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Research Developments in the Registry

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1 Research Developments in the Registry
Phil Clayton

2 Outline New ANZDATA database Historic uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Registry RCTs Data linkage

3 Original database Established in 1970s Oracle based system
Special software required Clunky user interface Expensive maintenance Designed around regular surveys

4 “Real-time” system 2004 Ability to submit event-based data
New patients Deaths Transfers between hospitals Etc Data submitted by fax or online +/- manual checks by senior staff before incorporation into main database

5 Limitations of old system
Clunky Out of support Limited support for truly real-time data entry


7 New database Modern MS SQL based database with web front-end
ANZOD and living kidney donor components complete ANZDATA component due to launch end 2016 Being used for 2015 survey data entry, ironing out bugs

8 Features of new database
Web front-end Same front-end for end users and ANZDATA staff All data elements can be entered real-time from anywhere with web access Real-time validation of data at time of entry Web services (communication with external databases) Data extraction directly by users





13 Previous uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Long term follow-up of trials

14 Previous uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Long term follow-up of trials

15 Previous uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Long term follow-up of trials

16 Previous uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Long term follow-up of trials

17 Previous uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Long term follow-up of trials

18 Previous uses of ANZDATA for trial work
Long term follow-up of trials

19 Problems with traditional RCTs
Highly selected population Inadequate power (especially for rare outcomes or those that take a long time to occur) Expensive Often seen as separate from core clinical activity

20 Registry RCTs Submission of data to registries already embedded in clinical practice Therefore pre-existing mechanism for following patients up Opportunity to extend this to include randomised interventions


22 TASTE study Compared intracoronary thrombus aspiration before primary PCI vs PCI alone in patients with STEMI Used online registry modules for randomisation at the time of intervention Linked to data capture within already-existing national comprehensive registries in Sweden, Iceland and Denmark Cost little more than 1% of a standard RCT Recruited over 7000 patients within 33 months Carried out by clinicians during acute cardiology care

23 Support for registry RCTs
Inherent in new database Real-time data entry Web front-end Web services Under development (funded by BEAT-CKD) Trials module

24 Trials module Common components Trial-specific
Trial registration, enrolment arm, identification etc Randomisation support Trial-specific Data collection Baseline Study visits Enhanced survey data Event-based data


26 First cabs off the rank BEST-Fluids RESOLVE

27 Data linkage Enrich dataset using external data
Time consuming, expensive Existing link with NOMS Master linkage keys SA/NT Datalink Others underway

28 Conclusions New database will be up and running soon
Will allow ANZDATA to support: Real-time data entry by end users Real-time data extraction by users Communication with external databases Direct support for registry trials is coming soon Enhancing value of Registry by linking with external data

29 Acknowledgements Australian and New Zealand patients and staff for their cooperation and contributions to ANZDATA AKTN Methodology Working Group Suetonia Palmer

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