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Published byAnnabella Daniels Modified over 6 years ago
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INTRODUCTION Materials and Methods Results and Discussion CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS
Introduction The use of antibiotics at sub-therapeutic levels have raised concerns about antibiotic residues in animal products and has been implicated in the development of drug-resistant bacteria in animals and humans (Landers et al., 2012; Castanon, 2007).
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of growth performance and health status of growing and laying guinea fowls in the guinea savanna environment
Experimental Location
MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental Location The experiment was conducted at the Tamale Air Force Base (AFB) guinea fowl project site and Tamale is the regional capital of northern region.
Experimental Animals and Design
One hundred and fourty-four (144) 10 weeks old guinea fowls were randomly allotted to 4 treatment groups in a completely randomized design. Each treatment, consisting of 36 birds were replicated three times with 12 birds (10females:2males) per replicate for 35 weeks
TREATMENTS Four (4) frequency regime which include: control, daily, 3 consecutive days per week (CDW) 7-days repeated every other week (DREOW) of DFM at 1.5ml/L through water
Experimental diet and water
The basal diet was formulated to be iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous at 12.14MJ/kg of ME and 16% CP respectively
FEED INGREDIENT PERCENTAGE INCLUSION Maize 554 Fishmeal 41 Soybean 100 Wheat bran 250 Dicalcium phosphate 3 Vitamin premix 1 Salt Oyster shell 50 Calculated chemical composition Crude protein 1600 Metabolizable energy 2950 Crude fibre 42
CHEMICAL ANALYSIS The laboratory studies were conducted at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) Hospital and the Spanish Laboratory of the University for Development Studies for the blood parameters and proximate analysis respectively.
Data collection and statistical analysis
Parameters to be measured include feed intake, water intake, body weight, body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, egg parameters, mortality and hematological and serum biochemistry data. The data obtained will be analyzed using GLM procedure of SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc., 2014) at 5% significant level. Duncan's multiple range tests was used to compare the means.
Table 2: Analyzed chemical composition of compounded diet
Nutrient g/kg Crude protein 152.30 Ether extract 24.50 Ash 80.00 Crude fibre 55.00 Metabolisable energy(kcal/kg)
Table 3: Growth performance as affected by Antibiotics and DFM in guinea fowls at week 35
Parameterf Treatmente SEMc P-Valued Control Daily 3CDW 7DREOW ADFI (g) 76.5a 70.7b 73.6a 75.7a 0.9 0.007 ADG (g) 6.4b 7.9a 6.8b 6.2b 0.3 0.009 FBW (g) 1178.9b 1354.7a 1196.4b 1184.6b 40.6 0.044 FCR 7.3 4.4 6.2 0.8 0.147 Mortality (%) 13.9 5.6 8.3 11.1 5.4 0.728 ab, Means in a row followed by different subscripts differ significantly (P < 0.05). c SEM= Standard Error of the Means d P-Value= Probability Value
Table 4: Haematological indices of indigenous guinea fowls as affected by direct fed microbials and antibiotics application Parameter Treatmenta SEMb P-Valuec Control Daily 3CDW 7DREOW White blood cells x103/µL 195.6 235.2 288.2 191.5 70.77 0.755 Red blood cells x106/ µL 2.6 1.9 2.3 2.62 0.26 0.269 Haemoglobin (g/dl) 12.5 10.8 14.8 15.8 1.39 0.118 Hematocrit (%) 34.1 30.1 38.3 42.2 4.40 0.316 Mean Cell volume (fL) 142.1 158.8 164.4 162.4 8.49 0.304 Mean Cell Haemoglobin (pg) 52.1 58.6 63.8 61.4 4.87 0.413 MCHC g/dL 36.5 36.7 38.6 37.7 1.69 0.791 Platlets x103/µL 15.0 17.0 4.8 4.5 5.20 0.275 Lymphocytes % 32.1 48.7 32.5 24.36 0.950 Mixed cells % 7.5 5.0 6.4 2.13 0.877 Neutrophylls % 60.4 46.3 61.2 61.1 22.36 0.954 Lymphocyte number x103/µL Mixed cells number x103/µL Neutrophyls number x103/µL RDW_CVRU (%) 15.9 14.6 14.3 1.71 0.869 PDW (fL) 2.8 3.5 1.3 0.8 1.29 0.444 MPV fL 9.8 10.1 10.6 10.0 0.42 0.534 P_LCR (%) 26.3 31.3 32.9 30.2 3.06 0.513
Table 5: Serum biochemical indices of indigenous guinea fowls
Parametere Treatment SEM P-Value Control Daily 3CDW 7DREOW Albumin (g/l) 18.7b 23.6a 18.9b 18.5b 1.06 0.024 Globulins(g/l) 25.1 32.6 25.7 23.4 2.73 0.166 Total Protein (g/l) 43.8ab 56.3a 44.5ab 41.9b 3.74 0.092 Cholesterol (mmol/l) 7.3 4.2 4.5 5.9 0.84 0.103 Triglycerides (mmol/l) 1.3 1.1 1.9 2.8 0.77 0.449 HDL Cholesterol (mmol/l) 3.4 2.7 2.5 0.34 0.292 LDL Cholesterol (mmol/l) 3.2a 1.4b 1.6b 2.0b 0.33 0.017 VLDL Cholesterol (mmol/l) 0.6 0.1 0.29 0.122 Coronary Risk (ratio) 2.2 3.3 3.0 0.193 e HDL=high-density lipoprotein; LDL=low-density lipoprotein; VLDL= Very low-density lipoprotein
Table 6: Effect of Antibiotics and DFM on Carcass parameters
Parameter Treatment SEM P-Value 1 2 3 Live weight (g) 1116.8b 1338.5a 1188.0b 1158.3b 45.3 0.04 Bled weight (g) 1075.2 1273.5 1146 1113.5 51.4 0.12 Defeathered weight (g) 1009 1179.5 1045.8 1023 46.2 0.10 Dress weight (g) 834.2 947.8 904.2 854.2 33.9 0.16 Shank weight (g) 24.0b 27.1a 26.8a 24.7b 0.6 0.02 Neck weight (g) 40.8c 52.5a 51.8ab 44.2bc 2.4 Head weight (g) 31.2 32.3 34.3 1.4 0.37 Liver weight (g) 15.7 20.3 16.7 15.2 2.2 0.41 Heart weight (g) 6 7.5 0.5 0.09* Full gizzard (g) 44.2 40.0 32.0 3.2 0.06* Empty gizzard (g) 19 29.2 27.8 23.7 3.5 0.24 Full intestine (g) 45 56.7 33.2 5.8 0.11 a-c Value within the same row followed by different subscripts differ significantly (p<0.05). *nearly significant
Table 7: Effect of Antibiotics and DFM on Egg parameters
Parameter Treatment SEM P-Value 1 2 3 Egg weight (g) 31.4c 35.6a 32.4b 32.8b 0.30 <.0001 Egg length (mm) 44.1 45.1 45.4 45.6 0.43 0.135 Egg width (mm) 34.5 35.4 35.3 0.35 0.267 Egg shell weight (g) 5.4 5.1 6.0 0.24 0.123 Egg shell thickness (mm) 4.2 4.0 3.1 0.79 0.726 Albumin height (mm) 5.8 5.7 5.5 0.57 0.954 Albumin width (mm) 53.1 53.7 50.8 50.9 1.48 0.441 Albumen weight (g) 18.1 17.0 0.77 0.352 Haugh unit 85.7 84.5 83.3 82.3 3.31 0.895 Yolk weight (g) 8.8 8.9 9.4 8.5 0.40 0.513 Yolk height (mm) 12.5 13.0 14.5 14.0 0.62 0.165 a-c Value within the same row followed by different subscripts differ significantly (p<0.05).
Table 9: Average weight of first egg, age and weight at first egg
Parameter Treatment SEM P- Value 1 2 3 Age at first egg (days) 120.0 116.7 121.0 127.7 3.67 0.269 Weight at first egg (g) 849.7b 964.0a 846.7b 829.1b 22.33 0.010 Weight of first egg (g) 21.0b 27.0a 23.0ab 23.3ab 1.20 0.043 a-b Value within the same row followed by different subscripts differ significantly (p<0.05).
CONCLUSION The results of the present study show that DFM can be used in laying guinea fowls diets without any negative effects on their growth and productive performance. DFM reduces feed consumption and efficiently convert them into body weight and egg.
3. It has an added value of reducing serum blood LDL cholesterol concentration whiles increasing total protein significantly. 4. DFM can be used in the guinea savanna environments as a valuable alternative to the use of conventional sub-therapeutic antibiotics.
Recommendations Further research would be required to assess the efficacy of different levels of DFM and mode of application in guinea keets production in the guinea savanna zone
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