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Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) Programme

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Presentation on theme: "Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 Graduate Entry Nursing (GEN) Programme
Christine Armstrong Lecturer in Nursing

2 GEN Programme Aim of session Introduce and explain practice paperwork
Introduce and explain assessment process By the end of the two sessions you will: Be aware of the expectations with regard to student practice assessment Be aware of the requirements for the Practice Assessment Document (PAD).

3 Accelerated 2 years programme
GEN Programme Accelerated 2 years programme

4 Placement Plan – Placement Blocks

5 Standards for pre-registration nursing education
Practice is assessed against the competency standards for Adult Nursing contained within the Standards for pre-registration nursing (NMC 2010) All nursing programmes are assessed against the same standards and competency framework

6 Taught Modules in Progression Period 1.
Module A Fundamentals of Nursing for Health and Wellbeing Module D Leading for Change in Nursing Practice Module E Research Evidence and Dissertation for Nursing

7 Upload Clinical Reflections
Electronic Portfolio Upload Clinical Reflections

8 What is this for? This will help the Mentor assess whether the student has achieved the correct level of competency Mentors will look at the Portfolio along with the Practice Assessment Document (PAD) The student can work on providing evidence of their progression within the Portfolio document during the weekly reflective time allocated


10 You must advise the Placement area AND the School Sickness and absence line if the student is unavoidably detained or sick. School line:



13 20 Learning outcomes – 5 for each NMC Domain and a number of performance criteria (PC’s) for each learning outcome

14 Record of Signatories Page
Every mentor who signs in the PAD has to add their name and signature to this page

15 Student Induction Students should be inducted into the practice setting

16 Mentor placement interviews in each practice block
Initial – Look at expectations and identify 10 learning outcomes for summative sign off – make goals to meet these. Mid-point – Review progress and areas for development for 10 identified learning outcomes and assess progress against Adapted Steinaker & Bell (1979) taxonomy. The Support and Monitoring Tool should be completed for this interview and an action plan may be formulated as a result End – A summative assessment of competency against adapted Stienaker and Bell (1979) taxonomy is undertaken for the 10 identified learning outcomes.

17 Scoring your competency in practice is undertaken using a taxonomy




21 Aims of the Student Support and Monitoring Tool:
To identify struggling students in clinical practice at the earliest opportunity To indicate the support level required for a student and to standardise parity of student support experience To facilitate monitoring and support for a struggling student and to ensure that due process is followed by the mentor To promote a collaborative approach to the support and monitoring of a struggling student




25 First Mentor PBL 1 does not complete




29 Form is mentor led, students should not approach patients, carer or relatives to ask them to complete. Patient should be anonymous

30 It should consider the Patient’s journey.
A spoke can be from 3 hours to 1 week in duration and should be arranged by yourselves in negotiation with your Mentor. It should consider the Patient’s journey.

31 You may have to Spoke in order to achieve all your performance criteria to reach Level 2 by summative review. This would be where your Mentor would learn what you have done to achieve this and so must be shared with them

32 Your Personal Tutor will be made aware if any of these are not complete, they will sign these off prior to placement if they are all complete. You have completed IGT training and must show your certificate to your Personal Tutor.


34 Additional pages for resubmission if required.

35 Needs to be signed/initialled at the end of EACH shift.
Working week 37.5 hrs. 2.5 hrs (reflective) = 40hrs (total) Students do not make any alteration that cannot be seen and tracked If Mentor is not available, another Registrant is able to sign Reflection hours are included and identified as reflection hours Spoke placement hours are included Bank holiday hours are not included

36 Sickness will have to be made up as student progresses or, in extreme circumstances in the Elective/Consolidation Period and or, annual leave weeks if required.

37 Bank/Agency work Practice placements are your priority
Work your additional work around placements, not the other way around! You may make REQUESTS for shifts but you must be available to work with your Mentor a min-i-mum of 150 hours in order to be assessed.

38 Shift Patterns You WILL be working a variety of shift patterns and times, these will include some weekends but you are not required to work night shifts in Progression Period 1. You can mirror your mentor i.e. long days You are NOT to work bank holidays You will need to make up time missed as you go along You are NOT to change your shifts to accommodate low staffing levels. You ARE supernumerary but you are NOT lazy! You ARE allowed to make the most of all the learning experience that placement has to offer. ENJOY!

39 Placement Evaluations
Placement evaluations are mandatory – you will evaluate every practice experience. Anyone who fails to follow the evaluation process will receive an academic warning. Tips for Evaluation: No safeguarding issues in your evaluations No patient care issues – any type – these should be dealt with at the time (or, you should indicate that you dealt with them at the time) Be professional with your patient evaluation and not personal

40 Contact Information Keele Support Kath Miles Placement Office Tel No: Esther Woolham Placement Office Christine Armstrong Practice Quality Lead Tel No: Sara Morris Award Lead & Personal Tutor

41 Any Questions?

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