lower Level for meetings, conference and film screening. On the west side of the Lower Level, a larger divisible space provides for youth activities, exercise studios or similar uses accessed primarily from the new lower west entrance.

13 Plan: Schematic Design
Restrooms Accessible restrooms on each level The Lower Level restrooms with their historic original finish materials are modestly modified to serve the Lower Level. Additional Lower Level restrooms on the west side serve adjacent uses. Zones Building circulation: Allows limited areas of the facility to be available to specific users without allowing access to the entire structure New northeast entry Locked door at the base of the stairwell restricts Lower Level access Restrooms Accessible restrooms on each level are created to accommodate expected uses on those levels and to meet current Code requirements. The Lower Level restrooms with their historic original finish materials are modestly modified to serve the Lower Level. Additional Lower Level restrooms on the west side serve adjacent uses Zones The building circulation is developed to allow limited areas of the facility to be available to specific users without allowing access to the entire structure. The new northeast entry with adjacent office for supervisory staff allows that entry to be unlocked while adjacent doors remain locked to limit building access to unauthorized users. A similar locked door at the base of that stairwell restricts access to the Lower Level. Interior doors by the Kitchen and Studio space on the Lower Level allow flexible use of these areas while providing a level of building security.

14 Plan: Schematic Design
Storage Tables, chairs, carts, screens, and food service equipment are examples of items needing storage for general building use The kitchen area includes storage for equipment, supplies and foodstuffs to support kitchen uses. Archival storage is provided for an historic film collection, as well as City records and files. Historical Displays As an historic structure, multiple opportunities are available to reinforce a sense of history throughout the facility The southeast corner entry will remain as the iconic image for the Armory walls. Storage Space is provided for storage of furnishings and equipment needed to support the uses and activities anticipated. Tables, chairs, carts, screens, and food service equipment are examples of items needing storage for general building use. The kitchen area includes storage for equipment, supplies and foodstuffs to support kitchen uses. Archival storage is provided for an historic film collection, as well as City records and files.

15 Cost of construction General - $500,500 Site - $24,500
Exterior: Existing - $100,000 Northeast Entry Addition - $480,000 West Lower Entry Modification - $17,000 Lower Level: Existing - $500,000 Main Level: Existing - $200,000 Upper Level: Existing - 102,000 Structural Rehab - $38,000 Plumbing - $28,500 HVAC - $473,000 Fire Protection Systems - $137,000 Electrical - $128,500 Phone and Data - $9,000 Fire Alarm - $45,000

16 Estimated Total: $2.8 Million
Cost of Construction Estimated Total: $2.8 Million

17 Final look

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