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Design Considerations when creating a printed standard-based report card DO THIS FIRST ASK FOR AN EXAMPLE Bob Cornacchioli DERO Technical Services


3 for more resources
Agenda/Participants will be engaged in: Brainstorming session Tips and tricks of creating a standard based report card Learning report card language ReportWorks vs Object Reports NOT DYNAMIC so it’s all about real estate Printed or Online? Exploring the curriculum side of standards Parkbench Visual PST (object report writer) (free-trial licenses available) Target Audience – Admins/Curriculum/Lead Secretaries for more resources

4 Alpha/Beta Team for and PTP
CEO - DERO Technical Services (2007) Evangelist/Process Lead- Level Data Marketing/ - ParkBench Software Trainer Director of Technology and Media Services Shrewsbury Public Schools (16 yrs) PowerSchool Administrator (6 yrs) Alpha/Beta Team for and PTP Bob Cornacchioli

5 What’s your role in the district?
Trained in Object Reports? Created Standard Based Report Cards? High School Hybrid Report with Traditional and Standard grades?


7 Design Considerations
Years & Terms Semester – Trimester – Quarters Headers vs. Standards Graded or not Landscape vs. Portrait (on legal) More space for standard text (65) Larger Font- Landscape Shading Lines Gray Boxes Code vs. Text (Code & Text) ^(*;02.LA.01) You or someone else

8 Design Considerations
Standards – How many and Where Ask to see the standards, even if they are not in Excel! How many standards per content area? How long are the standard names (65/70/75) or descriptions? How many comments, which subjects by grade level get comments? Which standards are graded, which aren’t? Hybrid’s anyone? Where do they want a particular subject to be located on the printed report card

9 Location-Location-Location
The subliminal message do you send to your community by the placement of your subjects? UPPER LEFT of page #1 is BOARDWALK

10 Constraints/Decisions
Letter Recognition and Sounds Post Printing Circles – No Historical Record T2T Post Printed √ – No Historical Record T2T IF STANDARDS – 78 standards – Ask Teachers? Shape/Color and Number Recognition This picture is stored like school logo’s. JPG If you choose summative standards for concepts, you may need to provide parents with term benchmark expectations!

11 Summative - Student Records
All comments- 1 report card in Student Record Folder Better Identifier?? ^(*std.stored.comments;ELA.4.50;T1) ^(*std.stored.comments;MA.4.17;T1) Stay inside the lines Teachers will write TOO MUCH! Set Max Width to keep text in the box SOMEONE must inform teachers of character max count! WHO GETS A COMMENT?

12 Content Specific Comments
Typically reserved for MS Level Requires considerably more Real Estate If space is not available, tech team must change code as needed ALWAYS SMALLER ^(*std.stored.comments;02.LA.50;Q4) Who gets to enter a comment? To stay within lines Max Width needs to be set for each comment area. Object Reports – FIXED BOUNDARIES Ask K-5 teachers if they want ONE COMMENT BOX OR SUBJECT COMMENTS? MOST WANT JUST 1

13 Attendance Codes & Chasing Ghosts


15 Chasing Attendance Ghosts
SPECIAL NOTE – IF THE CODE WORKED LAST YEAR BUT NOT THIS YEAR Check Code to Day Conversion Values “sometimes” the EOY process does copy these values from last year and you’ll find this page blank! SPECIAL NOTE – IF THE CODE WORKS FOR MOST STUDENTS BUT NOT ALL Check Transfer Info for FTEid Value If Full-Time Equivalency can be BLANK especially if you IMPORT new students and forget to bring in that value

16 Which code to use/what will it display?
^(*std.stored.high;ELA.5.1;T1;2010) = highest stored grade for standard T1, 2010 ^(*std.stored.num;ELA.5.1;T1;11) = average stored grade for standard T1 in Grade 11 ^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.5.1;T1) = stored number grade for standard T1 ^(*std.transhigh;ELA.5.1) = stored number grade for standard DO YOU HAVE THE POWERSCHOOL CODES?

17 Hybrid Anyone? PLEASE NOTE – if a teachers enters a grade or comment
^(;8011,IJATut;course_name)Teacher: ^(;8011,IJATut; teacher_name) <tabc 9.9>^(;8011,IJATut;T1;grade) <tabc 10.3>^(;8011,IJATut;T2;grade) <tabc 10.65>^(;8011,IJATut;T3;grade ^(;8009;course_name) -Teacher: ^(;8009;teacher_name) <tabc 4.37>^(;8009;T1;grade) <tabc 4.78>^(;8009;T2;grade) <tabc 5.15>^(;8009;T3;grade) PLEASE NOTE – if a teachers enters a grade or comment AFTER GRADES ARE STORED - NOTHING PRINTS ON THE REPORT CARD


19 = Not Assessed This Term – Strategies!
Teachers will have to either: 1) leave standard blank 2) select a conversion scale choice of NA 3) All standards will be seen by teacher even if correct term is selected – no element refers to term ID UNLESS someone changes the Enable selection Not Recommended as this will be a repeatable labor cost

20 BE ON THE SAME PAGE Key/Assessments
Avoid confusion with homebound papers: Curriculum/Admin issue NOT Technical! Sending Home Letter Grades and Percentages will confuse Parents and Students

21 Multi-page Reports Duplex Printers - Stapler
Name of student on each odd #’d page! Check Margins – Edge to Edge is different on each printer. Different on Screen vs. Print Out New Printers.. CHECK REPORTS

22 21st Century Effort Habits of Mind Essential Skills for Learning Social Demeanor Usually associated to a HR District-based 80% same for all grades Elementary – One teacher – all subjects Middle School – Multiple teachers – individual subjects Standard for each, spacing code is significant for the section below

23 Not Dynamic – space for everything
Have admin consider limiting standards in each content area! Battlegrounds between core academics and special subjects Generic Standards for all Performance Groups (BCO) and Foreign Language (F,S,C,L) G e t R e a d y t o R u m b l e If Specials do not get comments, Try to include an effort/behavior standard! Strategy: Less standards if class doesn’t meet daily

24 Corrections on screen or print?
Create a comment only report for teachers rather than printing entire report cards Sample available on DERO Technical Website- Report Cards!

25 Report Tools for the Future?
Traditional – Handwritten Traditional – Electronic Standards Anchor Standards Common Core Rubric Assessments by Term Graphical Progress on Standards Online/Web-based Push Technology Audio Video Cumulative K-12 with yearly progress on Graduation Local/State and National Comparisons What is your Best Guess?

26 Demo Licenses are available – send me an email!
District Pricing : $250 / year Demo Licenses are available – send me an !

27 Design Sign-off Need an example?
What you see is what you get object report writer Design Sign-off Build for perfections! Need an example? Coding will have to be changed!



30 The Power of Search and Replace
^(*;ELA.3.3) <tabc 4.37>^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.3.3;T1) <tabc 4.78>^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.3.3;T2) <tabc 5.15>^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.3.3;T3) ^(*;ELA.2.3) <tabc 4.37>^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.2.3;T1) <tabc 4.78>^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.2.3;T2) <tabc 5.15>^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.2.3;T3) REMEMBER – Using this DAT CODE will affect transferred students with grades in the same term standard scores ^(*;MA.2.3) <tabc 4.37>^(*std.stored.transavg;MA.2.3;T1) <tabc 4.78>^(*std.stored.transavg;MA.2.3;T2) <tabc 5.15>^(*std.stored.transavg;MA.2.3;T3)

31 Search and Replace in VST
Exciting feature, but! ^(*std.stored.transavg;ELA.5.1;T1) can easily become ^(*std.stored.transavg;RE.5.1;T1) Changing RE to Math could result in ^(*std.stoMAd.transavg;MA.5.1;T1) If you would like a license key – expires 10/31 – send to Cautions with numbers too! (Grade levels and code tabs)


33 No Boxes in My Grids

34 NEW within Object Reports
Standard Object NEW within Object Reports

35 NEW Standard Object w/ParkBench
Dynamic = Less Control

36 ParkBench’s Standard Object: Specifics

37 Check out my website for more

38 By Jason Springel Upcoming Session The Standard Object
What it can and can’t do

39 : Rollup Grades and DAT Codes
HEADS UP : Rollup Grades and DAT Codes Rollup grades were introduced in the PS 9 table structure and does not refer to calculating parent standards. Rollup grades are auto generated and added to the rollup table when a student receives more than one section grade for the same standard in the same term. Prior to PS 9 if a student had more than one score for a standard the PTG PSM tables would store that independently, but in the old StandardsGrades table there was only room for a single value, so the scores would be auto-averaged. DAT pulled whatever value it found in the StandardsGrades table, a single or average grade that’s what the DAT displayed

40 : Rollup Grades and DAT Codes
HEADS UP : Rollup Grades and DAT Codes So… once a student transfers from one teacher to another… final standard grades could be an issue AND the new teacher GRADES this student on the SAME STANDARD nothing will display on your standard based report cards. Please note: DAT code has not changed from PS8/PS9/PS10... The grade location has!

Same Term Transfers with Standard Grades causes issues with DAT coded SBRC …IF the next teacher (2) in the same term ALSO enters standards grades …IF teacher (1) didn’t enter any grades – NO ISSUES …IF teacher (1) enters any grades – teacher (2) doesn’t grade any standards – NO ISSUES …IF teacher (1) deletes the grades, - teacher (2) still can’t grade as the ROLLUP fuction has already taken place! If you have a DAT coded report card… HAVE A PLAN for TRANSFERRING STUDENTS within a given term I heard from QA that we have the evidence confirming this is a big problem. I need to prioritize features for after November. I know that is after school has started though unfortunately. I have a list of report card features I want to get in and it would be great to get your feedback. Chad Smith, M.Ed. Product Manager, PowerSchool Group LLC 

42 : Rollup Grades and DAT Codes
HEADS UP : Rollup Grades and DAT Codes  This was improved in PS 9 with the new table structure and the fact that the STANDARDGRADESECTION table stores every score a student receives, even if there is more than one, while the new STANDARDGRADEROLLUP table can now capture that combined average separately and distinctly. The Standard Object, which reports standards per class/section. This object creates greater flexibility in reporting grades by section. You can now assign the same standard to multiple sections and the standard object can show the grade that each individual teacher gave that student. (which applies to our transfer issue)

43 Standard View in PS reports Current grade PLUS more
HEADS UP: Standard View in PS reports Current grade PLUS more If you click on a standard grade and the student was graded twice in the same term it will provide Rollup Grade info

If the new teacher DOESN’T GRADE THE CHILD IN THAT TERM… There would be NO SECOND GRADE and therefore NOT in the StandardGradeRollup Table and DAT would still work! PLEASE TEST THIS FIRST – The original teacher take a screen shot to provide to the new teacher THEN DELETES ALL GRADES for that student before transfer. Since there is NO SECOND GRADE, I would think that would also work, but have not personally tested it. DAT codes will PULL NOTHING if there are two grades for any standard in a given term. The next term – everything works AOK! This would be an alternative to designing a new report card with the standard object (which has it’s limitations) in the middle of the year!

45 DECISIONS & POLICY How often do you transfer students?
What happens to grades now? If you decide to move to the Standard Object Please check my website for resources on this as well as it’s limitations. Give yourself PLENTY of time to switch

TO DOWNLOAD, TWEAK and USE FOR YOUR DISTRICT! Q & A Bob Cornacchioli DERO Technical Services

47 BobC Sessions @ PSUG National
Please complete the Guidebook survey for this and all sessions


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