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How to use this document to create “Narrative Input”:

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1 How to use this document to create “Narrative Input”:
Print “slides” in color Cut out the pictures and text Glue the picture to one side of a piece of construction paper and the text to the other side Use the pictures to tell the story taping them to a background

2 1. Annalisa’s whole family loved butterflies
1. Annalisa’s whole family loved butterflies. So when she was a baby her parents decided to decorate her room with them. They didn’t know that this love of butterflies would last through Annalisa’s whole life.

3 2. As Annalisa grew older her love of butterflies grew too
2. As Annalisa grew older her love of butterflies grew too. Every chance she got, Annalisa would go to the meadow near her home in Everett, Washington to search for butterflies.

4 3. Sometimes she was lucky and would successfully capture a Monarch to observe. She was so gentle with them, they would sit on her hand for a while and then fly away.

5 4. Annalisa was very lucky because her grandfather was an entomologist
4. Annalisa was very lucky because her grandfather was an entomologist. He studied insects for a living. He understood better than anyone Annalisa’s love of butterflies.

6 5. Annalisa’s grandfather taught her how to carefully observe the butterflies she found.
Now, Annalisa was in second grade in Everett. She knew she was going to being studying butterflies in her classroom. More specifically, Painted Lady Butterflies. She wanted to find out all she could about these magnificent creatures.

7 Washington! 6. Annalisa decided to do some research to find out the Painted Lady Butterfly’s natural habitat. She was very happy to find out that they lived all over the world including the state of Washington!

8 Everett Olympia 7. Annalisa lived in Everett, Washington and according to her research she should be able to find the butterfly in her own neighborhood.

9 8. Annalisa wanted to find out as much as she could about this butterfly. Through her research she learned that the butterfly would lay it’s eggs on a plant called thistle. She knew a spot in the park near her house where some thistle grew. She hoped she would be able to find the egg of a Painted Lady Butterfly! She had never seen the first stage of a butterfly’s life.

10 9. The very next day, Annalisa headed to the park to search for eggs
9. The very next day, Annalisa headed to the park to search for eggs. When she got to the thistle plant, there on a leaf she discovered what she had been looking for! 10. The egg was very small but Annalisa was always prepared, so she had her magnifying glass with her. She took a closer look.

11 11. A few days later Annalisa went back to the plant to check on the egg. She was excited to see that the butterfly had entered the larval stage! There was a caterpillar eating the thistle plant where it was born.

12 12. A few weeks later Annalisa went back to the thistle plant
12. A few weeks later Annalisa went back to the thistle plant. When she got there she found a caterpillar alive and well. It was hanging upside down like a “J” preparing to enter the pupa stage. Metamorphosis had begun.

13 13. Every few days, Annalisa went back to the thistle to check on the caterpillar.

14 14. Annalisa was thrilled when one day she went and found a beautiful chrysalis hanging from a leaf. The pupa stage had begun! Now Annalisa knew that the metamorphosis would take a week or two. So she planned to be patient although she was excited to see a Painted Lady Butterfly for the first time!

15 15. Finally, after 15 long days, the butterfly emerged from it’s chrysalis. Annalisa was disappointed that she missed the transition from pupa to adult but she was happy to see the butterfly, in it’s adult stage, flying around the park.

16 16. For the next two weeks, Annalisa tried to visit the park everyday to observe the butterfly during it’s short life as an adult. She hoped to find the eggs it was sure to lay on a thistle leaf.

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