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Logistics Management System

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1 Logistics Management System

2 Introduction : This presentation provides the details of Resource Planner application Well suited for any organisation where main requirements are Purchase/Warehouse/Sales which deals with perishable's or drugs Modules Purchase – Which involves purchase of one or multiple items in one order and can track the status status of the same, can provide the status even to the customers Warehouse – Stock maintenance, location as per the type of material, staging area till approval, material release as per expiry dates. Sales – Track the purchase orders raised by customer, raise Invoices, payments status, partial release in one order, track due dates Dispose – Dispose of material if it gets expired, dispose methods and the standards followed, reason for dispose 2

3 Calibration – Calibration of any equipment and due date for calibration
Reports – All the standard reports/dynamic reports can be maintained, these reports can be generated any where with in the web Administration/Others – Create users and master data dynamically, Dashboard gives the details of the status of orders, invoice and others... Authentication/Authorisation – Access to these modules will be will be provided as per the privileges given by the administrator 3

4 Administration/Others – Dashboard
This is Dashboard screen with information of activities pending details as per duration, this dashboard got some extra information 4

5 Administration/Others – Contact/User
This is Contact/user screen to create users/employee/contacts 5

6 Administration/Others – Similarly this module has other functionalities.
Supplier Customer Department All other master Data

7 Purchase – Enquiry to Vendor
Supplier enquiry entry, one enquiry can be sent to multiple suppliers at the same time by selecting the multiple suppliers in the list 7

8 8

9 Purchase – Vendor Enquiry Status
Supplier enquiry status gives the status of the all the enquiries and can be fetched based on the parameters in the left search panel 9

10 Purchase – Enquiry to Vendor Details
Details of the vendor/supplier enquiry created 10

11 Purchase – Vendor Quotation
Received vendor quotations are maintained in the system, need not renter the data, entry from the enquiry has to be fetched 11

12 Purchase – Similar screens for entry, status, details are created for
Purchase – Similar screens for entry, status, details are created for below functions Quotation received Purchase order raised – Purchase order can be generated by selecting different items from multiple quotations received Invoice received 12

13 Purchase – Vendor Quotation Compare
Received vendor quotations are compared and comparison report can be generated 13

14 Warehouse – Product register
Product register maintains the product details 14

15 Warehouse – Inword Details
When the material is received, details are maintained in this screen 15

16 Warehouse – Internal Issue Issue internal to the other departments

17 Warehouse – External Despatch
Details of material despatch external to company is maintained 17

18 Warehouse – Indent Information
Material request from the supplier is maintained in this screen 18

19 Warehouse – Indent Information
When the material is received(Inword Lot screen), this material is maintained in staging area till it is approved, approval details are maintained in this screen 19

20 Sales – Customer Enquiry
Customer enquiry entry, enquiry can be raised by customer directly or the data entry person can add this data 20

21 Sales – Customer Enquiry Status
Customer enquiry status gives the status of the all the enquiries and can be fetched based on the parameters in the left search panel 21

22 Sales – Customer Enquiry Details
Details of the vendor/supplier enquiry created 22

23 Sales – Quotation to Customer
Raised customer quotations are maintained in the system, need not renter the data, entry from the enquiry has to be fetched 23

24 Sales – Similar screens for entry, status, details are created for
Sales – Similar screens for entry, status, details are created for below functions Quotation sent Purchase order received – Purchase order can be generated with the details from quotation Invoice raised 24

25 Reports – Stock flow report
This gives the details of stock purchased and similarly we can get the available stock 25

26 Reports – Purchase Enquiry report

27 Reports – Vendor Quotation report

28 Reports – Purchase Order report

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