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Pre-Class: April 29th-Monday

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1 Pre-Class: April 29th-Monday
Which sentence from the passage could be used to support the idea that Ellen has done this before? A. "Amanda, what if Ellen wasn't being inconsiderate on purpose?" B. "What if she thought it was best for everyone involved to just kill two birds with one stone?" C. "If she thought she did what was best for everyone, she thought wrong." D. "This is the last time I am going to let her hurt my feelings."

2 Pre-Class: April 30th-Tuesday
According to what Ethan says about Ellen in this passage, which word best describes her? A. inconsiderate B. selfish C. harsh D. practical

3 Pre-Class: May 1st-Wednesday
Based on the information in the passage, what can the reader infer about Dance Happy? A. Dance Happy needs more talented dancers. B. Dance Happy needs more financial support. C. Dance Happy is a money-making business. D. Dance Happy is a well-known dance club.

4 Pre-Class: May 2nd-Thursday
Based on this passage, which of the following best describes Ethan? A. very impatient and annoyed B. level-headed and honest C. impulsive and quick-witted D. discouraged and betrayed

5 Pre-Class May 3rd-Friday
No question

6 Pre-Class: May 6th-Monday
Pretend you had to introduce a character in the book to someone. What would you discuss about this person? What information do you not know about them, that would help with an introduction?

7 Pre-Class May 7th-Tuesday
No question

8 Pre-Class May 8th-Wednesday
Identify the following from Night or The Boy in Striped Pajamas: Protagonist: Antagonist: Plot:

9 Pre-Class May 9th-Thursday
What is the difference between a script (used in drama) and other prose writing such as a short story or novel?

10 Pre-Class May 10th-Friday
How does turning a passage into a script and performing it help develop your understanding of the passage?

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