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Bell Ringer Make a prediction of how much of your communication is verbal and how much is non-verbal. These #s should add up to 100. Write you predictions.

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Ringer Make a prediction of how much of your communication is verbal and how much is non-verbal. These #s should add up to 100. Write you predictions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Ringer Make a prediction of how much of your communication is verbal and how much is non-verbal. These #s should add up to Write you predictions on the board with your initials.

2 Non-Verbal Communication

3 The Answer Actually 90% of our communication is non- verbal.
This includes our body posture, facial expressions, gestures, and how we use our voice

4 Remember!! Our non-verbals can complement, emphasize, replace or contradict our message.

5 Gesturing while speaking
What do you do with your hands when you speak?

6 Gesturing while Communicating
Emphasize Finding Meaningful Words Pantomiming Shape, Weight, Location

7 Gestures Keep arms relaxed and at your side when not gesturing
Hold the script with only one hand Find meaningful gestures Gestures should be above your waist

8 Eye Contact Practice your speech!
If you are nervous, look at a friendly face Don’t look above, below or beside the audience

9 Posture No babysitter hips and don’t hunch
Feet should be shoulder width apart and there should be a slight bend in your knees. Don’t lock up!

10 Movement Don’t Pace! When performing a story, allow your posture and movements to portray the characters and actions

11 Vocal Expression We can use our voice to affect the meaning of our words.

12 Pitch: How high or low we speak
Volume: How loud or softly we speak Rate: How fast we speak Articulation: how we pronounce words

13 Be careful of filler words such as “um” “uh” and “like”

14 Methods of Delivery Extemporaneous (deliver a prepared speech from notes) Most conversational sounding speech Impromptu (not planned in advance) Manuscript Memorized

15 Pros and Cons Extemp Impromptu Manuscript Memorized Advantages
Combines a conversational style with speaking notes Allows for a conversational style with few or no notes Helps present very detailed or specific information as the speaker wants Frees the speak to move about the room. No need for notes Disadvantages Requires practice time, speaker may be tempted to memorize Requires thinking and organizing ideas quickly, no preparation time Requires conversational style that is hard to achieve because the speaker reads from a manuscript. Requires careful memorization. Speaker must remember important details without notes.

16 Your First Speech You will select a well-known children’s story and re-enact it from memory as a way of showcasing your non-verbal communication skills. We will present these next Wednesday.

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