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Welcome to Mr. Nichols’ 8th Grade Science class.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mr. Nichols’ 8th Grade Science class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mr. Nichols’ 8th Grade Science class

2 About me Education Experience B.A. in Elementary Education
30 assorted Math/Science Units Highly Qualified; Middle Grades Science (6-8) and SEI endorsed Teaching experience: 6th Grade Science Arizona Youth University Platformer Videogame Design, Modding for Minecraft Mindstorm Robotics, Bioengineering University of Notre Dame STEM Fellowship Mesa Water Department Cubic Tech – Material Engineering Experience







9 Remind Period 1

10 Remind Period 3

11 Remind Period 5

12 Remind Period 7

13 Assessments Quizzes Tests Lab investigations and reports Projects
How to write a lab report for 8th graders Projects Famous Scientist Science Fair Project Science/Discovery-Based Projects Extension Menus

14 Practice-work Class work Homework Pre-writing
Participation Homework Pre-writing Thinking maps Current Scientific Events Discussions

15 Notebook and Bellwork

16 Classroom Policies Grading 80% Assessments 20% Practice-work (Class work and Homework) Late work- Accepted for ½ credit, Projects lose 1 letter grade per day late Extra-credit TBD with Student Input

17 What do you need for class?
Science Notebook (2) Composition Notebook Most students end up going through 2 composition notebooks throughout the year Science Fair 3-Ring Binder 1” binder with tabs for organizing brainstorming and each section of the project report Lined paper, red pen, pencils, pencil sharpener, colored pencils, markers, highlighters, metric ruler, red pen, stapler, glue sticks/tape, and erasers. (optional - flash drive)

18 Positive Behavior Rewards to be determined

19 Basic Classroom Rules Listen and follow directions
Respect yourself, others, and property Keep hands and feet to yourself Follow School Rules & Procedures No food, gum, or drinks. Water bottles are allowed if kept on the floor Consequences include - Warning, Timeout, Parent Contact, ISI, Referral to administrator

20 How to Contact Me Bnichols Phone

21 Donations Needed Kleenex Copy Paper- White Paper 12 in rulers Pencils
Markers Lined Paper Pencil Sharpeners Highlighters Extra Composition Notebooks Old books- in good condition for class library Science magazines

22 Any Questions??

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