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Aim: How does evolution occur by natural selection?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: How does evolution occur by natural selection?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: How does evolution occur by natural selection?

2 How Does Evolution Occur?
EVOLUTION is a slow change in a _________ over time. Evolution occurs by a process called _________________________. species NATURAL SELECTION Read this cartoon, what do you think NATURAL SELECTION is?

3 Lamarck’s theory of Evolution
Lamarck believed that by the selective USE or DISUSE of characteristics, organisms lost or acquired certain traits that would be passed on to the offspring.

4 Darwin Considered the “_________” of evolution.
Charles Darwin traveled to the ___________________ , an uninhabited environment, where he studied evolution (_________________) father Galapagos islands Darwin’s Finches

5 Natural Selection KEY NATURAL SELECTION is the _________ to Darwin’s theory. According to this theory, evolution is controlled by __________ . Only the organisms that are able to ___________ and ________________ will pass on their genes. NATURE SURVIVE REPRODUCE

6 Natural Selection vs. Artificial Selection
________ select the desirable traits that will appear in the Offspring. People ____________ selects the desirable traits that will appear in the offspring. Environment

7 Conditions that are vital to Evolution:
Overproduction Variation Struggle For Survival Best Adapted To Survive Darwin did NOT have knowledge of the _________ basis of inheritance genetic

8 Overproduction leads to
More offspring are produced than can ___________ (most die young). Organisms such as bacteria, fish, insects, and rabbits have ________ reproductive rates because the chance that their young will survive is___________. survive Overproduction leads to COMPETITION!! high minimal

9 Variation Variation: Individuals have__________ in their appearance, structure, or genes. Source of variation: _______ Reproduction (sperm + egg) __________ (Indp. Ass. & Crossing Over) __________ (Change in DNA) differences Sexual Meiosis Mutation

10 Mutations change the base sequence of ________. DNA
Most mutations are ___________, but some can help the organism ____________. DNA HARMFUL SURVIVE

11 Best Adapted To Survive
The __________________ chooses which traits have adaptive value. An individual that has traits favorable in a certain environment will live to _____________ and pass on those traits, others will _____ out. ENVIRONMENT reproduce die

12 Struggle For Survival “Survival of the fittest”
Only those _________ suited will survive because of competition for ______ (limited) resources (___________________________) BEST finite oxygen, water, food, and shelter

13 Patterns Of Change SHORT
Species with ________ reproductive cycles that produce ________ offspring tend to evolve more ________ than species with _________ life spans and ______ offspring. Types: a) Gradualism – evolution occurs _________ through time (Slow & Continuous) . b) Punctuated Equilibrium- species stay the same for long periods of time and then change _______. MANY quickly LONG FEW steadily rapidly

14 Examples of Natural Selection
Industrial Melanism Antibiotic / Pesticide Resistance

15 Antibiotic Resistance
Ex: Punctuated Equlibrium When bacteria are exposed to an antibiotic there is a chance that a few will have a gene that makes them ____________. The bacteria ___________ the resistance will be killed, while those that are __________ will ________ and pass on their genes for antibiotic resistance. RESISTANT WITHOUT RESISTANT survive The antibiotic is the selecting agent Resistant Bacteria Antibiotic X

16 Extinction disappearance
The ______________ of an entire species (ex. Dinosaurs) It can be caused by _______________________________________ ___________________ temperature changes, pollution, or landscape changes

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