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“What should ______ look like?”

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Presentation on theme: "“What should ______ look like?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “What should ______ look like?”
Bacterial Cultures “What should ______ look like?”

2 Bacterial Shapes Coccus (cocci) Spherical Bacillus (bacilli) Rod
Spirillum (spirilla) Spiral Bacterial Shapes

3 Bacterial Arrangement
Staphylo- clusters Strepto- chains Bacterial Arrangement

4 Staphylococcus sp. Good Example Bad Example Bundle of grapes
Consistent color Probably overheated Areas appear strepto- Staphylococcus sp.

5 Streptococcus sp. Good Example Bad Example
Consistent morphology and color Inconsistent Streptococcus sp.

6 Bacillus (Bacilli) Bacillus sp. Rod shaped bacteria Many different species Can be gram positive or negative etc. Gram positive Form endospores

7 Bacillus subtilis Good Example Bad Example Good purple color
Old or too much “de- stain” Bacillus subtilis

8 Endospores of Clostridium botulinum
Provide long-term survival Dormant stage Waiting for right conditions

9 Spirilla sp. Good Example Bad Example
Note: not a pure culture but good spirilla Inconsistent coloration Spirilla sp.

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