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Assessment tool - 7 Domains – Z chart capture template

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1 Assessment tool - 7 Domains – Z chart capture template
Page 1 Assessment tool - 7 Domains – Z chart capture template Domain and requirements Self Assessment Questions – within your Transformation Programme do you….. Relationships Honouring everyone’s input Diversity of views Trusting, open environment Team based work Have a cultural environment where you can get insights from everyone in the programme and from all levels? Actively seek diverse views from those within the system and from others outside the system Have a trusting environment where people can willingly share problems and ideas? Turn change into something that teams from across the system can contribute to? Risk Taking Emotional support Balanced assessment Learning from failure Trying new things Support team members so that failure is acceptable as long as we learn, re-design and then succeed? Take a balanced view to risk taking and move away from a worst case scenario approach? Encourage people to try new things even when the outcome is uncertain? Support safe experimentation? Resources Funding Time Authority to act Reinforce a norm that people should act on ideas rather than always seek permission? Give people the time and the resources they need to make change happen? Have Governance structures in place that support and enable system wide change? Support distributed leaders from other organisations to deliver programme change? Knowledge Wide scope search Uncensored, unfiltered Free-flowing Encourage individuals to search widely for innovative solutions? Easily adopt best practice from other organisations? Get information flowing quickly, freely and uncensored across the system and between the organisations involved in a transformational change programme? Goals What, not how Specific call for and expectation of transformation Clear narrative for system transformation Have a shared narrative and vision for transformation across our programme? Use a language that appeals to and inspires our people to deliver transformation? Have programme goals that take precedence over organisational goals? Honestly report our status on projects or if they are rated amber or red? Rewards Established rewards for transformation Rewards to transformation align with Organisational goals Personal, individualised recognition Make transformation or participating in change personally rewarding? Promote peer and public recognition for transformational change? Align transformational activities with organisational processes such as performance reviews? Say thank you often and celebrate our successes? Tools Structure and process for transformation Training of people Encourage and support skills development Follow a process for transformational change? Have the tools needed for transformation? Have the opportunity for training and development? Receive Coaching and coach your team in transformation, to use and embed new skills? Z chart – score each domain based on your perception of how well you believe your programme performs against the assessment questions - then join up the dots -1 1 2 3 -1 1 2 3 -1 1 2 3 -1 1 2 3 -1 1 2 3 -1 1 2 3 -1 1 2 3 © Impact Innovation 2016

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