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By: Katniss Everors, Prim Everors, and Peeta Woodenark

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1 By: Katniss Everors, Prim Everors, and Peeta Woodenark

2 Cartouche The names of pharaohs or queens were always written inside a oblong (a shape that looks like a flattened circle) shape called cartouche Some Egyptologists believe that this shape represented some sort of spiritual protection Other scholars believe that it represents the sun rising over the land

3 Cartouche Slide Two Cartouche is a French word and means “gun cartridge”. When Napoleon and his army were in Egypt, they nicknamed the shape “cartouche”, because it reminded then of the shape of their gun cartridge (bullets). At the time, people could not read hieroglyphics, so they didn’t know that cartouche surrounded the name of a pharaoh, or a queen.

Cartouche Slide Three WERE ROYAL NAMES ALWAYS WRITTEN IN CARTOUCHES? In the first three dynasties, royal names were written inside a rectangle called Serekh. The bottom half of the rectangle was filled with a picture of the front of the royal palace. The top half was filled with the king’s name. On the top box sat the god Horus who was identified with the pharaoh throughout the Egyptian history.

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