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The Marco Polo Programme

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Presentation on theme: "The Marco Polo Programme"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Marco Polo Programme
Marco Polo Info Day 28 June 2012 Anne Bårseth / Denise Kwantes

2 Outline 5 Action Types – Summary of key points
From proposal to contract Overview of conditions and criteria Eligibility criteria Selection criteria Award criteria

3 Is Marco Polo the programme for you?
In case you have: An idea for a new transport service that would shift freight from the road… Which has a European dimension… Which would be loss making in its first years… But overall should become viable in the long run…  Marco Polo can help you!

4 What is the starting point?
Reading carefully the Call text is the most successful first step! Check if your proposal is eligible Choose 1 of the 5 MP action types Checklist for each of the 5 MP action types on the MP website - very useful MP Helpdesk is also there to help by phone and

5 The 5 Action Types Modal Shift – MOD Catalyst – CAT
Motorway of the Seas – MOS Traffic Avoidance – TAV Common Learning – CLA

6 Max 20% of Total Eligible Costs
The 5 MP Action types - Summary of key points MOD CAT MoS TAV CLA Duration 2 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 1-2 years Threshold (tkm average per year) 60m (13 for IWW, 30 for SWL) 30m 200m 80m (or 4m vkm) min €250k Shift/avoidance subsidy 2€ per 500 tkm - Max % of eligible costs 35% 50% Ancillary Infrastructure Max 20% of Total Eligible Costs

7 Grant Agreement into force
From proposal to contract Deadline Results EACI decision Evaluation (external/ internal) Grant Agreement into force Proposal preparation Contract negotiation June Sept end 2012/beginning March/April 2013

8 Overview of conditions and criteria
Funding conditions Eligibility criteria Exclusion criteria Ranking Selection criteria Award criteria Proposal is excluded

9 Eligibility criteria GENERAL: SPECIFIC per action type: E1 Uniqueness
E2 Transport services E3 European Dimension – Undertakings E4 European Dimension – Cost E5 Type of Legal Entity E6 Start-up action SPECIFIC per action type: Route (MOD, MOS, CAT, TAV) Duration (all) Threshold (all) Competition (all) Effect on production output or workforce (TAV only)

10 (+ use of “Category A” ports for MoS)
Specific Eligibility Criteria MOD CAT MoS TAV CLA Route*(territory of 2 EU/fully participating country countries or 1 EU/fully participating and 1 close 3rd country) Modal shift/traffic avoidance at least on the territory of 1 EU/fully participating country) (+ use of “Category A” ports for MoS) n/a Duration 2 to 3 yr 3 to 5 yr 1-2 yr Threshold (tkm average per year) 60m (13 for IWW, 30 for SWL) 30m 200m 80m (or 4m vkm) - min €250,000 Competition risk analysis yes * The route should be international AND under the control of the applicant

11 Selection criteria How to demonstrate financial capacity:
send latest unconsolidated financial statements audited for partners receiving >300,000 subsidy all partners should show minimum values for following two ratios: Current assets/current liabilities >0.5 EU grant/Equity<1 How to demonstrate technical capacity: at least a 5-year experience by the applicants in the project area or at least 5-year experience of their directly involved employees evidence provided by company records and CVs

12 How are the proposals assessed?  Award criteria
Criteria/Action Type MOD CAT MoS TAV CLA Credibility & Viability 50 40 Environmental & Social Benefits 25 30* 20 Quantity of freight shifted Innovative approach (CAT/MoS/TAV: inc. dissemination plan) 10 European added value 35 Dissemination plan 15 There is also a threshold per criterion! * Including freight shifted off the road

13 How to determine your subsidy?
MOD/CAT/MOS/TAV: Funding will be lowest of: Modal 2 Euro / 500 tkm (or / 2000 m3km or 25 vkm) Maximum 35% of total eligible costs Deficit CLA: Funding will be lowest of: 50% of total eligible costs

14 Thank you for your attention!

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