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ADVANCING HEALTH Locally and around the world

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1 ADVANCING HEALTH Locally and around the world

2 Caitlin McGuire Reid, MS
Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs One University Place, Room 109 Rensselaer, NY 12144 Good morning! First, I would like to thank the GSO for all of the time and energy they put in toward organizing the Social Orientation yesterday, which I hope everyone enjoyed. I am very pleased to welcome you to the School of Public Health. As the Assistant Dean for Admissions and Student Affairs, I look forward to working with you and supporting your experience as graduate student. Please make a note of my office location, which is Room 109 in this building, as well as my contact. Should you have any issues or concerns you wish to discuss, you are welcome to stop by my office. If I am not there, please send me an so we can set up a time that is convenient.

3 What is the School of Public Health?
University at Albany School of Public Health NYS Department of Health I think it is important to spend a few minutes talking about the relationship between the Department of Health and the School of Public Health, and provide you with an overview of the physical facilities. There are 4 departments in the School in which students enroll in their particular degree program. These departments are Biomedical Sciences Environmental Health Sciences Epidemiology & Biostatistics and Health Policy, Management and Behavior However, not all of the departments are located on the East Campus. The partnership with DOH means that faculty and students work at a variety of locations.

4 Four departments offering MPH, MS, PhD, DrPH
Health Policy, Management & Behavior Epidemiology & Biostatistics Biomedical Sciences Environmental Health Sciences Certificates Fundamentals & Principles Global Health Certificates Surveillance & Preparedness Health Disparities

5 Where is the School of Public Health?
East Campus, Rensselaer (soon to be renamed Health Sciences Campus) Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Department of Health Policy, Management and Behavior Department of Environmental Health Sciences Some faculty and students Cancer Research Center Some faculty and students in Biomedical and Environmental Health Sciences Biotech companies Faculty and students work and study in several locations. Two Departments, Epi and HPMB, are based housed at the East Campus in Rensselaer. Although Environmental Health Sciences and Biomedical Sciences are not based at the East Campus, there are a number of faculty and students in both departments who work and study here. In addition to the School, the East Campus houses several biotech companies and Tech Valley HS, so don’t be surprised when you see high school students outside during their gym period.

6 Where is the School of Public Health

7 Where is the School of Public Health?
Wadsworth Center and Corning Tower Department of Environmental Health Sciences Department of Health faculty and most laboratory based students: Biggs Laboratory Administrative Office split between Biggs and East Campus Department of Biomedical Sciences Administrative office, Department of Health faculty and students: Center for Medical Sciences and David Axelrod Institute DOH Faculty in Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Health Policy, Management & Behavior in Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza Biomedical Sciences and Environmental Health Sciences were the first two departments in the School, which was formed when the Department of Health and the University at Albany entered into a partnership. These departments were historically focused on laboratory research and have been based in DOH facilities since 1985. Many of the faculty and students in both departments, as well as the administrative offices, are located in Wadsworth Center facilities in Albany. These labs are where state-wide lead testing and newborn screening occurs, as well testing for mosquito borne diseases and rabies.

8 Where is the School of Public Health?
This map shows you where the East Campus is in relation to the Wadsworth Center facilities and the Uptown Campus.

9 UAlbany Uptown Campus Facilities and Resources
Recreation Center: fitness center, pool, exercise classes, intramural sports. Libraries: University Library and Science Library on uptown campus; Dewey Library on downtown Rockefeller campus. The Disability Resource Center: coordinates services and accommodations for students with disabilities. The University Counseling Center: provides free counseling services, peer service programs, and educational programs. The University Health Center: offers a range of services, from acute care to prevention-focused educational programs. Although the School of Public Health is not located on the Uptown Campus, all students have access to all of the facilities and resources provided by the University at Albany on the Uptown Campus. These resources include the Recreation Center Libraries Disability Resource Center Counseling Center Health Center

10 UAlbany Uptown Campus Facilities and Resources
Career Services: Offers career counseling, assessment, resume critique, interview prep, career panels, workshop, networking events. Office of Intercultural Student Engagement: Provides support and advocacy for students from historically underrepresented communities, including, but not limited to students of African, Latino, Asian, and Native American (ALANA) descent, various religious communities, the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ) and Ally community . Chapel House: Offers interfaith meditation and prayer room, meditation garden or interfaith library; interfaith programs, service opportunities, and weekly Catholic, Jewish or Protestant services. The Office of Intercultural Student Engagement, which provides support to students from diverse and underrepresented communities. and the Chapel House, an interfaith center

11 UAlbany Uptown Campus Facilities and Resources
Advocacy Center for Sexual Violence: Provides a safe environment for students to receive support and advocacy services in the aftermath of sexual violence, including, but not limited to, sexual assault, intimate partner violence and/or stalking. Graduate Student Ombuds Office: Provides independent, informal and non-partisan counsel to graduate students on matters relating to University experiences or involving dispute resolution or interpersonal misunderstanding, particularly those involving a graduate student’s academic program or academic progress. These services are distinct from those provided by the School of Public Health Ombuds program, as detailed in the School Grievance policy, which stipulates that the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and a faculty member selected by the School Council serve as Ombudspersons for students to discuss complaints when they are not able to solve them on their own. The Office of Intercultural Student Engagement, which provides support to students from diverse and underrepresented communities. and the Chapel House, an interfaith center

12 East Campus and Making Connections to the Main Campus
==>UAlbany Shuttle Bus<== You can also download “UAlbany Bus Schedule App” on App Store

13 East Campus Student Parking (permit required/no fee)
Permits also required for Uptown/Downtown Campuses $25 per vehicle registration fee

14 Be Safe! East Campus is serviced by the East Greenbush Police Department. DO NOT call University police as they do not service the East Campus. Blue light phones are located in the front lobby, parking lots and walkways to main building. Blue light phones dispatch automatically to the East Greenbush Police Department Use Exact Address: 1 University Place, Rensselaer, NY If NOT using a blue light phone: Dial 911 from any SPH desk phone for emergency calls for Rensselaer County police, fire department and ambulance. A 911 cell phone call will not get a local dispatcher if your phone number is not a local number, so use the desk phone for a faster response. Security personnel are available in the SPH Lobby after 6:00pm for escort to car. If no security guard in lobby, call for Security Guard at Consult page 14 of SPH Graduate Student Handbook for additional numbers to call. The information I am going to reference now is all provided in the Graduate Student Handbook, provided in your folders. I just want to highlight a few items, but strongly encourage you to read through the Handbook as it contains a lot of useful information. We are a satellite campus, which means that the University Police do not provide security here. Instead, the East Campus is serviced by the East Greenbush Police Department. In the case of emergency, there are blue lights located in the parking lots and walkways, which dispatch to the East Greenbush Police department. Please use the address of 1 University Place, Rensselaer, NY You can also dial * in case of emergency. If you do not wish to walk to your car alone after hours in the dark, please ask one of the security guards to escort you.

15 East Campus Computer Facilities
SPH Computer Labs PCs, GIS, group workstations, teaching lab available for student use Printer: $0.10/page, paid through SUNYCard. See Graduate Student Handbook for instruction on how to load funds onto your SUNYCard No color printing available on East Campus Free printing and copying available through SPH-RGSO office (350 pages every two weeks). Students must register with SPH-RGSO. Sign up will be available in the GSO Office. You must provide your name, University at Albany address and last 5 digits of SUNYCard number to have printing privileges added to your student account Personal laptops Wireless campus. Minimum computer/laptop requirements are outlined in the SPH Graduate Student Handbook

16 ID Cards SUNYCard East Campus ID
Official University at Albany ID; debit card for photocopies, printers, vending machine: UAlbany library card; and BUS PASS for UAlbany and all CDTA buses East Campus ID Access to SPH Building after hours and on weekends Building is open access 7:00am – 7:00pm M-F Access to Computer labs Access to East Campus department offices authorized at the department level

17 East Campus Study Areas
Large computer lab available for computer work and group projects Classrooms 5 and 6 reserved for study Schedules posted outside classrooms each semester Student lounge POD Cafeteria – A wing Offers Wifi and quiet time outside of the lunch hour

18 University at Albany Email
University at Albany uses as the official means of communication. Used for billing, official notices from the University, and communication from SPH administration, faculty and departments. Students are responsible for checking their University accounts regularly so as not to miss important, time-sensitive University, School and Department communications. Personal addresses will NOT be used for official correspondence or the SPH Listserv.

19 School of Public Health Listserv
Students added to School of Public Health Listserv at beginning of academic year: address used Two weekly listservs Internship and Career Services Listserv – Tuesday Internship information, fellowships, assistantships, part-time and full-time job postings, other funding opportunities School of Public Health Events Listserv - Thursday Events, activities, new class listings, presentations, campus-wide information us at if you have not yet received one of the weekly listserv newsletters

20 Academic Policies and Procedures
University at Albany Graduate Bulletin SPH Graduate Student Handbook MPH and Internship Handbooks Department Handbooks Internship and Career Services Listserv There are numerous resources available which provide you with the necessary information. Please be sure to consult these resources as your FIRST course of action, before seeking out the advice of staff or faculty. You will find answers to almost all of your questions by carefully reading and paying attention to information provided in these resources.

21 Resources You should also refer to the New Student Information website, where a lot of useful information has been provided. We hope that was useful to you as you prepared for starting graduate school here.

22 What’s Happening Today?
Community Rights and Responsibilities: 9:30-10:00am Brian Stephenson, Associate Director, Office of Community Standards Michelly Pena, Assistant Director, Office of Community Standards Academic Citation Workshop: 10:00-10:30am Mary Gallant, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Resource Fair: 10:30-11:30am 10:30-11:00am How to obtain NYS residency for tuition billing purposes 11:00-11:15am Graduate Student Employees Union Orientation (for appointed graduate and teaching assistants only More Introductions: 11:30-12:00pm NYS Public Health Association; SPH Career Services; SPH Graduate Student Organization; SPH Center for Global Health Lunch: 12:15-1:15pm MPH Student Orientation: 1:15-2:30pm

23 Department/Program Orientations
Biomedical Sciences: Monday, August 22 Environmental Health Sciences: Friday, August 26, 11:30am-2:00pm Room 3, East Campus Health Policy, Management and Behavior: Friday, August 26, 9:30-11:30am Room 110A, East Campus Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Monday, August 29,12:00-1:00pm DrPH Program: Friday, September 2, 9:00-11:00am Individual Department Orientations have been scheduled to provide you with more specific information about your department and program of study. You will meet with your academic advisor and/or most of your department faculty at these orientations.

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