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Douglas Island Pink & Chum Juneau Area Chinook Enhancement

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1 Douglas Island Pink & Chum Juneau Area Chinook Enhancement






7 Most recent 5 years forecasting error = 30.2%

2017 DIPAC KING FORECAST 2016 RETURNS, CONTRIBUTION, & 2017 FORECAST KING: 2016 Return Summary by Area & Age Age-3 Age-4 Age-5 Age-6 Age-7 Total Return Gastineau Channel (MSH & Thane) 129 293 452 241 - 1,115 Fish Creek 64 78 36 177 Auke Bay 42 432 27 500 Lena Cove 183 131 314

2017 DIPAC KING FORECAST 2016 RETURNS, CONTRIBUTION, & 2017 FORECAST KING: 2016 Return Summary by Area & Age Age-3 Age-4 Age-5 Age-6 Age-7 Total Return Gastineau Channel (MSH & Thane) 129 293 452 241 - 1,115 Fish Creek 64 78 36 177 Auke Bay 42 432 27 500 Lena Cove 183 131 314 KING: 2017 Forecast Age Composition Summary *SMOLT RELEASED Total Return Forecast 1,240,236 166 745 763 171 48 1,893 1,317,385 70 391 158 65 32 716 424,846 41 285 13 739 449,038 5 154 311 470 Forecast of Total Common Property Contribution 2,494 Forecast of Total Rack Return 1,324 * smolt released - the total smolt released for all brood years used in forecast




13 The 2017 DIPAC Chinook forecast (adjusted for recent error) points to a marginal availability of females for broodstock at MSH. If the marine survival is even lower or the interception rate higher than anticipated, our green egg goal will not be attainable with returns to the MSH rack.

14 The 2017 DIPAC Chinook forecast (adjusted for recent error) points to a marginal availability of females for broodstock at MSH. If the marine survival is even lower or the interception rate higher than anticipated, our green egg goal will not be attainable with returns to the MSH rack. Returns to other hatcheries producing the Andrew Creek stock are experiencing the same decline in marine survival and may not be able to supplement MSH production in the near future.

15 The 2017 DIPAC Chinook forecast (adjusted for recent error) points to a marginal availability of females for broodstock at MSH. If the marine survival is even lower or the interception rate higher than anticipated, our green egg goal will not be attainable with returns to the MSH rack. Returns to other hatcheries producing the Andrew Creek stock are experiencing the same decline in marine survival and may not be able to supplement MSH production in the near future. New Fish Transport Permits (FTPs) has been approved that will allow DIPAC to collect brood and/or green eggs from returns to Fish Creek. Assistance in collecting eggs at this site has been pledged by the Territorial Sportsmen and ADF&G Sport Fish Division.

16 What is being done to improve DIPAC Chinook returns and better ensure broodstock in the future?
Completion of new rearing annex building in 2012 increased MSH capacity for kings (& cohos) by 40%. Additional production resulted in: Creation of new rearing/release Lena Cove Reinstitution of rearing/release of Thane saltwater site

17 What is being done to improve DIPAC Chinook returns and better ensure broodstock in the future?
Completion of new rearing annex building in 2012 increased MSH capacity for kings (& cohos) by 40%. Additional production resulted in: Creation of new rearing/release Lena Cove Reinstitution of rearing/release of Thane saltwater site Larger release goals (35 g+) initiated for BY13 production in an effort to augment marine survival.

18 What is being done to improve DIPAC Chinook returns and better ensure broodstock in the future?
Completion of new rearing annex building in 2012 increased MSH capacity for kings (& cohos) by 40%. Additional production resulted in: Creation of new rearing/release Lena Cove Reinstitution of rearing/release of Thane saltwater site Larger release goals (35 g+) initiated for BY13 production in an effort to augment marine survival. On-going work with ADF&G Sport Fish Division: Management of terminal area to protect broodstock in years of low abundance. Temporarily increase MSH smolt release by reallocating a portion of Fish Creek production.


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