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Published byJody Stone Modified over 6 years ago
Land Informatization centric National Land Capacity Building Model “NLCBM-i”
Mar. 2017
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Case of NLCBM-i Application
※ NLCBM-i : National Land Capacity Building Model for informatization
Contents 1. Introduction a. Necessity of model b. Definition of model
c. Application of model 2. Case of NLCBM-i Application
Intro National Land Capacity Building Model What is NLCBM ?
Laws and institutions Capacity etc. etc. Development Capacity Planning Capacity Informatization Capacity Governance Capacity Administration Capacity Capacity Building /Development National Land Capacity Systematic Structure for National Land Capacity Building NLCBM Tool of Capacity Assessment Tool of Capacity Development Methodology of Capacity Building
National Land Capacity Building Model-for Land informatization
Overview National Land Capacity Building Model-for Land informatization NLCBM-i Trend of Land informatization Importance of Land informatization Capacity NLCBM-i which is specialized in Land informatization Expected effect of NLCBM-i Necessity of model Definition of model Merits and demerits of NLCBM-i Definition of NLCBM-i Structure of NLCBM-i Application of model When is it needed? for National Capacity Assessment for Feasibility Study for Capacity Building Project
a. Necessity >> Trend of Land informatization
1. Introduction Increased demand of global “Land Informatization” Accurate and rapid processing of national land administrative work Improve business productivity of public official & secure the expertise Support decision-making in scientific way when establishing national policies Optimization of land resource utilization by data sharing information Management information information integrated management Policy Development Land Management System information information close linkage Ownership/ Transaction Regulation of Land Use information Technology Development “Importance of informatization has been increased in national land area”
a. Necessity >> Importance of Land informatization Capacity
1. Introduction The foundation of land informatization project in developing country is “ Capacity Building” Build the Infrastructure Data Digitization Land Informatization Project In Developing country Local land Informati -zation capacity Technological Independence Establishment of Informatization plan Establishment of Policy and system “The success or failure of the project depends on local land informatization capacity”
a. Necessity >> NLCBM-i which is specialized in Land informatization
1. Introduction NLCBM-i National Land Capacity Building Model for informatization Capacity building education which is specialized in Land informatization National Land informatization Policy National Land Data National Land Management (information) System Plan Survey/ Processing Analysis Introduction Digitization Design Application Analysis Development/ Test Assessment Management Maintenance
a. Necessity >> Expected effect of NLCBM-i
1. Introduction Effectiveness Sustainability NLCBM-i professionalism Independency recipient country can handle it by themselves through continuous capacity securement Size of recipient country’s role With NLCBM-i developing country’s developmental direction of Land informatization through NLCBM-i Size of donor country’s role Without NLCBM-i No change in capacity development
b. Definition of model >> Merits and demerits of NLCBM-i
1. Introduction specialize in ICT capacity Laws and institutions Capacity Governance Capacity Planning Capacity Development Capacity 1 Developed not over a long period of time but, Short-term accumulated experience Successful settle down for land informatization in a short period of time Experience of cadastral survey based on informatization along with technology development 2 Implement cadastral survey based on informatization 3 Experience of informatization education for developing country Not every land area but, Implement the capacity building education which is focused on Land informatization 4 Through several trial and error KLIS Know-How *PBLIS+**LMIS=***KLIS have a experience & know-how *PBLIS : Parcel Based Land Information System **LMIS : Land Management Information System ***KLIS : Korea Land Information System
b. Definition of model >> Definition of NLCBM-i
1. Introduction NLCBM-i Capacity Assessment Model Capacity Development Model result of Capacity Assessment Land informatization Capacity 『Assessment』 Land informatization Capacity 『Development』 Result of Capacity Development Tool Tool Evaluation index Curriculum
b. Definition of model >> Structure of NLCBM-i
1. Introduction NLCBM-i Capacity Assessment Model Capacity Development Model Laws and institutions, national strategy, plans, etc. which is applied to the state Societal Indicator National Level customized by nation Curriculum The entire curri-culum Organizational Structure of Organization, Manpower, education institutions, infrastructure and technologies in the system apply overall curriculum according to national level customized by individual Curriculum Individual retained & necessary capacity of individual apply customized curriculum according to Individual level Individual Level
c. Application of model >> When is it needed?
1. Introduction 1 2 3 National Capacity Assessment Capacity Building Project Feasibility Study National Level macroscopic macroscopic National Level National Level X Individual Level Individual Level microscopic Simple method Individual Level microscopic Authentic method X When you want to diagnose national land informatization capacity Before you start land informatization capacity building project When you start land informatization capacity building project How is the land informatization capacity of recipient country? Which curriculum is needed for a capacity development? Planned capacity building project is feasible project? Implement the land informatization capacity building education to the target (people of recipient country)
c. Application of model >> National Capacity Assessment
1. Introduction Assessment Result Target Evaluation index Curriculum casting Diagno -sis coordinator land informatization Capacity expert Case Number of people 1 Local land expert 10 Societal area Legal Framework National Capacity Assessment Customized by nation Curriculum 1 2 3 Organization Organizational area Human resources Who knows local land status well. Public official or private expert Level of computerization 2 Feasibility Study Customized by individual Curriculum Level of System GEO ICT Infra Implement education 3 Capacity Building Project
c. Application of model >> Feasibility Study
1. Introduction Assessment Result Target Evaluation index Curriculum casting Diagno -sis coordinator land informatization Capacity expert Case Number of people Legal Framework 1 National Capacity Assessment Local land expert 10 Societal area Customized by nation Curriculum 1 2 3 Organization Organizational area Human resources Gap Analysis Evaluate and revise Who knows local land status well. Public official or private expert 2 Level of computerization Customized by individual Curriculum Level of System Feasibility Study 타당성 조사 GEO ICT Infra Implement education 3 Capacity Building Project Local land education target 5 Individual area Decision-maker System administrator Private engineer Operator of cadastral service
c. Application of model >> Capacity Building Project
1. Introduction Assessment Result Target Evaluation index Curriculum casting Diagno -sis coordinator land informatization Capacity expert Case Number of people Legal Framework 1 National Capacity Assessment Local land expert 15 Societal area Customized by nation Curriculum 1 2 3 Organization Organizational area Human resources Who knows local land status well. Public official or private expert Level of computerization 2 Feasibility Study Customized by individual Curriculum Level of System GEO ICT Infra Implement education Local land education target No. of Project target ex: 50 Individual area 3 Decision-maker Capacity Building Project System administrator Private engineer Operator of cadastral service
Contents 1. Introduction 2. Case of NLCBM-i Application a. Jamaica
b. Uruguay c. Cambodia d. Laos e. Ethiopia f. Tunisia
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application
Legal Framework 1 Local land experts 1. Assessment Method Assessment Result 1 2 3 Assessment Target Indicators Capacity Level 1 2 3 Organization Indicator 1 Govt. 3 Human resources Decision Maker Indicator 2 2 Level of computerization Govt. Policy Experts Indicator 1 1 Who knows local land status well. Public official or private expert Level of System Rel. orgs Indicator 2 2 National Capacity Assessment Land Management Workers GEO ICT Infra Govt. Indicator 3 2 System Manager 2. Customized Curriculum Design Customized national Curriculum Curriculum Decision Maker Policy Experts Land Management Workers System Manager Rel. orgs Govt. Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Subject A1-1 A1-2 A1-3 Group A B C D B1-1 B1-2 B1-3 C1-1 C1-2 C1-3 D1-1 D1-2 D1-3 A2-1 A2-2 A2-3 B2-1 B2-2 B2-3 C2-1 C2-2 C2-3 D2-1 D2-2 D2-3 A3-1 A3-2 A3-3 B3-1 B3-2 B3-3 C3-1 C3-2 C3-3 D3-1 D3-2 D3-3 Gap Analysis Evaluate and revise Customized individual Curriculum
a. Application: Jamaica>>National Capacity Assessment
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Country Jamaica Targets Decision Makers: Ministry of Water, Land, Environment, and Climate Change, Rollin Alveranga, Senior Director, Policy & Standards Division, and 3 officers Policy Experts: Ministry of Finance and Planning, Renelle Aarons-Morgan, Project Planning Officer, and 1 officer Land Management Workers: National Land Agengy, Donovan Hayden, Estate Management Director, and 2 officers System Managers: Ministry of Water, Land, Environment, and Climate Change, Shaun O.B. Cameron, ICT Director, and 1 officer Period ~ Methods on-site interview and survey Assessment Tools NLCBM Capacity Assessment Indicators NLCBM Interview Questionnaire Researcher Dong-kyu, Kwak, Manager, Korea Land and Geospatial Informatix Corporation Assessment Indicators Results Jamaica Land Informatization Capcity Assessment Report Societal Area 1 Institutional Area 2 Individual Area 3 Law/Policy Holding Knowledge Human Resource/ Organization Educational Institute/ Research Institute Plan/Strategy Necessary Knowledge GEO/ICT Infrastructure/ Standardization Land System
a. Application: Jamaica>>National Land Capacity Assessment
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Major Outputs Capacity Assessment 1 Law/Policy Societal Area Judicial System Plan/Strategy 1889 established land registration system (common law, registration) 1997 approved national land policy(land utilization and management) - balanced development, ecofriendly development, modernized digitalization Mid/long-term development plan:5-yer development plan, Jamaica Vision 2030, etc.. 1 2 3 Organization 2 Institutional Area Human Resource/ Organization Educational Institute/ Research Institute Human Resource Agencies under Ministry of Water, Land, Environment, and Climate Change - National Land Agency(NLA): land registration, survey, estate assessment - Land Administration & Management Programme (LAMP): land registration process AMANDA: process management and data automation eland Jamaica: online base cadastral map service - service is available for only limited area - Base Map: Google video map National Intranet is available with relatively low speed Informatization Level System Level GEO/ICT Infrastructure/ Standardization Land System GEO/ICT Infrastructure 3 Holding Knowledge Individual Area Individual Capacity Decision Makers Necessary Knowledge Digital surveying based on GPS(national VRS Network) Manually digitizing cadastral map with no systematic management Require land management system based on E-government Necessary to develop background knowledge for NSDI Policy Experts Land Management workers System Managers
a. Application: Jamaica>>Capacity Building Program Design
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Major Contents 1 Judicial System Organization Human Resource Informatization Level System level GEO/ICT Infrastructure 1 2 3 Basic Curriculum Land Registration System(General) Basic Knowledge Required knowledge for education targets Land Assessment and Taxation Case Study: Korean E-Government System Land Information Capacity Experts 2 Mandatory Curriculum Utilizing high-resolution photography Necessary curriculum customized to Jamaica Necessary knowledge, skills, and etc. for education targets Assessment Land Information System Open- Platform Design 3D Photogrammetry Analysis 3 Recommended Curriculum Individual Capacity Decision Makers Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Curriculum recommended by land experts Possible recommendation considering environment and individual capacity of education targets Policy Experts National Land and Spatial Policy Land Management workers Cadastral E-Government System System Managers
a. Application: Jamaica>>Customized Capacity Building Program
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Short-term Program Land administration policy, law, system for efficient land management Case study: Korea Land Information System and Modernization of land management Establishment of National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI) and its role Mid/Long-term Program Technical system development for National Spatial Data Infrastructure(NSDI) Advanced land information digitization and database architecture Advanced land management policy Spatial information architecture and management Expert Program (Master’s•Doctoral) Policy Design Expert Program(land management, spatial information, urban planning, etc.) GIS Expert Program(data collection, architecture, management, and utilization based on advanced technology) System Expert Program(Open source utilization, framework architecture, service development)
a. Application: Jamaica>>Conclusion
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Capacity Building Expected Results Understand advanced land policy Customize E-Government system Adapt new technology related to spatial information system 1 2 Provide customized education based on demand analysis Provide ideas for National level masterplan and detailed action plan Govt. Officials Decision Makers 3 4 Improve land management, land administration, land policy, system infrastructure capacity Share actual experiences and benchmark for sustainable development Customize E-Government system Develop national spatial information policy Utilize Nation-wide land information Govt. Officials Policy Experts Considerations Understand ICT based land information management technique Collect land information and process data informatization Plan development strategy based on national environment, policy, system, technology level assessment Suggest plausible technical proposal considering current national resources level Build systematic management for sustainable capacity building education program Provide sustainable cooperative human resource management system for future projects development Relevant Organizations Land Management Workers Operate ICT based E-government system Develop systematic approach for the land information co-utilization Assess current informatization level and develop improvement strategy Govt. Officials System Manager
a. Application: other countries>>National Capacity Assessment
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application 1 NLCBM Capacity Assessment Survey National Capacity Assessment Law/Policy Land Information Capacity Experts 1 National Level macroscopic Basic Curriculum 1 2 3 Organization Assessment Individual Level Human Resource 2 X Mandatory Curriculum Informatization Level Design 2 System level 3 Recommended Curriculum Feasibility Study GEO/ICT Infrastructure Analysis 3 Capacity Building Project
b. Application: Uruguay>>Assessment & Customized Program
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Phase 1 Phase 2 Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Govt. Officials Land Assessment and Taxation Utilizing high-resolution photography Decision Makers Understanding NSDI Land Policy and Governance Law/Policy Land Information Capacity Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy Organization 1 2 3 Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Assessment Human Resource Govt. Officials Understanding NSDI Land Information System Open-Platform Policy Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy E-Government System Informatization Level Design System level Understanding Digital Photogrammetry Korea Land Information System(KLIS) GEO/ICT Infrastructure Analysis Relevant Organizations Land Data Acquisition Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System Land Management Workers Auto Mapping Utilizing high-resolution photography Land Information System Open-Platform Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Govt. Officials Understanding NSDI Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System System Manager Introduction of GIS S/W Building Land Data Center B R M
c. Application: Cambodia>> Assessment & Customized Program
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Phase 1 Phase 2 Govt. Officials Understanding NSDI National Spatial Informatization Policy Decision Makers E-Government System Law/Policy Land Information Capacity Experts Organization 1 2 3 Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Assessment Human Resource Govt. Officials E-Government System Land Information System Open-Platform Policy Experts Understanding NSDI Informatization Level Design System level Land Assessment and Taxation Korea Land Information System(KLIS) GEO/ICT Infrastructure Analysis Relevant Organizations Introduction of GIS Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System Land Management Workers Understanding GIS S/W Introduction of Cartography Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Govt. Officials Understanding Cadastral System Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System System Manager E-Government System B R M
d. Application: Laos>> Assessment & Customized Program
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Phase 1 Phase 2 Govt. Officials Understanding NSDI Land policy and governance Decision Makers E-Government System Law/Policy Land Information Capacity Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy Organization 1 2 3 Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Assessment Human Resource Govt. Officials E-Government System Land Information System Open-Platform Policy Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy Informatization Level Design System level Land Assessment and Taxation Korea Land Information System(KLIS) GEO/ICT Infrastructure Analysis Relevant Organizations Introduction of GIS Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System Land Management Workers Understanding GIS S/W Introduction of Cartography Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Govt. Officials Understanding Cadastral System Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System System Manager E-Government System B R M
e. Application: Ethiopia>> Assessment & Customized Program
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Phase 1 Phase 2 Govt. Officials Land Assessment and Taxation Land Policy and Governance Decision Makers E-Government System Law/Policy Land Information Capacity Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy Organization 1 2 3 Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Assessment Human Resource Govt. Officials E-Government System Land Information System Open-Platform Policy Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy Informatization Level Design System level Land Assessment and Taxation Korea Land Information System(KLIS) GEO/ICT Infrastructure Analysis Relevant Organizations E-Government System Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System Land Management Workers 3D Photogrammetry Utilizing high-resolution photography Land Information System Open-Platform Understanding Cadastral System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Govt. Officials E-Government System Online Cadastral Surveying Civil Service System System Manager Network Management B R M
f. Application: Tunisia>> Assessment & Customized Program
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application Phase 1 Phase 2 Govt. Officials Land Assessment and Taxation Understanding NSDI Decision Makers E-Government System Law/Policy Land Information Capacity Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy 1 2 3 Organization Land Registration System Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Assessment Human Resource Govt. Officials E-Government System Understanding cadastral system Policy Experts National Spatial Informatization Policy Informatization Level Design System level Land Assessment and Taxation Korea Land Information System(KLIS) GEO/ICT Infrastructure Analysis Relevant Organizations Project Management System management Land Management Workers ICT management Network Management Introduction of cartography GIS systems and applications Korea Land Information System(KLIS) Govt. Officials E-Government System Introduction of GIS System Manager Land data acquisition B R M
2. Case of NLCBM-i Application>>Lesson Learned
Considerations Provides reliable national land capacity assessment Designs customized curriculum for each country reflecting each recipient country’s conditions Allows recipient country to efficiently utilize its resources and leads the country to its own sustainable development pathways NLCBM-i requires close multi-dimensional country study to provide reliable capacity assessment and curriculum design Therefore, NLCBM-i projects possibly demand high upfront costs to deliver accurate diagnosis of a country
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