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Writing the Literature Review

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1 Writing the Literature Review
What is a Literature Review? What are its purposes? How should I produce it? How should I organize it? What are the main pitfalls?

2 A Literature Review is …
the outcome of reading, analyzing, evaluating, and summarizing materials about a specific topic; a critical synthesis of previous research; a lead up to your Research Question / Conceptual Framework

3 What are its purposes? A Lit Review …
shows how what HAS previously BEEN DONE / said about your topic relates to what YOU are going to do/say; establishes the context / conceptual framework of the topic; provides an analytical and critically evaluative stance to the existing literature on the topic; creates interaction between you and the rest of academia.

4 How should I produce it? Search for literature in the area of your thesis statement When you find an article, determine whether the whole article is worth reading, by: Using key words Reading Article Abstracts Skimming Evaluating and categorizing the relevance of your reading for your study THEN Read the whole article, if you deem it useful.

5 Evaluating and analysing readings is important, as…
you have to prioritize the literature you read. Therefore: Decide which are key sources (=to be read carefully and summarized in your paper), and which are supporting sources (= to be mentioned briefly, as they support/give additional information on what another source says)

6 How should I produce my Lit Survey?
Make comparisons across studies, and identify areas of (dis)similarity with your hypothesis / thesis / Research Questions data methodology/approach research findings interpretations Use a Literature Matrix or Mind Map.

7 Finally: Write the review
Provide an Introduction/Rationale for you Lit Review Indicate scale and structure Write the Body following, for example, the way your argument will be structured. Consider possible reasons for differences / similarities (critique the sources!) Draw Conclusions for your study Sum up main findings from your Literature, and relate them to your study

8 Writing: Use paragraphs and linking words to increase skim value
Group together, into one paragraph / section, sentences that express and develop the same aspect. Unless the paragraph gets very long! Form paragraphs around similarities / differences Use topic sentences in paragraphs Make comparisons/similarities/differences explicit through linking (signposting) words/expressions: Therefore, but, in contrast, as a result, hence, thus That is why, the reason for this is ... Because...,

9 What are the main pitfalls?
‘Describing’ – NOT analysing / discussing Producing (just) an annotated bibliography Not linking your citations Reporting literature in an arbitrary way Making inappropriate generalizations / irrelevant material Using sources that lack credibility Producing shallow or no criticism / vague linkage to your topic Omitting a contrasting/opposing view Not containing recent research

10 For every citation / reference in your Literature Review …
Ask yourself: ‘Why this? Why here? And make sure your reader gets the answer clearly!

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