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Wednesday – 1.25.17 Warm-up: Take out your Genetics Warm-up Problems Handout and answer #1 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMEMBER!

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday – 1.25.17 Warm-up: Take out your Genetics Warm-up Problems Handout and answer #1 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMEMBER!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday – Warm-up: Take out your Genetics Warm-up Problems Handout and answer #1 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMEMBER! To receive full credit you must do ALL of the following things: Mark up the question Predict your answer Circle the correct answer Indicate why the other answer choices are wrong

2 Warm-Up #1 In rabbits Hairy ears (H) is dominant over non hairy ears (h) and blue eyes (E) are dominant over red eyes (e). Two rabbits who are heterozygous for both traits are crossed, determine the probability of the offspring below: Hairy Ears with Blue Eyes? ____________ Non Hairy Ears with Blue eyes? ____________ Purebred Recessive for both traits? ___________ Hairy Ears with Red Eyes? ___________

3 Gummy Bear Activity: Section 1
You are a predator, and the gummy bears are your prey. You will form a single-file line approaching the habitat in the front of the room. You will each look into the habitat and quickly remove the first gummy bear you see and return to your seat. ONLY TAKE ONE!

4 Gummy Bear Analysis: Section 1
Number of predators that selected red: ___ Number of predators that selected green: ___ Number of predators that selected orange: ___ Number of predators that selected clear: ___ Number of predators that selected yellow: ___ Look at the data above and discuss with your shoulder partner why you think we got these results.

5 Gummy Bear Analysis: Section 1
How does the gummy bear color (its phenotype) affect its rate of predation (being chosen as food)? Your Answer Correct Answer The dark/brightly colored bears get eaten more often. The light colored/clear ones get eaten less often. Phenotypes directly influence the interaction of an organism with its environment. These phenotypes that help organisms survive will be passed to their offspring more than the unfavorable traits.

6 Red Rain Application: Section 1
In 2012, a mysterious red rain fell over Sri Lanka for 2 days. Predict how you think the red rain phenomena would have affected the population aquatic organisms (gummy bears) found in this new environment over time. Be sure to explain your reasoning.

7 Cell Phone Activity: Section 2
Arrange your cell phone cut-outs on the timeline to the best of your ability from oldest to newest. Let’s check those answers!

8 Cell Phone Activity: Section 2
Describe how the cell phone changed over time. How does this relate to our new unit? Come up with a definition for evolution. Changes in the DNA (gene pool) among populations of organisms (species) over time. Often results in the formation of new species of organisms.

9 Pocket Mice: Section 3 As you watch the video, pay special attention to the ways in which random mutations affect the never-ending process of evolution. Pocket Mice of the Valley of Fire Near the end of the film, Dr. Sean B. Carroll states that “while mutation is random, natural selection is not.” In your own words, explain how this is possible. Suppose you are studying a recently discovered population of rock pocket mice with dark-colored fur that lives on volcanic rock. You take a DNA sample from a member of this new population and determine the DNA sequence of a gene known to play a role in fur color. The sequence you get is identical to that of the same gene in another rock pocket mouse population with dark-colored fur that lives on a different patch of volcanic rock. Which of the following could explain this observation? The mice in the two populations evolved from the same ancestral population. The volcanic rock caused the same mutation in each rock pocket mouse population, resulting in dark coloration. The same mutation spontaneously arose in the two different populations. Both (a) and (c) are possible. All of the above are possible.

10 Pocket Mice: Section 3 After the video, take turns explaining to your shoulder partner how the dark-colored fur trait increased in frequency in the population. Try your best to use all of the following words: Fitness, survival, selection, and evolution Then, answer questions 1-2 in your notes packet.

11 Plicker Question

12 Plicker Question

13 Plicker Question

14 Plicker Question

15 Peppered Moth Activity

16 Peppered Moth Activity

17 Peppered Moth Activity

18 Peppered Moth Activity

19 Years of Study vs. # of Moths Captured Number of Moths Captured
Legend Light Moths: Dark Moths: Years of Study

20 Exit Ticket Take out your Warm-up/Exit Ticket Handout and answer #3-4 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMEMBER! To receive full credit you must do ALL of the following things: Mark up the question Predict your answer Circle the correct answer Indicate why the other answer choices are wrong

21 Exit Ticket #3 When meiosis and fertilization occur, genes from both parents are combined, producing unique offspring. How does this benefit a species? The production of more cells leads to faster population growth. Greater genetic variation increases the chances of survival of a species. The mixing of parent genes reduces the chance of mutation in a species. The variation between individuals decreases competition for resources.

22 Exit Ticket #4 Which of the following explains why natural selection acts on the phenotype of an organism instead of its genotype? Phenotypes directly influence the interaction of an organism with its environment. Genotypes do not change except by the process of transcription. Genotypes change in direct response to habitat changes. Phenotypes can be inherited by offspring

23 Friday – Warm-up: Take out your Genetics Warm-up Problems Handout and answer #2 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMEMBER! To receive full credit you must do ALL of the following things: Mark up the question Predict your answer Circle the correct answer Indicate why the other answer choices are wrong

24 Warm-Up #2 In guinea pigs, the allele for black hair (B) is dominant to the allele for brown hair (b). Two black-haired guinea pigs are crossed. One is homozygous for black hair and one is heterozygous. What is the probability of their offspring being a hybrid for black hair? 25% 50% 75% 100%

25 Giraffe Video Part 1: Section 4
As you watch the first part of this video, try your best to answer the questions in your notes packet. (0:00-5:18) Can individuals evolve or adapt? Does a variation of traits among a population have to be present in order for natural selection to occur? What is the difference between sexual selection and natural selection? How does predation influence the traits that are selected for in a given environment? Can individuals evolve or adapt? Does a variation of traits among a population have to be present in order for natural selection to occur? What is the difference between sexual selection and natural selection? How does predation influence the traits that are selected for in a given environment?

26 Plicker Question

27 Plicker Question

28 Plicker Question

29 Plicker Question

30 Darwin’s 5 Points Populations have variation.
Some variations are favorable. More offspring are produced than survive. Those that survive have favorable traits. A population will change over time. *population: all of the organisms of the same species that live in the same area and are capable of reproducing with each other


32 Darwin’s 5 Points

33 Darwin’s 5 Points

34 Darwin’s 5 Points

35 Darwin’s 5 Points

36 Darwin’s 5 Points

37 Plicker Question

38 Plicker Question

39 Plicker Question

40 Plicker Question

41 Exit Ticket Take out your Warm-up/Exit Ticket Handout and answer #5 using your sticky note and the Protocol for MC Questions. REMEMBER! To receive full credit you must do ALL of the following things: Mark up the question Predict your answer Circle the correct answer Indicate why the other answer choices are wrong

42 Exit Ticket #5 Which of these best illustrates natural selection?
An organism with favorable genetic variations will tend to survive and breed successfully. A population monopolizes all of the resources in its habitat, forcing other species to migrate. A community whose members work together utilizes all existing resources and migratory routes. The largest organisms in a species receive the only breeding opportunities.

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