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L&I Guideline Development

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1 L&I Guideline Development
Lee S. Glass, MD Associate Medical Director

2 Conflicts Disclosure Conflicts of Interest: None Biases: Many

3 Time loss duration (months)
Disability Prevention is the Key Health Policy Issue 70% Return to work in first 3 months Disability and Chronic pain coincide at 3 months % of cases on time loss 8% account for 85% of cost Less than 1% catastrophic injury Reduce disability by providing high quality medical care. Identify the last month in which we paid time-loss on a given claim and count the length of time between date of injury and that month of last time-loss payment. (not cumulative) Includes time-loss and LEP claims. The length of time from date of injury in capturing the data was 4 years 5 months. Study has longer development on the claims durations. 2009 to 2011 fiscal years,   Time loss duration (months) 2014 L&I Actuarial Services Analysis (for fiscal accident yrs ).

4 Challenges/Opportunities for Quality Improvement and Savings
Estimates are that 1/3 of current per person premium expenditure is on treatments, procedures, or tests that have no positive impact on health outcome Only approved drugs are based on high level scientific studies. Devices based on lower, engineering standard. No regulation whatsoever of surgical procedures. Thus, poor evidence basis for many things.

5 Purpose of Guidelines Medical Treatment Guidelines (“MTGs”)
Reflect a melding of Best available scientific evidence Community medical practice advice This combination provides face validity as to what is meaningful to practicing providers To Educate and inform the medical community as to what is most likely to benefit patients, and To provide a basis for utilization review

6 Workers’ Compensation MTGs
Prior to 1990’s: very few MTGs Guidelines were proprietary Developed without transparency Used for utilization review Not an educational tool

7 MTGs: Late 1980’s to mid-1990’s American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 1st edition Guidelines to treat common occupational disorders AHCPR (Agency for Health Care Policy & Research Back pain treatment guidelines HUGE backlash – almost caused the abolition of that agency Now “AHRQ” –Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality Note the absence of “Policy” in the new name

8 1988 - L&I’s first Guideline
Hospitalization for Low Back Pain Developed in conjunction with L&I’s then new utilization review process Admissions for low back pain decreased 60% within one year from implementation of the guideline in utilization review L&I sought assistance from the Washington State Medical Association Industrial Insurance Advisory Committee formed in 1989-basis in regulation

9 MTGs: 1990’s to mid- 2000’s Institute of Medicine-1992-Guidelines purposes Physician education Review criteria for UR Nationally, legislative recognition of workers’ compensation guidelines e.g. California (ACOEM); Texas (ODG) Legislative establishment => need for quality standards AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation): Process standards Institute of Medicine Standards for Developing Trustworthy Clinical Practice Guidelines

10 MTGs: Late 1990’s to mid- 2000’s The Guideline Subcommittee of WSMA’s Industrial Insurance Advisory Committee played active role in guideline development Members from parent committee Subject matter experts 2004: WSMA re-organized its committee structure, and eliminated the IIMAC

11 Industrial Insurance Medical Advisory Committee (“IIMAC”)
Created by statute in 2007 Composition prescribed by statute 14 members Nominated by specialty societies, associations, statewide groups, etc., appointed by L&I director Duties specified by statute “Advise the department on matters related to the provision of safe, effective and cost-effective treatments for injured workers…”

12 IIMAC Governed by administrative regulations
Organized according to by-laws suggested, debated, potentially amended, and approved by the committee Meetings are quarterly Guideline subcommittee meetings are monthly other than during the months of parent committee quarterly meetings

13 IIMAC Agenda for quarterly meetings are discussed in advance by committee chair and department representative Meetings are publicly advertised, and open to the public Opportunity for public input on all matters being considered for consensus vote such as Guidelines; all communications are public NO business of a quorum (not even discussion by members about pending matters) can be held outside of public meetings

14 Hierarchy of Evidence Best: Meta-analysis of large randomized head-to-head trials. Large, well-designed head-to head randomized controlled clinical trials (RCT): Long-term studies, real clinical endpoints Well accepted intermediates Poorly accepted intermediates Smaller RCTs, or separate, placebo-controlled trials Well-designed observational studies, e.g., cohort studies, case- control studies Safety data without efficacy studies Case series, anecdotes Least: Expert opinion, non-evidence-based expert panel reports, and other documents with no direct clinical evidence

15 Evidence-based Medicine Efforts to Improve Health Outcomes in WA
2005, SHB1512 2003 Prescription Drug Program 2003 ESHB 1299 • coordinate formal assessment 2005 Agencies develop common EB guidelines 2006 Governor’s Health Initiative Develop incentives and quality improvement tools • e.g., improved coordination of care • quality indicators (performance measures) • aimed at chronic disease, preventive health services, reduced errors WA State Prescription drug program WA State Health Technology Assessment Program Interagency Treatment Guidelines

16 Evidence-Based Decisions in Workers Compensation - A Conceptual Framework
Coverage No Yes Treatment Guideline Medical Necessity Yes No

17 Guideline Development
Starts with a request from our department after prioritizing topics based on criteria, eg, prevalence, controversy, potential harm Committee creates an ad hoc guideline subcommittee Composition Several members (not a quorum) from parent committee Many informed stakeholders / subject matter experts University clinicians and researchers Private sector subject matter experts Participation by department’s medical staff Attendance by Qualis UR clinical leads Subcommittee meetings not public; approximately monthly

18 Guideline Development
Subcommittee logistical support provided by department: Logistical support, eg, Meeting room, all necessary printed materials, scribe Snacks or “meal” provided Payment Only to IIMAC members To subcommittee members and invitees for participation -- $150/hr Reimburse travel expenses Dept medical staff are non-voting

19 Guideline Development
Professional assistance provided by department to subcommittee: High quality medical literature review by department masters-level epidemiologist Notes compiled and distributed by masters-level nurse Nurse also watches for: Potential conflicts with other policies Calendar issues All logistical complexities

20 Guideline Development
Subcommittee considers: Diagnosis Symptoms, signs, ancillary testing Treatment Non-surgical; surgical Return to Work Work-relatedness / “Causation” BUT, the main focus of the guidelines are to provide evidence-based review criteria for implementation in UR to determine allowance/denial of procedures, injections, tests, and physical therapy

21 Guideline Development
Subcommittee develops draft guideline Two major portions: 1) A table that can easily be used in the utilization review process, showing the criteria that should be met for each respective surgical procedure requested 2) A text portion that serves as an educational tool that can assist clinicians in understanding the basis for the guideline’s criteria 3) Where necessary, case definitions for what constitutes a case (eg, carpal tunnel, TOS, unstable spine) for which the requested procedure is likely to improve outcome

22 Guideline Development
Subcommittee submits draft guideline to parent committee (IIMAC) IIMAC considers draft; likely places matter on next meeting agenda for discussion Public comment offered following discussion Committee takes a consensus vote If approved, effective date set by our department

23 Guideline Implementation
Educational component: self-implementing Department implementation Qualis Health is our department’s utilization review entity Guideline is integrated into utilization review process If request for payment comports with the guideline, UR nurse can recommend approval If request does not comport with guideline, UR physician resolves issue of medical necessity in each instance. If denial, appeal must provide compelling clinical evidence to overcome the denial

24 Utilization Review Services
Critical to success of utilization review Need to be able to work closely with persons providing the services Qualis is extremely high quality UR provider with quality improvement as a core corporate principle Process is fully compatible with national standards (older term Utilization Review Accreditation Commission) Degree of transparency is much higher than usually present in private insurer UR process

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