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They form in cold, wet climates

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1 They form in cold, wet climates
Found in areas of coniferous forest Weathering is slow due to cold, wet climate Humification is slow due to: slow decomposure of needles cold climate few biota A lot of Leaching/Podzolization because precipitation exceeds evaporation Some Gleying due to iron pan.

2 What does it look like? Podsol soils are shallow because weathering is slow. There is a very thin layer of humus because there is little humification. Humus is acidic because humification is slow. Podsol soils have an ash-grey A horizon due to iron and aluminium leached by rain An Iron pan forms where iron is redepositied between A and B horizon Red-Brown B horizon because it is rich in aluminium and iron Podsol soils are often waterlogged because the iron pan is impermeable.

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