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#alctsAC16 Diverse and Inclusive Metadata: Developing Cultural Competencies in Descriptive Practices Hannah Buckland, Leech Lake Tribal College Rachel.

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Presentation on theme: "#alctsAC16 Diverse and Inclusive Metadata: Developing Cultural Competencies in Descriptive Practices Hannah Buckland, Leech Lake Tribal College Rachel."— Presentation transcript:

1 #alctsAC16 Diverse and Inclusive Metadata: Developing Cultural Competencies in Descriptive Practices Hannah Buckland, Leech Lake Tribal College Rachel Wen-Paloutzian, Loyola Marymount University June 25, 2016 Sponsor: ALCTS Metadata Interest Group Co-sponsors: Black Caucus, ALA REFORMA American Indian Library Association Chinese American Library Association

2 Impacts and Limitations of Culturally Responsive Subject Headings in Tribal College Libraries
Hannah Buckland Director of Library Services Leech Lake Tribal College (218)

3 “How Close to Canada Are You?”



6 The values of LCSH on display

7 Marie, library assistant, spotted in the wild

8 8/2013 – 2/2015: Building a new library from the ground up

9 New library, old limitations

10 Funding Obstacles Federal (Bureau of Indian Education)
Tribally Controlled Colleges and Universities Assistance Act (1978) ≈$6,000 per full-time student Must be enrolled in federally recognized tribe State (Office of Higher Education) Tribal College Supplemental Grant Assistance Program (2013) $5,300 per full-time non-Native student

11 Marie admiring donated children’s materials

12 New subject headings obscured by LC call numbers

13 Ojibwe students from White Earth attending St. Benedict’s
Industrial School in St. Joseph, MN, approx. 1885

14 “And that’s the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the women
are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.”

15 “Could be worse” is a poor attitude

16 “the sum of all previously incurred . . . opportunity gaps”

17 Presented without comment

18 Diverse, Inclusive, & Equitable Metadata
“The cumulative effect of generations of social, political, and economic injustice creates an unpaid ‘education [and information access] debt’ from society that results in larger percentages of students of color and American Indian students persistently [accessing and] achieving less than their white peers” (19) MN Education Equity Partnership State of Students of Color and American Indian Students Report. St. Paul, MN: MN Education Equity Partnership, 2016.

19 “Commit to doing things differently in order to achieve different results”

20 Thank you! Hannah Buckland Director of Library Services Leech Lake Tribal College (218)

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