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Leaders Mormon Travels Mormon Soldier Trivia

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Presentation on theme: "Leaders Mormon Travels Mormon Soldier Trivia"— Presentation transcript:

1 100 200 300 400 500 Leaders Mormon Travels Mormon Soldier Trivia
Everything Else Railroad 100 200 300 400 500

2 All About Central Davis
Final Jeopardy All About Central Davis

3 Final Jeopardy One of the current administrators at Central Davis was once teacher at the school. Who was it, and what did he teach?

4 Who is Mr. Barker taught Geography at CDJH
Final Jeopardy Who is Mr. Barker taught Geography at CDJH

5 First leader of the Mormon Church.
Leaders – 100 First leader of the Mormon Church.

6 Leaders – 100 Who is Joseph Smith

7 Man who became the leader of the LDS church after Joseph Smith.
Leaders - 200 Man who became the leader of the LDS church after Joseph Smith.

8 Leaders - 200 Who is Brigham Young

9 Leaders - 300 Leaders of an ill fated handcart company who were caught in a winter snow storm in Wyoming.

10 Who are Willie and Martin
Leaders - 300 Who are Willie and Martin

11 Bodyguard of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young
Leaders - 400 Bodyguard of Joseph Smith and Brigham Young

12 Leaders - 400 Who is Rockwell

13 Father of the Utah Mining Industry.
Leaders - 500 Father of the Utah Mining Industry.

14 Leaders - 500 Patrick Conner

15 Date Brigham Young enter the Salt Lake Valley
Mormon Travels - 100 Date Brigham Young enter the Salt Lake Valley

16 Mormon Travels - 100 What is July 24th, 1847

17 Mormon Travels – 200 Brigham Young led the Mormons from Missouri to this place, while their leader, Joseph Smith was in jail.

18 Mormon Travels – 200 What is Illinois

19 Mormon Travels - 300 The route Mormons built to come to Utah; building roads, bridges and planting crops along the way for those who followed.

20 What is the Mormon Trail
Mormon Travels - 300 What is the Mormon Trail

21 Biggest killer of Mormon Pioneers.
Mormon Travels - 400 Biggest killer of Mormon Pioneers.

22 Mormon Travels - 400 What is diseases

23 Two pull factors for Mormons to move to Utah.
Mormon Travels - 500 Two pull factors for Mormons to move to Utah.

24 What is to build the kingdom of God or protection
Mormon Travels - 500 What is to build the kingdom of God or protection

25 Group that helped pay for the Mormon Pioneers to travel to Utah.
Mormon Soldier - 100 Group that helped pay for the Mormon Pioneers to travel to Utah.

26 What is the Mormon Battalion
Mormon Soldier - 100 What is the Mormon Battalion

27 Mormon Soldier - 200 Mormon Battalion members helped in the discovery of this in California.

28 Mormon Soldier - 200 What is gold

29 The Mormon Battalion members never did this.
Mormon Soldier - 300 The Mormon Battalion members never did this.

30 What is fight in a battle
Mormon Soldier - 300 What is fight in a battle

31 Where the Mormon Battalion ended their march and discharged.
Mormon Soldier - 400 Where the Mormon Battalion ended their march and discharged.

32 Mormon Soldier - 400 What is California

33 Number of miles walked by the Mormon Battalion.
Mormon Soldier - 500 Number of miles walked by the Mormon Battalion.

34 Mormon Soldier - 500 What is over 2000

35 Trivia - 100 The Utah Boys were happy to travel from Utah to Iowa to pick up immigrants since they missed out on this.

36 Trivia - 100 What is farm work

37 Trivia - 200 The item Mormon Boys got first picks of when they traveled with the Down and Back Wagons.

38 Trivia - 200 What are girls

39 Trivia - 300 Many Mormons died during the winter of 1846 in this place along the banks of the Missouri River after leaving Nauvoo.

40 What is Winter Quarters
Trivia - 300 What is Winter Quarters

41 Date Brigham Young left Nauvoo.
Trivia - 400 Date Brigham Young left Nauvoo.

42 Trivia - 400 What is Feb. 1846

43 Trivia - 500 Once the Mormons reached Utah, these were large enough to have a garden, house, and barn for every family; usually about 10 acres.

44 Trivia - 500 What are city blocks

45 Everything Else - 100 Fastest, cheapest means to travel to Utah and to ship good out of Utah after 1869.

46 Everything Else - 100 What are trains

47 Type of migration for Mormons from Europe to come to Utah.
Everything Else - 200 Type of migration for Mormons from Europe to come to Utah.

48 What is voluntary migration
Everything Else - 200 What is voluntary migration

49 Everything Else - 300 Mormons organized their towns in this design that made it easy to get around.

50 Everything Else - 300 What is a grid pattern

51 Everything Else - 400 Mormons were discouraged from doing this, but for many non-Mormons, this became a pull factor to come to Utah and get rich.

52 Everything Else - 400 What is mining

53 Utah has less traffic problems today because of this design.
Everything Else - 500 Utah has less traffic problems today because of this design.

54 Everything Else - 500 What is wide streets

55 Place where the railroads joined together.

56 Railroad - 100 What is Promontory

57 Railroads made this industry profitable.

58 Railroad - 200 What is mining

59 Railroads put an end to this transportation.

60 Railroad - 300 What is covered wagons

61 Railroad that built from Nebraska west to Utah.

62 What is the Union Pacific
Railroad - 400 What is the Union Pacific

63 Railroad company that built from San Francisco East to Utah.

64 What is the Central Pacific
Railroad - 500 What is the Central Pacific

65 200 400 600 800 1000 Mormon Push Factors Letter “P” Mormon Problems
Migrate Places Everything Else 200 400 600 800 1000

66 Mormons claimed to the be the only one.
Mormon Push Factors - 200 Mormons claimed to the be the only one.

67 Mormon Push Factors – 200 What is the true faith

68 Missouri believed in this, but most Mormons did not.
Mormon Push Factors - 400 Missouri believed in this, but most Mormons did not.

69 Mormon Push Factors - 400 What is slavery

70 Mormons could control this, which upset their neighbors.
Mormon Push Factors - 600 Mormons could control this, which upset their neighbors.

71 Mormon Push Factors - 600 What are elections

72 Mormon Push Factors - 800 Non Mormons believed that these people in the communal society had too much power.

73 Mormon Push Factors - 800 What are leaders

74 Mormon Push Factors Mormons believed in living so that they shared everything in the community.

75 What is a communal society
Mormon Push Factors What is a communal society

76 Letter “P” - 200 Theme of Geography that would describe what resources the immigrants looked for to make their settlements.

77 Letter “P” - 200 What is place

78 Letter “P” – 400 Name for people who are first to find new land or start new settlements or new ideas.

79 Letter “P” - 400 What are pioneers

80 Place where the railroads joined together.
Letter “P” - 600 Place where the railroads joined together.

81 Letter “P” - 600 What is promontory

82 Letter “P” - 800 Funds people could borrow to pay for their journey to Utah, they would then pay the money back and it would be loaned to others.

83 What is Perpetual Emigration Fund
Letter “P” - 800 What is Perpetual Emigration Fund

84 Term for causing people to suffer because of their religious beliefs.
Letter “P” Term for causing people to suffer because of their religious beliefs.

85 Letter “P” What is persecution

86 First state the Mormons were chased out of.
Mormon Problem - 200 First state the Mormons were chased out of.

87 Mormon Problem - 200 What is New York

88 Mormon Problem - 400 Term for having on man married to more than one wife, which non-Mormon despised.

89 Mormon Problem - 400 What is polygamy

90 Second gathering place for Mormons.
Mormon Problem - 600 Second gathering place for Mormons.

91 Mormon Problem - 600 What is Ohio

92 That state Mormons were forced to leave or be killed.
Mormon Problem - 800 That state Mormons were forced to leave or be killed.

93 Mormon Problem - 800 What is Missouri

94 Joseph Smith was arrested, put in jail, and killed in this state.
Mormon Problem Joseph Smith was arrested, put in jail, and killed in this state.

95 Mormon Problem What is Illinois

96 Slowest and usual mean of travel to Utah by the pioneers.
Migrate - 200 Slowest and usual mean of travel to Utah by the pioneers.

97 Migrate - 200 What is oxen

98 Migrate - 400 Built a trail from Fort Bridger into the Salt Lake Valley that the first company of Mormon pioneers followed.

99 Who is the Donner Reed Party
Migrate - 400 Who is the Donner Reed Party

100 Migrate - 600 1856 Pioneers started to use these to carry their possessions to Utah to save money. They often went hungry as they traveled.

101 Migrate - 600 What are handcarts

102 Farm boys sent east to pick up immigrants and bring them to Utah.
Migrate - 800 Farm boys sent east to pick up immigrants and bring them to Utah.

103 What are Down and Back Wagons
Migrate - 800 What are Down and Back Wagons

104 Two terms that mean to leave an area or to enter an area.
Migrate Two terms that mean to leave an area or to enter an area.

105 What are emigrate and immigrate

106 State where Mormonism started.
Places - 200 State where Mormonism started.

107 Places - 200 What is New York

108 Largest city in Illinois during the 1840s. Built by the Mormons.
Places - 400 Largest city in Illinois during the 1840s. Built by the Mormons.

109 Places - 400 What is Nauvoo

110 Where farms were located in Mormon settlements.
Places - 600 Where farms were located in Mormon settlements.

111 What is outside the city
Places - 600 What is outside the city

112 Places - 800 Mount Pisgah and Garden Grove are places where Mormons did this to feed the pioneers coming after them from Illinois.

113 Places - 800 What is planting crops

114 Area where Mormons were harassed and had the most difficult time.
Places Area where Mormons were harassed and had the most difficult time.

115 Places What is Missouri

116 When people are forced to leave an area.
Everything Else - 200 When people are forced to leave an area.

117 What is forced migration
Everything Else - 200 What is forced migration

118 Area Mormon pioneers were headed to was owned by this country.
Everything Else - 400 Area Mormon pioneers were headed to was owned by this country.

119 Everything Else - 400 What is Mexico

120 Title of the area Mormon were heading towards, not Utah
Everything Else - 600 Title of the area Mormon were heading towards, not Utah

121 What is Upper California
Everything Else - 600 What is Upper California

122 Everything Else - 800 Brigham Young led the advanced group of Mormons to this area in the west.

123 Everything Else - 800 Utah

124 When people choose to immigrate from Europe to settle in Utah.
Everything Else When people choose to immigrate from Europe to settle in Utah.

125 What is voluntary migration
Everything Else What is voluntary migration

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