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L I S S T E N Library and Information Science

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Presentation on theme: "L I S S T E N Library and Information Science"— Presentation transcript:

1 L I S S T E N Library and Information Science
Students to Encourage Networking WE ARE YOUR STUDENT VOICE!

2 L I S S T E N LISSTEN is the student organization of SJSU School of Library and Information Science and the faculty and staff of the program are considered associate members MISSION of the organization is to promote interaction and socializing between students and library and archival professionals in the region

3 LISSTEN Events LIBRARY TOURS – tours, organized by SJSU students, in all types of libraries, archives and museums throughout California. BANNED BOOKS WEEK Read-a-Thon – a book reading event, organized in coordination with ALA Banned Book Week. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION DAY – event where LIS professional organizations provide information about membership. RESUME AND INTERVIEW WORKSHOP – opportunity for students to get some valuable resume building tips and hone their interviewing skills by participating in mock interviews with LIS professionals. GRADUATION CEREMONY – commencement ceremony for the South California graduates.

4 Upcoming Events
THE CALL NUMBER – LISSTEN newsletter is produced once a semester and editors are looking for news and articles to include in the Spring issue. FUNDRAISING – Support LISSTEN's commencement ceremonies! Buy a SLIS travel mug and lanyard! Visit the LISSTEN website for details. LIBRARY TOUR – The California Institution for Women Library Tour will take place on Friday, January 25th, from 11 am to 12 pm For detailed information about the LISSTEN events visit our web site

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