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Published byElwin Thompson Modified over 6 years ago
Energy-broadened proton beam for production of quasi-stellar neutrons
4/4/11 Energy-broadened proton beam for production of quasi-stellar neutrons G. Feinberg1,2, M. Paul2, A.Shor1, D. Berkovits1, Y. Eisen1, M. Friedman2, G. Giorginis3, T. Hirsh1, A. Krasa3, A. Plompen3 1Nuclear Physics and Engineering Division, Soreq NRC, Yavne, Israel, 81800 2Racah Institute of Physics, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, 91904 3EC-JRC-IRMM, Retieseweg 111, 2440 Geel, Belgium
Outline Motivation Previous astrophysical studies of a semi-Maxwellian neutron source SARAF RF linear accelerator at Soreq NRC High intensity liquid lithium target Experiments and results with narrow and broad proton beam Future study
He-burning stage: 13C(α,n)16O 22Ne(α,n)25Mg s-only T≈350 MK ~ 30 keV
86 87 88 T≈350 MK ~ 30 keV 80 82 s-only 76 70 64
neutron density and time scales
low mass AGB stars (main component, Zr – Bi) He burning at 100 – 300 MK (kT = 10 – 25 keV) 107 < nn < 1011 cm-3 massive stars (weak component, Fe – Zr) He burning at 300 MK ( kT = 25 keV) nn ≈ 106 cm-3 C burning at 1 GK (kT = 90 keV) nn ≈ 1012 cm-3
The 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction for production of stellar neutrons
Ep = 1912 keV ΔE=1 keV Q = keV Eth= 1880 keV W. Ratynski and F. Kaeppeler, PR C 37, 595 (1988) FZ Karlsruhe, Germany
SARAF Accelerator Complex
Parameter Value Comment Ion Species Protons/Deuterons M/q ≤ 2 Energy Range 5 – 40 MeV Current Range 0.04 – 2 mA Upgradeable to 4 mA Operation 6000 hours/year Reliability 90% Maintenance Hands-On Very low beam loss Phase I Phase II 7 7
SARAF today targets Phase I - 2010 Beam line - 2010 MEBT PSM LEBT RFQ
D-plate Beam dumps EIS Situation in beginning of 2011: Phase I is not commissioned yet to full specs (CW deuterons), but accelerator is operational The concept of Phase II is being developed in collaboration with accelerator laboratories Input Power [kW] Duration [hrs] 190 (CW) 12 210 (CW) 2 240 (CW) 0.5 260 (DC = 440 Hz) Protons: 1) ~1 mA, ~3 MeV on beam dump for 9 hr Low losses inside the cryomodule 2) ~300 µA, 3.5 MeV on target (HAVER foil cooled by NaK eutectic metal) 8 8 8
Beam lines downstream the linac
PSM Beam lines downstream the linac Beam dump target
LiLiT The activation experiment scheme Secondary activation target
Ep = 1912 keV ΔE > 7 keV SARAF phase I En ≈ 30 keV Eth=1880 keV The unique opportunity at SARAF: High intensity proton beam Liquid lithium target High intensity neutron beam
Prototype SC Module (PSM)
General Design: Houses 6 HWR and 3 superconducting solenoids Accelerates protons and deuterons from 1.5 MeV/u β=9%) Very compact design in longitudinal direction Cavity vacuum and insulation vacuum separated 2500 mm M. Peiniger, LINAC 2004 M. Pekeler, SRF 2003 M. Pekeler, LINAC 2006 11 11 11 11
Energy gain cavity 6 cavity 1
Lithium target SARAF phase I Ep=1912 keV dE=15 keV (1σ)
LiLiT Liquid lithium jet target Proton energy: ~2 MeV.
Proton current: <3.5 mA. Up to 81010 n/sec T ≈ 2300C. Tmax ≈ 3500C. Feinberg et al, Nucl Phys A827 (2009) 590C
Wall assisted lithium jet.
Jet: 18 mm x 1.5 mm. Lithium velocity: 20 m/s. Wall assisted lithium jet. Au Sr Au
Measurements at the JRC-IRMM VdG facility at Geel
The IRMM-Soreq-HU collaboration has performed measurements at the VdG facility at the IRMM laboratory to obtain information on the systematics of the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction to be anticipated at SARAF. Neutron spectra at various laboratory angles were measured with a narrow proton beam typical of a VdG accelerator, and compared to spectra obtained with a broadened proton beam (using a gold foil degrader), at a level of broadening as is expected at SARAF. These measurements will help to better understand the characteristics and limitations to be expected at the SARAF RF- linac accelerator.
JRC-IRMM VdG Accelerator
7 MV VdG accelerator producing either continuous or pulsed ion beams fast pulsing generating proton beam pulse width of 1.5 ns and pulse repetition rates of 2.5, 1.25 or MHz Large low-scatter experimental hall and facilities
Experimental Setup the JRC-IRMM VdG facility at Geel, Belgium.
detector: (1.8 MeV equivalent energy)
Broad beam via gold foil degrader
Proton beam before Au degrader: Ep≈2.09 MeV p ≈ 1 keV Proton beam after Au degrader: Ep ≈ 1.91 MeV p ≈ 15 keV Straggling calculated with TRIM code and verified by performing threshold reaction energy curve. Suppressor
Neutron Time of Flight with 2” 6Li-glass detector at 00
Typical TOF spectrum showing gamma peak (off-scale) to the right, and neutron contribution at longer flight times to the left. Inset shows the gamma TOF distribution with FWHM < 5 ns. Scatter plot, TOF on the x-axis and pulse height on the y-axis
6Li-Glass neutron detection efficiencies
Efficiencies of the 6Li-glass detector for neutron capture determined with GEANT4 and the MCNP simulation codes. Both codes contain up to date libraries (ENDF/B6) for the neutron scatter and capture cross sections.
Experimental Neutron Energy Spectra vs.
Experimental Spectra - angle integrated
Measured total angle integrate neutron energy spectra for the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction. narrow energy beam, =1.5 keV, and for a broad energy beam, ≈15 keV. Both spectra contain same normalization coefficient. Fit to a semi-Maxwellian yields kT=27 keV
Gold foil target activation measurements
Activation measurements Measure 197Au(n,)198Au activation via 411
Activation measurements Measure 197Au(n,)198Au activation via keV line Measure 7Be activity via 478 keV line
197Au MACS - results
Example: Neutron intensity: 6*1010 n/sec 90Sr sample diameter: 25 mm
90Sr sample activity: 50 µCi σ = 9 mb Irradiation period: 24 hr ~104 91Sr atoms Detector efficiency: 4% (556 keV) ~3*10-3 cps
209Bi(n,)210m,gBi cross section measurement
209Bi(n,)210m,gBi ground state (5d) 210Po (138d) 206Pb
Determine the 30 keV isomer and ground state cross sections of the 209Bi(n,)210m,gBi reaction. ground state (5d) 210Po (138d) 206Pb metastable state (3·106 y) 206Tl 206Pb 209Bi irradiation at SARAF transfer irradiated sample to Belgium for γ measurements at the underground-laboratory HADES
RFQ power gain vs. forward power
RFQ voltage squared as a function of RFQ input power For 3 MeV Deuterons: MHz 1.6 Kilpatrick ~ 255 kW CW w/o beam 65 kW/m Forward power (kW) deuterons 2008 Input Power [kW] Duration [hrs] 190 (CW) 12 210 (CW) 2 240 (CW) 0.5 260 (DC = 440 Hz) protons A. Nagler et al., LINAC08 Parting from the linear relation indicates onset of dark current due to poor conditioning All 4 RFQ pickups showed similar results 34 34 34 34
Comparison of neutron spectra with simulation program SimLiT
Program SimLiT for simulating 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction and calculating neutron yields and spectra. Code contains experimental energy dependent reaction cross section and the proton stopping power dE/dX. Reactions occur in c.m., with appropriate transformation to laboratory system. Prior to this experiment, wide use of SimLiT was useful for planning and optimizing the experiment. It is important to be able to simulate accelerating parameters for a-priori information on new experimental configurations.
Narrow-energy beam - Integral Spectrum for the 7Li(p,n)7Be reaction.
Experimental results and comparison with simulations using SimLiT code. Comparison with data of Ratynski and Käppeler 1988.
Double differential spectra at selected angles, narrow-energy and broad-energy proton beam.
Experimental data and calculated spectra using SimLiT code. Actual data was taken at 5 degrees intervals
Gold foil activation measurements: narrow-energy and broad-energy proton beams
Gold foil activation measurements used by Ratynski and Käppeler to characterize the integral energy distribution of neutrons emitted in the reaction 7Li(p,n)7Be They used a hemispherical gold target to extract an experimental average cross section of 5868 mb for gold activation with neutrons produced by a 1912 keV narrow-energy proton beam on a thick Li target. Gold foil activation has since served as the standard for determining the energy averaged neutron fluence in activation measurements. Compare gold foil activation cross sections for narrow-energy and broad-energy proton beams, to validate the technique for broad-energy beams anticipated in planned facilities
Activation Measurements: Results
Determining Maxwellian average cross section from activation data
Activation cross section is given by the activity A according to following formula: A = 198Au activity in Bq, R is the neutron rate (1/sec), is the (Maxwellian averaged) activation cross section in barns, d is the thickness of the gold foil in g/cm2, =0.693/T1/2 , T1/2 is the half life, for 198Au is days, and t is the irradiation time in days. Corrections factor is necessary to correct for a cone beam incident on a planar target sample that covers less than 4 in solid angle Correction factor determined from running detailed simulation with SimLiT for neutron distribution and GEANT4 for geometry and efficiencies.
Au activation cross section - results
Compare to calculations using know cross section for neutron activation of gold and
Motivation – ADS subcritical reactors
The 209Bi(n,)210g,mBi reaction is important in design and safety analysis of reactors and for planning eutectic lead-bismuth targets for accelerator driven systems (ADS). ADS consists of a subcritical reactor that produces fission without achieving criticality. Instead of a sustaining chain reaction, a subcritical reactor uses additional neutrons from an outside source, mostly via spallation reactions of energetic protons from particle accelerators on high z targets, i.e. Pb-Bi.
6Li-Glass Scintillators for neutron detection
4He Neutrons deposit 1.8 MeV equivalent energy
Neutron peak 1.8 MeV equivalent
prompt ’s: p+Li p’ + *Li *Li (478 keV) p+F + *O *O (6.13 6.9 7.2 MeV) + ’s in continuum
Underground γ-ray Spectrometry
HADES = High Activity Disposal Experimental Site Located at SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium, operated by EURIDICE
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