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ASTRO Gaming Digital Marketing

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Presentation on theme: "ASTRO Gaming Digital Marketing"— Presentation transcript:

1 ASTRO Gaming Digital Marketing
Drive Brand Awareness Engage and motivate community Educate Users Drive Revenue Create Culture

2 Twitter Growth

3 Twitter Performance Impressions: 70,998 Embedded media Clicks: 3,659
Link clicks 2087 Favorites: 486 Retweets: 156

4 Twitter Performance Impressions: 49,966 Embedded media Clicks: 5932
Link clicks 897 Favorites: 109 Retweets: 34

5 What can we draw from this?
_Leverage partner strength _Interact with audience and validate _Emotionally charged photos = impact _Product does not always have to be the main focus

6 Twitter Performance Impressions: 38831 Embedded media Clicks: 0
Link clicks 69 Favorites: 53 Retweets: 28

7 Twitter Performance Impressions: 94182 Embedded media Clicks: 544
Link clicks 99 Favorites: 58 Retweets: 16

8 What can we draw from this?
_Lack of images hurts impressions _Link shortener may be deterring interaction _Over saturation of events may diminish returns

9 Take Away _Fastest Growing ASTRO MS _Projected 800k Followers by Holiday 215 _Highly engaged quick to respond audience _further refinement can lead to greater returns

10 Facebook Growth _1677 New fans _contributed to $15,128
_highest social conversion rate at 0.53% _90% of boosted posts went to mobile

11 Facebook changes q1 2015 _removal of organic reach _removal of like gated content _discouragement of like or follow posts _discouragement of non_paid advertising oriented content

12 Facebook Performance likes: 607 Comments: 31 Shares: 31 views: 8,095
Total Reach: 26,720

13 facebook Performance likes: 459 Comments: 7 Shares: 6 views: 11,151
Total reach: 14,632

14 What can we draw from this?
_Video success. Surprise! _Leverage pro teams to reach target audience _Strong action images may gain more likes _Small galleries over single images may lead to more reach

15 facebook Performance likes: 56 Comments: 2 Shares: 3 views: 53
Total reach: 1,711

16 Instagram

17 Instagram _16,901 new followers _average follower engagement at 5%
_Product shots & E_sports dominating _New analytics implemented

18 ASTRO stream team – performance
_traffic : 19,060 Visits ,342 unique _sales: $7,584 attributed sales _growth: 110% traffic increase yoy

19 ASTRO stream team – Twitch
_43% of all Live streaming data 2014 _12 billion minutes watched a month _The average user spends 106 min a day watching

20 ASTRO stream team _double in size _dominate front page of twitch
_Beta test product and software _add partnership tinder _stream off

21 marketing _New modal implemented in late 2014

22 Email marketing _13,573 new subscribers added
_Open average: 29% Click Average: 4% _Vs. Ecom Industry Averages: _Open: 17.19% Click: 2.7% Jan Rev: $11,875

23 Email marketing _Advanced retail segmentation _cart abandonment
_partner promo inclusion to add value _extensive A/B testing

24 #astro500k _Over 1,800 submissions _64 widget entries
_Inclusion in Twitter ecom beta group _Facebook Best Practices in_depth Testing _Integrated sponsorship web signup

25 Digital Marketing in 2015 _1st ever Twitter paid ads,
_Integrated Ecom Twitter Tracking pixel _Inclusion in Twitter ecomm beta group _Facebook Best Practices Testing _Integrated sponsorship web signup

26 ASTRO Blog 2015 _Social support _industry perspective _education
_drive new culture

27 ASTRO Blog – regular content
_esports 101 _astro family _the wrecking crew _the setup _revolving previews, reviews, and launch

28 Introducing Ready Pulse
_Demo &

29 Community Something something guy
Introducing Fletch Community Something something guy

30 Introducing Fletch _Stream Team _email marketing _community engagement


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