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Introduction to Bacteria

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1 Introduction to Bacteria

2 Ubiquity of Bacteria Ubiquity [yoo-bik-wi-tee] : the state or capacity of being everywhere The ubiquity of bacteria refers to the concept that microorganisms are EVERYWHERE Bacteria are the most widely distributed organisms in the biosphere. Soil, water, air Normal flora: microorganisms that live on and in our body that do not cause harm Only place where bacteria is not found are in areas that are purposely made sterile Body fluids Clean rooms Sterilized/autoclaved equipment

3 What makes an organism a bacteria?
Bacteria are primarily defined by their cellular structure and size Lacks a defined nucleus that is surrounded by a nuclear membrane Lack complex organelles (i.e. mitochondria) Cell wall contains peptidoglycan Approx 0.2μm in diameter ( comparison RBC = 6-8 μm)

4 Handling Bacterial Cultures
Aseptic technique: keeps unwanted microorganisms out (reduces contamination) Disinfecting work area All tools used to handle bacteria need to be sterile Loops/Needles: flamed in the incinerator to sterilize Tubes, plates, and any other tools: autoclaved to kill any existing bacteria Keep all cultures covered until ready for use Be aware of your area-if you are unsure if your tools have been compromised then start over

5 Characterizing Microorganisms
I’m Lonely!! Binary Fission Colony

6 Characterizing Microorganisms
Colony morphology Form: surface view Elevation: height Margin: edge Color Smell Cell morphology Size Shape Gram stain reaction

7 Be sure you can tell the morphology of each organism
Look over Slides #4-11 Be sure you can tell the morphology of each organism Bacillus/rod, cocci, spirochete Know the correct spelling and nomenclature of each microorganism There are pictures of the slides on the website

8 Shapes of Bacteria Bacillus (bacilli)
generic term to describe the morphology of any rod-shaped bacterium. short bacilli Pseudomonas long bacilli Bacillus Bacillus with endospores

9 Shapes of Bacteria Coccus (cocci)
any bacterium that has a spherical, ovoid, or generally round shape cocci in clusters Staphylococci cocci in chains Streptococci

10 Shapes of bacteria Vibrio Possessing a curved-rod shape (comma shape)

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