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Landform Vocabulary Foldable Assignment

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1 Landform Vocabulary Foldable Assignment
To be used in your ISN on Pages 14 and 15

2 Today you will begin to create 5 Landform Vocabulary Foldables to be used in your ISN (Interactive Student Notebooks) when I return them on Tuesday. This means that all work you do today will need to be kept by you in your own binders and returned to class on Tuesday. This is the first time you have created a vocabulary foldable like this. Use the Geography Dictionary found on pages GH 14 and GH 15 in your Journey Across Time book to do this activity. These foldables will be overlapped and taped into Page 14 of your ISN notebooks.

3 This is an example of what these foldables look like when unfolded.
You’ve been given a copied pattern to make your first foldable for the first 5 of the 25 vocabulary words. You’ll use your own paper to make the next four foldables for the next 20 words.

4 For the next 20 words do the following (5 words per page) You will have a total of 5 pages containing 25 words when you are done. Fold your papers in half “hot dog” and divide the front into 5 sections. Make sure it isn’t too long to fit in your ISN notebook. This means you cut off the top large white margin. Label the sections word/picture as shown on the pattern. Cut on the four dotted lines to form five flaps Create a foldable for each group of five landforms listed in the table. This means you’ll have a total of 5 foldables with 25 vocabulary words to work on today. Use the Geography Dictionary found on pages GH 14 and GH 15 in your book to do this activity.

5 gulf bay harbor sea sound tributary upstream downstream delta
Inside Front Earth’s oceans are bodies of salt water surrounded by the continents. one of the four major bodies of salt water that surround the continents ocean gulf bay harbor sea sound tributary upstream downstream delta mouth (of a river) peninsula cape isthmus island glacier plateau mountain range canyon basin mesa highland lowland plain valley volcano You will have a total of 5 pages containing words/ pictures/ definitions/ sentences on each page. 25 total words when you are finished. These pages will be overlapped and taped to Page 14 of your ISN notebook.

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