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请把下列动词变成过去式 want- go- have- is- are- eat- see- like- wanted went was

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Presentation on theme: "请把下列动词变成过去式 want- go- have- is- are- eat- see- like- wanted went was"— Presentation transcript:

1 请把下列动词变成过去式 want- go- have- is- are- eat- see- like- wanted went was
had were ate saw liked

2 一般动词加-ed; 结尾是e加个d; 不规则单独记。

3 speak- spoke 说话,讲某种语言

4 There is a big Chinatown in New York.
Module 2 unit 1 There is a big Chinatown in New York. 海洋岛学校 王雪

5 Chinatown 唐人街

6 I am going to send an email to Mum.
send … to把……寄给…… give … to 把……送给…… I am going to send an to Mum. 将来时态 将来时态 动词用原形

7 TO: FROM: Daming Dear Mum, Yesterday I had a big surprise. There is a big Chinatown in New York, and we went there yesterday. There were Chinese people everywhere. There were lots and lots of Chinese shops and restaurants there. The people spoke Chinese and English. We ate in an American Chinese resraurant. The food was different from Chinese food in China. Then we saw Chinese dancing in the street. Simon really liked it. He wants to visit China and learn Chinese . He really wants to go to the Great Wall. Love from, Daming

8 Where did Daming go yesterday?
What did they do there? What did they see there? There is a Chinatown in New York. And we went there.

9 Where did Daming go yesterday?
What did they do there? What did they see there? There is a Chinatown in New York. And we went there. We ate in a Chinese restaurant.



12 Where did Daming go yesterday?
What did they do there? What did they see there? There is a Chinatown in New York. And we went there. We ate in a Chinese restaurant. We saw Chinese dancing.



15 Where did Daming go yesterday?
What did they do there? What did they see there? There is a Chinatown in New York. And we went there. We ate in a Chinese restaurant. We saw Chinese dancing.

16 True or false √ 1.There were lots of Chinese people in Chinatown .
2.There were lots of shops there. 3.The food was Chinese food in China. everywhere. 各处,到处 Chinese English × different from same with × be different from 与…不同

17 根据上下文和课文内容填空 had Yesterday I a big surprise.
There a big Chinatown in New York,and we there.There were Chinese people There were lots of Chinese and there. The people spoke and We in a Chinese restaurant. is went everywhere shops restaurants Chinese English ate

18 填一填,用所给词的适当形式填空 had 1.Last Sunday,I a big surprise.(have) 2.Look,there lots of birds in the sky. ( be ) 3.Yesterday I a hamburger.(eat) 4.Did you Chinese in your English class? No, I English in my English class.(speak) are ate speak spoke

19 Where did you go? What did you eat? What did you see? Ice cream
ZOO A lion Ice cream Last Sunday, I went to______. I ate_____.I saw ______. I really liked it.

20 Homework: 1.抄写Module2 unit1单词与功能句。 2.完成小练笔。

21 Thank you!

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