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Chapter 2 Fitness and Personal Health

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1 Chapter 2 Fitness and Personal Health

2 Wellness Wellness is the constant effort to stay healthy and achieve your highest potential. 7 Dimensions of wellness Physical Social Occupational Emotional How many minutes of physical activity do you need every day? Mental Environmental Spiritual

3 Physical Fitness Physical Fitness is your ability to meet the ordinary demands of daily life without becoming too tired and still having energy left for recreational activities. 4 Components: Cardiovascular Muscular Strength and Endurance Flexibility Body Composition

4 Cardiovascular Fitness
Your ability to move your whole body over a period of time. What do your muscles need to contract? How do they get oxygen and sugar? How does the blood move around the body? Is it better to pump a lot of blood fewer times or a little blood many times?

5 Cardiovascular Fitness
Resting Heart Rate: Number of heart beats per minute at rest Two places to find your pulse: Carotid Artery (Neck) Radial Artery (Wrist) Athlete: 49-55 Excellent: 56-61 Good: 62-65 Above Average: 66-69 Average: 70-73 Below Average: 74-81 Poor: 82+

6 Cardiovascular Fitness
How do the following activities affect your heart rate? Resting Heart Rate: Unknown / Forgotten test: Standing and sitting 3 times: Running in place: Does just physical activity affect your heart rate?


8 Cardiovascular Fitness
Cardiovascular Training Zone: 60-80% of your maximum heart rate Maximum heart rate is 220 – Your Age Lower End of zone: 220 – Age * .6 Upper End of zone: 220 – Age * .8 If you are 11: 125 – 167 BPM If you are 12 or 13: 124 – 166 BPM

9 Muscular Strength & Endurance
Strength = Max weight or force one time. Endurance = Smaller weight or force many times Strength or Endurance? Raking the yard Standing long jump Trying to lift a car A boxer punching a heavy bag for 2 mins Carrying a 50 lbs bag of dog food from the car to the house Shoveling mulch for a new flowerbed

10 Flexibility Your ability to move within your joints range of motion.
Benefits of good flexibility: Move easier Stretch further Prevent injury More relaxed Choose a sport or activity and explain how you can get hurt if you are not flexible.

11 Body Composition What is your body made of? Bone Muscle Skin Fat
Organs Water

12 Body Composition Body Composition is a comparison of your fat and lean body tissue (muscle). BMI (Body Mass Index) Good: 18-25 Bioelectrical Impedance Skin Fold Test Bod Pod Underwater Weighing


14 Body Composition What weighs more? What takes up more space?
1 pound of fat 1 pound of muscle What takes up more space?

15 PACER Test Boys: 72+: Excellent 32-71: Good 20-32: Fair
19 or less: Poor Girls: 42+: Excellent 17-41: Good 10-17: Fair 9 or less: Poor

16 Sit Ups Boys: 38+: Excellent 18-37: Good 10-17: Fair 9 or less: Poor
Girls: 34+: Excellent 17-33: Good 10-16: Fair 9 or less: Poor

17 Push Ups Boys: 20+: Excellent 13-19: Good 7-12: Fair 6 or less: Poor
Girls: 15+: Excellent 7-14: Good 4-6: Fair 3 or less: Poor

18 Flexed Arm Hang Boys: 20+: Excellent 13-19: Good 5-12: Fair
4 or less: Poor Girls: 15+: Excellent 9-14: Good 4-8: Fair 3 or less: Poor

19 Sit and Reach Boys: 13+: Excellent 8-12: Good 4-8: Fair
3 or less: Poor Girls: 14+: Excellent 9-13: Good 5-8: Fair 4 or less: Poor

20 National Fitness Standards
Boys PACER 32-72 Laps Sit Ups 18-37 Push Ups 10-20 Flexed Arm Hang 10-15 Seconds Sit and Reach 8-12 Inches Girls PACER 17-42 Laps Sit Ups 17-33 Push Ups 7-15 Flexed Arm Hang 7-12 Seconds Sit and Reach 10-12 Inches

21 Fitness Goals Goals should be: Specific Measurable Realistic
If you scored poor don’t set a goal of making excellent in 2 months

22 Writing a Fitness Plan F.I.T Frequency Intensity Time How Often
How Much Effort Time How Long


24 Calories, Exercise, and Weight
What is a calorie? Calories are how we measure energy. The amount of energy required to raise the temperature of one gram of water one degree Celsius. How many calories do you need to take in everyday? 2000 How many calories in one pound of fat? 3500 If you wanted to lose 10 pounds how many calories would you need to eliminate? 35,000

25 Eliminating Calories How can we eliminate calories?
Exercise Diet control Healthy weight loss: 1 pound a week is the healthiest pace to lose weight How many calories would you need to eliminate to lose one pound in a week?

26 Eating Disorders Anorexia Nervosa: An eating disorder in which a person suffers from a distorted self image and starves themselves. This causes them to have a dangerously low body weight. Bulimia Nervosa: An eating disorder in which a person will often binge on food and immediately purging the food from their bodies usually by vomiting or taking laxatives.

27 Physical Fitness Test 7 Dimensions of Wellness (matching)
4 Components of Fitness Definitions Examples Cardiovascular Fitness Resting Heart Rate Target Heart Rate Zone Fitness Goals & Fitness Planning Calories, Exercise, & Weight Eating Disorders

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