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Replicated LevelDB on JBoss Fuse

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1 Replicated LevelDB on JBoss Fuse
Jakub Knetl Red Hat 2018/5/14

2 Messaging systems Mechanisms for exchanging data (messages)
Advantages: Clients can communicate asynchronously Wide set of (platform independent) clients Reliability Scalability What is messaging system Why to use it instead of direct data exchange

3 Basic concepts Message Header Body (content) Destination Clients
Producer Consumer

4 Point to point comunication
Queue destination One of consumers gets message Load is distributed across consumers Message is stored until some consumer receives it

5 Point to point communication
Consumers Producer Queue

6 Publish subscribe communication
Message is delivered to all subscribers When no subscriber connected message is thrown away Special case – durable subscriber

7 Publish/subscribe Subscribers Publisher Topic

8 JBoss Fuse Open-source ESB Messaging system based on Apache ActiveMQ
Runs in OSGI container Integration framework Webservices Easy cluster deployment Lots of componetns Integrated in OSGI container WebConsole Fabric

9 JBoss Fuse

10 High availability Messaging systems processes business critical data
Server must be accessible 24/7 Various mechanisms to ensure HA

11 Introduction to HA in ActiveMQ
Group of brokers forms logically one broker Master broker Communicates with clients Slave brokers Passive Clients cannot connects to it Election mechanism Client reconnects in case of failure Message acknowledgment after the message is stored safely Important note: Multiple brokers forms logically one broker

12 Different topologies Shared JDBC master/slave
Shared file system master/slave Replicated levelDB master/slave (shared nothing)

13 Shared JDBC You need shared database Locking on database
Reliable, but rather slow Single point of failure

14 Shared JDBC Client Master Master Brokers Database

15 Shared file system Convenient when having SAN Faster than JDBC
Needs file system with reliable locking! Single point of failure

16 Shared filesystem Client Master Master Brokers Shared FS

17 Replicated LevelDB Shared nothing No single point of failure!
Servers coordinates themselves by exchanging messages (replication protocol) Needs Zookeeper server

18 Choosing master That's why ZooKeeper is important
Brokers register themselves at zookeeper Zookeeper decides who will become master

19 Replication protocol Slave brokers connects to the master
Messages are replicated to slaves Message acknowledgment after replicating at least to quorum of brokers (N/2 - 1).

20 Replicated LevelDB A B Master C Master

21 Demo

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