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Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Training for Principals of Schools Implementing the Title I Schoolwide Program
Welcome and Introductions
Mr. Edgardo L. Reyes Administrative Director Title I Administration and Federal/State Fiscal Operations
Title I Schoolwide Program Training Overview
Training Modules Title I Program Overview and Goals Parent and Family Engagement Fiscal Responsibilities Property Management School-level Compliance and Accountability Audits
Title I Program Overview and Goals
Provides Local Educational Agencies (LEA) with resources that help children gain a high-quality education and the skills to master the Florida Standards Provides additional resources to schools with economically disadvantaged students These resources provide additional teachers, professional development, extra time for teaching, parental involvement activities, and other activities designed to raise student achievement Two Models are used in Title I Schools to provide services: Schoolwide reform models provide all students with access to services Targeted assistance models provide services to select students in Title I Schools
Title I Program Overview and Goals (Contd.)
EVERY STUDENT SUCCEEDS ACT (ESSA) OVERVIEW Signed into law by President Obama on December 10, 2015 Reauthorizes the 50-year-old Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) Expands educational opportunity and improves student outcomes Replaces the previous version of the law, the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001 Goes into full effect in fall 2017
Title I Program Overview and Goals (Contd.)
ESSA Allocations and Requirements Under ESSA’s transition guidelines, Fiscal Year formula funds will be awarded and administered in accordance with NCLB provisions (same as Fiscal Year ) All ESSA components will be fully implemented at the beginning of the school year ESSA provisions related to federally awarded competitive grant programs will become effective October 1, 2016
Title I Program Overview and Goals (Contd.)
ESSA/Title I Financial & Fiscal Impact The Title I, Part A formula remains the same and ESSA sustains the existing one (1) percent reservation for state administration of the Title I, Part A program States must reserve seven (7) percent of the Title I, Part A funds to carry out school improvement interventions and technical assistance. Ninety- five percent of that amount must be awarded to districts for comprehensive support authorized under ESSA States may reserve up to three (3) percent of the Title I allocation to provide competitive grants to LEAs to provide Direct Student Services
Title I Program Overview and Goals (Contd.)
ESSA/Title I Financial & Fiscal Impact Supplement, Not Supplant (No Change) The district shall demonstrate that the methodology used to allocate state and local funds to each school receiving assistance under Title I, Part A, ensures that the school receives all the state and local funds it would otherwise receive if it were not receiving these funds Maintenance of Effort (Change) Provides some flexibility for when a state must reduce a district’s Title I allocation due to a Maintenance of Effort violation Permits changes in the district’s organizational structure to be grounds for granting a waiver to the Maintenance of Effort requirement (additional guidance needed regarding this provision) Comparability (No Change) A district may receive funds only if it uses state and local funds to provide services in Title I schools that, taken as a whole, are at least comparable to the services provided in non-Title I schools
Title I Program Overview and Goals (Contd.)
NCLB OVERVIEW Section 1114 Schoolwide Program Section 1115 Targeted Assistance Schools Section 1116 Assessment and School Improvement Section 1117 Assistance for School Support and Improvement Section 1118 Parental Involvement Section 1119 Qualification for Teachers and Paraprofessionals CONSULTATION AND COMPLAINT PROCEDURES Parent Advisory Councils Complaint Procedures
Department of Title I Administration
Name Title Address Telephone Number Mr. Edgardo L. Reyes Administrative Director Title I Administration and Federal/State Fiscal Operations
Parent and Family Engagement
Ms. Bernadette Montgomery District Director, Title I Support Programs Department of Title I Administration
Parent and Family Engagement
Parent and Family Engagement Provisions Raise achievement for low-income and otherwise disadvantaged children Parent and family engagement and consultation remain a key component of the law Focus on parents of children attending schools participating in the Title I Schoolwide Program
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Funding Each school district is required to reserve funds for parent and family engagement activities Parents of children receiving services must be involved in the decisions regarding how the funds are allocated At least 90 percent of the funds reserved for parent and family engagement must be distributed to schools for parent and family engagement activities
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Parent and Family Engagement Funds Support Schools in training staff regarding engagement activities Support programs that reach families Disseminate information focused on engagement Assist parents in participating in their child’s education Develop and implement policies to provide services to remove barriers for family engagement
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Consultation Each School District Must Develop and Submit a Plan to the State (District Parental Involvement Plan [PIP]) The district plan must describe how the district will: Involve parents in the development of the plan Provide the support necessary to assist schools in implementing effective family engagement activities Conduct an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the plan Conduct an annual evaluation of the schools served with the involvement of parents Involve parents in the activities of the school, which include establishing an advisory board to develop, revise and review the district plan
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) The PACs are made up of parent representatives elected by each Title I school Encourage staff and parent participation Roles and Responsibilities of Parent Representatives Attend all Title I Regional PAC Meetings Attend all Title I District Advisory Council (DAC) Meetings Serve on DAC and PAC Committees Assist in planning workshops and professional development activities for DAC/PAC members and other parents Attend and participate in Title I activities If elected as an officer, attend DAC Executive Board Meetings
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
District Advisory Council (DAC) The DAC is made up of elected representatives from each Region Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Encourage staff and parent participation Requirements for Implementation Officers are elected from among school PAC Representatives Community Involvement Specialists should attend all DAC Meetings DAC attendance records are maintained by the Department of Title I Administration Each DAC Meeting is concluded with the presentation of attendance awards to schools with the largest number of participants PAC/DAC representatives attend local, state and national conferences, workshops and seminars
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
School-level Parental Involvement Plan (PIP) The school plan must describe how the school will: Convene a Title I Annual Parent Meeting Inform parents that they have a right to be involved Offer a flexible number of meetings at convenient times for families Provide information about Title I funded programs Develop a School-Parent Compact
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Title I Annual Parent Meeting A major requirement of the law Planning and Hosting Title I Annual Parent Meeting Utilize the Florida Department of Education’s Title I Annual Parent Meeting Materials Invite parents and families of all students enrolled at the school Maintain records of the meeting on file for a minimum of five years Inform parents of other opportunities to provide input Review the District (PIP) and the School-level (PIP) Facilitate parents’ opportunities to provide input about all aspects of the operation of the school
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Shared Responsibilities for High Student Academic Achievement School-Parent Compact Outline shared responsibility for improved student academic achievement Describe how the school and parents will build and develop a partnerships Describe the school’s responsibility to provide high-quality curriculum and instruction Build Capacity for Parent and Family Engagement Schedule regular meetings with parents to formulate suggestions and participation in the decision-making about the education of their children Address the importance of communication between families and school staff
Parent and Family Engagement (Contd.)
Parents’ Reception Area and Schoolsite Parent Resource Centers Program Description Requirements for Implementation Recommended Documents and Materials Locations
Community Involvement Specialist (CIS)/ Community Liaison Specialist (CLS)
Program Description Designed to help parents become more involved in their children's education Requirements for Implementation The Parental Involvement Program must be staffed by at least one half-day CIS/CLS CIS/CLS Job Description Job Code: 4039 and 4231 CIS/CLS Responsibilities Please refer to the Job Descriptions in the Title I Handbook
Challenging Higher Education for Students in our Schools (CHESS)
Program Description The mission of the Title I CHESS Program is to create well-rounded, lifelong learners Program Design The Title I CHESS Program is designed for students in schools implementing the Title I Program
Department of Title I Administration Parent and Family Engagement Contact
Name Title Address Telephone Number Ms. Bernadette Montgomery District Director, Title I Support Programs
Title I Fiscal Responsibilities
Ms. Ana M. Rodriguez Executive Director, Finance and Budget Management Department of Title I Administration
Title I Fiscal Responsibilities
Title I Schoolwide Budget Schoolwide Program Number Budgets and positions are currently available in SAP Title I funds are used to Supplement, not supplant the School's Academic Offerings Supplement means to “in addition to” Supplant means “to take the place of” Salary Every year, Title I opens new program numbers and simultaneously closes the previous year's numbers. Positions are updated and appear in the Position Control List under the new program number, based on the information that was entered into the Title I SBBS COGNOS application Final payroll for personnel to be charged to the Title I Schoolwide Program will be from June 2, 2017 through June 15, 2017
Title I Fiscal Responsibilities (Contd.)
Non-Salary Items budgeted and expended throughout the year should be included in your approved School Improvement Plan (SIP), and should be referenced when making any purchases All shopping carts for non-salary items, which originate at the school level, must be prepared and submitted in accordance with the following: Invoices are mathematically correct and reconciled Purchases are charged to the proper funding structure All equipment is properly labeled as Title I property Contracts follow guidelines outlined in the Title I Handbook for professional services Purchases must follow guidelines established by Procurement Management and School Board Policy Credit Card (P-Card) Transactions backup documentation: List of materials purchased and justification, M-DCPS Purchasing Card Program Purchase Authorization FM-5707, credit card bank statement, M-DCPS Purchasing Card Program Monthly Reconciliation Work Sheet FM-5828, and copy of the vendor invoice with matching amounts
Title I Fiscal Responsibilities (Contd.)
Non-Salary (Contd.) All shopping carts and P-Card transactions under Program , for commitment items through (with the exception of ) must be entered by Friday, February 10, 2017, no later than 4:30 p.m. Note: New shopping carts for these commitment items will not be honored after this deadline, including S & D and credit card orders. Credit card orders done on or before the deadline, should be reconciled the following month (ensure the purchase date listed on the bank statement states on or before Friday, February 10, 2017) Parental Involvement A minimum of 1% of the school’s Title I Schoolwide Allocation must be allocated to fund parental involvement personnel/activities Parental Involvement funding may be monitored using the Grants Availability Report in SAP; all line items are under function Copies of documentation demonstrating use of parental involvement funding are to be maintained for audit purposes for a minimum of five years
Property Management Review of Property Inventory Records Matching Title I Program Numbers and Dates Schools must identify any Capitalized ($1,000 and over) and Non- Capitalized (under $1,000) property purchased with Title I funds Inventory of both Capitalized and Non-Capitalized property purchased with Title I funds must be maintained at the school for a minimum of five years Property Procedures Documentation (Refer to Title I Handbook) Disposal of Title I Property - Title I Administration Property Disposal Form (FM-6587) and Outgoing Controlled Equipment Form (FM-1670) Green Form (Not available online) Off-campus Use of Title I Property - Approval of Off-Site Use of School Board Property (FM-2380) Transferring of Title I Property - Outgoing Controlled Equipment Form (FM-1670) Green Form (Not available online) Vandalism of Title I Property - Plant Security Report (FM-0366)
Important Title I Deadlines for the 2016-2017 School Year
Friday, February 10, 2017 All Shopping Carts and P-Card Transactions Friday, May 12, 2017 All In-County and Out-of-County Travel All Shopping Carts and Funds Reservations for Field Trips Friday, May 26, 2017 School locations with negative balance(s) in the structures for overtime (513100), stipends (513600), substitutes (514900), hourly (515000), and textbooks (552000), must take appropriate action(s) in order to avoid a possible audit finding
Important Title I Deadlines for the 2016-2017 School Year (Contd.)
Thursday, June 8, 2017 All Open Purchase Orders (PO’s) are to be closed by completing the online receipt of goods or services, and invoices bearing “Receipt of Goods” stamp, sent to the Accounts Payable Department All hourly personnel paid with Title I funds will be able to work in through this date Final hourly payroll and any pending payroll correction must be entered Friday, June 16, 2017 All Budget Transfers requests must be submitted to the Financial Human Capital Region Administrative Director for approval
Department of Title I Administration Finance Unit Contact
Name Title Address Telephone Number Ms. Ana M. Rodriguez Executive Director, Finance and Budget Management
Title I School-level Compliance and Accountability
Mr. Pedro Arteaga Executive Director, Compliance and Accountability Department of Title I Administration
Title I Administration Website
FDOE Requirements: NCLB - Parental Involvement Title I School-level Parent Involvement Plan (PIP) Navigation Instructions, PowerPoint, and Title I District-level PIP (forthcoming) Title I Parent Program Notification Letter Title I Parent-School Compact (Sample) Title I Annual Parent Meeting PowerPoint Template and Documentation Packet Reminder
Title I School-level Compliance and Accountability Collaboration Site
School-level Compliance Reference Document
Title I School-level Compliance Facilitator Designation Form (FM-6899)
Most Common Areas of Concerns
Curriculum and Instruction 1.3. Copy of the School Improvement Plan (SIP) Evidence of SIP Peer Review Process Page (including reviewers’ signatures and UTD Steward’s signature) 1.6. Documentation of additional educational assistance to students identified as not meeting State standards Evidence including policies for servicing students with disabilities and ELL students
Most Common Areas of Concerns (Contd.)
Budget and Expenditures II.1. Copy of the signed original Title I SBBS COGNOS forms from the May Budget Conference II.2. Salary Related Expenditures Records of employees paid with Title I funds II.3. Non-Salary Related Expenditures Purchase Orders and Invoices - Line items and amounts need to match on all documents All documentation pertaining to orders need to be kept together Title I allocations generated during the fiscal year must be utilized during that fiscal year
Most Common Areas of Concerns (Contd.)
Property III.1. Review of Property Inventory Records Matching Title I Program Numbers and Dates Evidence of school self-inventory of Title I Non-Capitalized Copies of packing slips, invoices, purchase orders, etc. Evidence of labeled Title I property
Most Common Areas of Concerns (Contd.)
Professional Development IV.1 Evidence of Title I Schoolwide Program overview to staff during faculty meetings Sample of meeting agendas Sign-in sheets
Most Common Areas of Concerns (Contd.)
Parental Involvement VI.1. Documentation of opportunities for participation in parental activities for all parents Evidence of Compact Communication Log (grades K-5 only) VI.3. Documentation of Meeting/Parent Conferences Evidence of providing full opportunities for participation of parents with limited English proficiency and parents with disabilities Evidence of parental involvement in the decision-making process of how the School’s Title I allocation will be used
Most Common Areas of Concerns (Contd.)
Community Involvement Specialist/Community Liaison Specialist (CIS/CLS) Documentation CIS Weekly Schedules Insufficient Title I Annual Parent Meeting Documentation for schools that have a new CIS/CLS or no CIS/CLS
Principal’s Assurance Certification of Staff Assignment (FM-7560)
Principal’s Assurance Certification of Staff Assignment (Contd.)
Time and Effort Period Deadline to Upload Assurance July - October, 2016 Friday, November 4, 2016 November February, 2017 Friday, March 3, 2017 March - June, 2017 Friday, June 9, 2017
Title I Administration School Assurance of Accountability and Compliance Document (FM-7346)
Executive Director, Compliance and Accountability
Department of Title I Administration School-level Compliance and Accountability Contact Name Title Address Telephone Number Mr. Pedro Arteaga Executive Director, Compliance and Accountability
Department of Title I Administration
Faithful adherence to federal, state and local policies and procedures regarding the Title I Program is expected of all schools that receive Title I funding The Department of Title I Administration should be contacted whenever guidance and/or direction is needed regarding the Title I Program General Title I questions should be referred to Best wishes for a successful school year
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