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Cu'jfkg Aim: To become familiar with the leadership roles and how they work together for a successful Awana club.

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Presentation on theme: "Cu'jfkg Aim: To become familiar with the leadership roles and how they work together for a successful Awana club."— Presentation transcript:

1 cu'jfkg Aim: To become familiar with the leadership roles and how they work together for a successful Awana club.

2 lzIfsx? dxŒjk"0f{ x'G5g\ k/d]Zj/n] slt w]/} dfof ug'{x'G5 elg afnaflnsfx?nfO{ k|efj kfg]{ Ps cj;/ tkfO{;Fu 5 . Snasf] ;ankIfsf] nflu clt dxŒjk"0f{ tŒj rflx+ k|ltj4tf, k|efjsfl/tf / /fd|f] tflnd k|fKt lzIfs g} x'g\ . (Slide 2: 5 minutes) Emphasize the eternal value of an adult’s involvement in children’s spiritual development.

3 p4f/ kfPsf] JolQm x'g}kb{5
lzIfssf] of]Uotfx? ;a}eGbf dxŒjk"0f{ of]Uotf rflx+ p4f/ kfPsf] JolQm x'g}kb{5 cGo dxŒjk"0f{ of]Uotfx? ===================

4 lzIfssf] of]Uotfx? :yL/ v|Lli6og ujfxL / pxfFsf] af6f]df lx8g] JolQm .
! ltdf]yL ;';dfrf/ k|rf/df pTs6 rfxfgf ePsf] . dQL (M#^ afnaflnsfx?;+u 3'nldn x'g ;Sg] Ifdtf tyf rfxgf ePsf] ds"; (M#^ afnaflnsfx?nfO{ jf:tljs dfof ug{] . dQL !(M!$ Ask for volunteers with a Bible to read some of the supporting Scripture verses.

5 lzIfssf] of]Uotfx? w}o{tf / gd| cfr/0f eP tfklg cfkm\gf] c6n wf/0ffdf :yL/ /xg] . @ ltdf]yL ;a} lzIfs tyf cu'jfx?;Fu ;dGjo ug{;Sg] ;fy} clwsf/Lsf] kfng ug]{ . lxa|" !#M!& k/d]Zj/sf] jrgnfO{ k|]d ug]{ . e=;+= !!(M$& Ask for volunteers with a Bible to read some of the supporting Scripture verses.

6 afnaflnsfx?;Fu sfd ug'{x'G5 ;Dk"0f{ sfo{qmdsf] nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g'x'G5
k|zf;lgs ;+/rgf sfo{s|d ;+of]hs Snjsf] /]vb]v ug'{x'G5 lzIfs afnaflnsfx?;Fu sfd ug'{x'G5 kf:6/ -jf s'g} d'Vo cu'jf_ ;Dk"0f{ sfo{qmdsf] nflu lhDd]jf/ x'g'x'G5 There are a variety of other leader roles (such as Secretary, small group leader, game leader, etc.). These will be covered in more detail later.

7 kf:6/ -jf s'g} d'Vo cu'jf_ ;Dk"0f{ cjfgf sfo{qmdsf] clwsf/ / clGtd lhDd]jf/L x'g]5 . d'Vo lzIfs 5gf}6df ;xefuL x'g]5g\ . cjfgf sfo{qmdnfO{ d08nLsf] sfo{qmdx?;+u ;+of]hg ug]{5g\ . x/]s tl/sfn] sfo{qmdnfO{ ;xof]u ug]{5g\ . ;Demf}+tf gjLs/0f ug{'x'G5 . Most Awana clubs operate in churches. But some clubs operate in schools, orphanages, and other contexts. The top leader of the ministry should be able to fulfill these responsibilities.

8 lzIfsx? lzIfsx?n] ug{] c? ljz]if e"ldsfx?M ;lrj v]n lgb]{zs
c+s u0fgf ug]{ JolQm ;+ultsf] ;do lzIfs ehg lzIfs afOan cWoogsf] lzIfs >f]tfx? Direct participants to turn to Appendix 8 for a description of each leader role. They will learn more about each role in the demonstration.

9 cg'zf;g tyf k'/:sf/x? Aim: To learn and practice effective methods of maintaining discipline and encouraging good behavior in club.

10 cg'zf;gsf] kl/efiff r]nf agfpg', lzIff lbg' / lglZrt 9fFrfdf tof/ kfg'{ . cg'zf;g / b08df s] leGgtf 5 < b08 gsf/fTds s'/fdf s]lGb|t x'G5 . cg'zf;g ;sf/fTds s'/fdf s]lGb|t x'G5 . cg'zf;gn] :jLsf/of]Uo afgL Jojxf/nfO{ l;sfpF5 / k/d]Zj/sf] OR5f cg';f/sf] h:tf] JolQm agfpg afnaflnsfx?nfO{ ;xfotf k|bfg ub{5 . (Slides 10-24: 12 minutes)

11 ;sf/fTds cg'zf;g b'/frf/sf nflu b08nfO{ dxŒj < xf]O{g !
c;n cfr/0fsf] nflu Ogfdåf/f pT;fx < xf] ! c;n cfr/0fsf] nflu pT;fx k|bfg ug]{ tl/sfx? df}lvs k|z+;f ;d"xdf ;Ddfg ;sf/fTds c+sx? k'/:sf/x?

12 d d]/f] Snadf ;sf/fTds cg'zf;gsf] cEof; s;/L ug{ ;S5' <
o:tf w]/} tl/sfx? 5g\ ====

13 ;sf/fTds cg'zf;gsf tl/sfx?
cjfgf ;ef kfFr uGtL k|0ffnL tLg uGtL k|0ffnL ;sf/fTds c+s k|0ffnL ;dfkg ;df/f]x (Slides 5-16: 30 minutes) Each of these proven methods will be discussed in detail in the following slides. o;nfO{ s;/L ug]{ t ====

14 kf“r uGtL k|0ffnL p2]ZoM ;d"xsf] WofgnfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ .
s] xf] t of] < lzIfsn] lj:tf/} / cflwsfl/s ?kn] æPsb]lv kfFr;Dd Æ uGtL ug{'k5{ . ha uGtL kfFrdf k'U5 – ;d"x zfGt, :yL/, / cfãgf] :yfgdf x'g'k5{ . Sna cjwLdf s'g} klg a]nf o;sf] k|of]u ug{ ;lsG5 . Demonstrate the five-count. Use the five-count often during your sessions to get the trainees familiar with this method of discipline.

15 kf“r uGtL ug]{ k|0ffnL ofb /fVg'xf];\M w]/} l56f]–l56f] guGg'xf];\
;a}n] ;'Gg] u/L uGg'xf];\ cg'zf;g kfng ug]{ klxnf] 6f]nLnfO{ c+s lbg'xf];\ . k6s–k6s gug'{xf];\

16 tLg uGtL k|0ffnL p2]ZoM JolQmut b'Jo{jxf/nfO{ lgoGq0f ug{ .
of] s;/L ug]{ t < olb afnaflnsfn] lg/Gt/ b'Jo{jxf/ u/L /x]]df, lzIfsn] Ps uGtL lbg]5g\ / of] p;sf] klxnf] r]tfjgL x'g]5 . olb km]/L klg ceb| Jojxf/ u/L /x]df, lzIfsn] bf];|f] uGtL lbg]5 / ;+of]hs jf lzIfsn] JolQmut k/fdz{sf] nflu cGt st} nfg]5g\ . The three-count should be given by the same person (program or club director) for consistency. Individual leaders should not give the three-count, but seek the help of the program or team director when needed. During your club demonstration, give an example of a child getting a three-count.

17 tLg uGtL k|0ffnL !===@===#
obL cem klg o:t} ceb| Jojxf/ lg/Gt/ bf]xf]¥ofO /x]df, sfo{qmd ;+of]hs jf Sna lzIfsn] tLg uGtL lbg]5 / p;nfO{ 3/ nlug]5 jf af+sL Snax?df jl~rt ul/g]5 . p;sf] Jojxf/df ;'wf/ gcfP;Dd jf Snasf] lgodnfO{ dfGg tof/ geP;Dd p;nfO{ Snadf km]l/ Nofpg ;lsb}g eGg] s'/f p;sf] cleefjsnfO{ /fd|f];+u atfpg'xf];\ . Describe a proper use of the Three-Count: Example: A boy repeatedly refused to obey the five-count during Game Time. His leader told him: “I am giving you a One. If you don’t improve your behavior, I will give you a Two, and you’ll need to speak to the director.” During Council Time, the boy continued to distract the other clubbers seated near him. Now, the leader said: “OK, I am giving you a Two. Come with me.” The leader took the boy to the program director. Together, the leaders tried to determine the cause of the problem. They were loving, yet firm in their speech. They explained that if the boy received a “Three” he would be taken home. Later on, during Team Time, the boy took a disrespectful tone with his leader, and refused to cooperate. The leader then said: “Now I am giving you a Three.” At this point, the leader’s warnings must be fulfilled. The boy was taken home (by 2 leaders). If this is not possible, his parents should be contacted to come and get him. The leader and program director should speak with the parents to explain the boy’s behavior, making it clear that the boy is welcome to return, but only when his behavior improves.

18 d}n] s;/L o:tf] c+s k|fKt ug{ ;S5' <
;sf/fTds c+s k|0ffnL p2]ZoM c;n Jojxf/nfO{ xf};nf k|bfg ug{ of] s;/L ug]{ t< Snasf] lgodx? tyf dfGotfx?nfO{ kfngf ug]{ ;d"xx? jf afnaflnsfx?nfO{ o:tf] c+s lbO{g]5 . d}n] s;/L o:tf] c+s k|fKt ug{ ;S5' <

19 ====== / tkfO{n] pgLx?af6 h] u/]sf] rfxg'x'G5
kb s07:y u/]sf]df Snj pkl:ytL v]nx? lht]sf]df afO{an NofPsf]df c;n cfr/0f d08nL pkl:ytL gofF ;fyLx? NofPsf]df Each club can set the standards for how to earn points. These standards should be explained clearly to all clubbers and leaders, and the points must be awarded consistently and fairly. Your club might want to announce special ways to earn points each week, such as: Bring-a-Friend Night, Wear-a-White-Shirt Night, and so on. ====== / tkfO{n] pgLx?af6 h] u/]sf] rfxg'x'G5

20 ;s/fTds c+s k|0ffnL c+s Sna ;dosf] k|To]s efudf lbg ;lsg]5 .
dxŒjk"0f{ s'/fx?n] w]/} c+s kfpg]5 h:t}M v]n lhTg]n] !) c+s eP afO{an kb s07:y c+s cflb

21 ;s/fTds c+s k|0ffnL c+s u0fgf kmf/fddf c+ssf] clen]v /flvg]5 .
Snjsf] cGtdf lhTg] ;d"xnfO{ ;fgf] k'/:sf/ lbg ;lsg]5 . o;n] c;n Jojxf/ ug{ tyf :j:y k|lt:kwf{ ug{ k|]l/t ug]{5 . The program director and secretary are responsible for this form. This form will be discussed further during the Record Keeping Session.

22 cjfgf ;ef / ;dfkg ;ef cjfgf ;efsf] pb]ZoM Snasf[ sfo{qmd ;'? X'bf ;d"xnfO{ Jojl:yt / cg'zfl;t jftfj/0f ;[hgf ug]{ . ;dfkg ;efsf] pb]Zo M Jojl:yt tl/sfn] k'/:sf/ lbg,afOan kf7sf] k'g/fjnf]sg, ;"rgf lbg / Snasf] la;h{g ug{ . Starting with the opening ceremony, do a demonstration of a two-hour incorporating the discipline rules.

23 cjfgf ;ef p2]ZoM Snasf] ;'?df Joj:yf / cg'zf;g :yfkgf ug{
s] xf] t of] < 5f]6f] cjfgf ;efdf lgDg s'/fx? ;dfj]z ug{ ;Sg'x'G5M cf cfãgf] ;d"xdf v8f x'g] cjfgf Snasf] d'Vo kb eGg] /fli6|o ufg ufpg] k|fy{gf ug]{ Starting with the opening ceremony, do a demonstration of a two-hour club in incorporating the discipline rules.

24 cjfgf ;ef ;'?sf] jif{df x'g] cjfgf ;efdf rf/ cf]6f ;d"xsf] u7g ug'{xf];\ . /ftf], lgnf], xl/of], / kx]nf] . k|To]s ;d"xdf ;a} pd]/sf afnaflnsfx? x'g cfjZos 5 . afnaflnsfx? jif{e/L g} ToxL ;d"xdf /xg]5g\ .

25 ca xfd|f] Sna k|:t'lt x'g]5 . tkfO{ afnaflnsf aGg' kg]{5 .
ca u/f} ! ca xfd|f] Sna k|:t'lt x'g]5 . tkfO{ afnaflnsf aGg' kg]{5 . This will be a full club demonstration taking 1 ½ to 2 hours (no more than 2 hours). Game Time: Starting with opening ceremony, divide participants into four color teams. On the color line, divide each color group, male and female separately, tallest to shortest. This will take extra time, which will limit how many games you can run during this demonstration. Council Time: Incorporate lesson 11 demonstration of parts (Bible lesson, verse and story time story) of council Time. Clubbers should sit by teams in color rows front to back. Team Time: Practice using the verse from CT. Include record keeping in small groups. You shouldn't need 40 minutes for demonstration this segment. Closing Ceremony: Include Bible lesson questions and team scores. Keep this short but don't leave out the Bible lesson question.

26 ;dfkg ;ef of] s;/L ug]{ t< ;dfkg sfo{qmddf s] s] ug{ ;lsG5<
p2]ZoM Jojl:yt tl/sfn] k'/:sf/ lbg, ;"rgf lbg, / Snasf] lj;h{g ug{ . of] s;/L ug]{ t< ;dfkg sfo{qmddf s] s] ug{ ;lsG5< ljh]tf ;d"xsf] 3f]if0ff k'/:sf/ k|bfg -olb ePdf_ ;"rgf clGtd k|fy{gf (Slides 26-28:5 minutes). This is a review of what you did during the club demonstration. Be sure and pray before announcing the winning team as the clubbers may be to focused on who won and not settle down for the prayer.

27 c;n cg'zf;gsf] tl/sf sfo{qmd ;+of]hs rflx+ Snadf cg'zf;g sfod /fVg lhDd]jf/ JolQm x'g'x'G5 . ;a} afnaflnsfx?n] lgodx? a'em]sf 5g\ sL 5}gg\ lglZrt ug'{xf];\ . ;do ;"rLleq /xg'xf];\ . k"0f{ tof/Ldf /x'gxf];\ . These are some practical suggestions for how to create a well-disciplined club.

28 c;n cg'zf;gsf] tl/sf lagf k"jf{u|x ;w} Ps;dfg /xg'xf];\ .
afnaflnsfx?nfO{ Jo:t /fVg'xf];\ . c;n pbfx/0f aGg'xf];\ . pgLx?sf] cfjZostfx?nfO{ k"/f ug'{xf];\ . pgLx?sf] nflu k|fy{gf ug'{xf];\ .

29 lsg k'/:sf/ dxŒjk"0f{ 5 <
k'/:sf/ rflxF pTk|]/0ffbfos ;fwg xf] . afnaflnsfx?nfO{ k/d]Zj/sf] jrg s07:y kfg{ xf};nf lbG5 . k|ZgM s] k'/:sf/sf] rfxgf /fVg' unt xf]] < xf]Og k/d]Zj/n] xfdLnfO{ o:t} tl/sfn] agfpg'eof] . ! sf]/GyL xfdL slxNo} gfz gx'g] d's'6 kfpg bf}l8G5f}+ . (Slides 29-35: 10 minutes)

30 s:tf k|sf/sf k'/:sf/x? 5g\ <
leQ] tflnsf tkfO{sf] ;fdu|Lx?df ;dfj]z 5g\ . tkfO{sf] cfãg} ljz]if k'/:sf/ tyf pkxf/x? agfpg'xf];\ . tkfO{n] k'/:sf/x? cjfgf sfof{nox?af6 klg vl/b ug{ ;Sg'x'g]5 .

31 leQ] tflnsf leQ] tflnsfn] x/]s afnaflnsfx?sf] pknAwLnfO{ b]vfpF5 .
:6Ls/x? jf /+ux?åf/f pgLx?sf] k|ultnfO{ b]vfpF5 . lzIfsx?sf] pknAwLx? klg o; leQ] tflnsfdf b]vfpg ;+nUg ug{ ;lsg]5 . (Slides 23-26: 10 minutes) Each participant received a wall chart with their other resources.

32 k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu kf7x?
æ;Totf vf]Hg]x?Æ k':tsdf ;fKtflxs k'g/fjnf]sgsf] nflu ljz]if æk|Zgx?, k|Zgx?, k|Zgx?Æ /x]sf] 5 . oL xKtfx?sf] nflu, ;+ultsf] ;do, / afO{an cWoogsf] ;dodf ePsf kf7x? / kbx? ;d]6\b5 . lat]sf k'g/fjnf]sgaf6 otf ;a} kbx? s07:y ug]{x?nfO{ ljz]if k'/:sf/ lbg ;lsg]5 . If you have time, ask participants to look at the lesson #10 in the Council Time book and the Awana Cards to see an example.

33 ljz]if k'/:sf/x? tkfO{sf] Snan] afnaflnsfx?nfO{ s;/L k'/:sf/ ljt/0f ug]{ egL lg0f{o ug{ ;S5M h:n]=== aif{e/Lsf] Snadf ;a} kbx? s07:y kf/]sf]5 . s]xL lglZrt ;+Vofdf gofF ;fyLx? NofPsf 5g\ . ;a}eGbf a9L pkl:yt ePsf] 5 . ljz]if vfnsf ;kmntfx? k|fKt u/]sf5g\ . ljz]if k'/:sf/sf pbfxf/0fx?M ljz]if st} aflx/ 3'dfpg nfg] jf s]xL Vjfpg] . 7"nf] k'/:sf/ .

34 k'/:sf/x? k|bfg ug{ nlrnf] x'g'xf];\
tkfO{sf] Snan] lg0f{o ug{ ;S5M sL ==== k'/:sf/ slxn] k|bfg ug]{ . s:tf] k|sf/sf] k'/:sf/x? lbg] . k'/:sf/ k|bfg ug{ ;lsg] dfkb08x? . ljz]if dxŒjk"0f{ pknAwLx?nfO{ s;/L klxrfg ug]{ cfbL ===. ;[h{gzLn aGg'xf];\ .

35 5nkmn ug{'xf];\ tkfO{ cfãgf afnaflnsfx?nfO{ pTk|]/0ff lbgsf] nflu s:tf] k|sf/sf ;[hgfTds k'/:sf/x? lbg'x'G5 <

36 ofb /fVg'xf];\, pT;fxj4{s
ofb /fVg'xf];\, pT;fxj4{s ?kdf k|bfg ul/Psf] ;fgf] k'/:sf/sf] klg 7'nf] dxŒj x'G5 .

37 cfkm\gf] :yfg lng'xf];\ .
k|To]s ;d"xsf] lglDt sfo{qmd ;+of]hs / ;lrj 5fGg'xf];\ . tkfO{sf] Sna ;d"x k|d'vn] tkfO{sf] :yfg cEof; ug]{ kmf/ddf eg{'x'g]5 -c? :yfg kl5 eg'{ x'g]5_ . (10 Minutes) Each color team selects a program director and a secretary for the day of practice.

38 s] tkfO{nfO{ yfxf 5 < != cg'zf;g / b08df s] leGgtf 5 kfFr uGtLsf] p2]Zo s] xf] ? #= tLg uGtLsf] p2]Zo s] xf] ? $= l7s jf a]l7sM v]n lhTg' rflxF cjfgfdf dxŒjk"0f{ efu xf] < %= k'/:sf/x? lsg dxŒjk"0f{ 5g\ ? ^= s] s'/fn] ;fgf] k'/:sf/nfO{ klg dxŒjk"0f{ agfp5? (5 Minutes) Discipline focuses on the positive while punishment in negative; and discipline teaches acceptable behavior while punishment embarrasses and discourages a child To control the group's attention. To control individual misbehavior. False. Motivational and encourage children to memorize God's word. Enthusiasm.

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