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What Is Science Fiction

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Presentation on theme: "What Is Science Fiction"— Presentation transcript:

1 What Is Science Fiction
By Mercedes L. Justyne R. and Monisha G. /

2 -Science Fiction- What is Science Fiction?
Science Fiction is a genre that deals with unrealistic science situations that focuses on society, and individuals having scientific factors. This branch also involves human responses in advances to technology.

3 Examples Science Fiction is a common genre.
Examples: time traveling, aliens, and realms/ cyber space. * Margret Peterson Haddix’s best selling series Found, is a popular science fiction novel. *Also, winner of numerous Oscar awards, Star Wars by James Cameron is a renowned science fiction movie series.

4 Included and Excluded Science Fiction is included: in the fictional category. It is involved with the elements of science. (Anything pertaining to aliens, futuristic settings, time travel, vortexes, etc.) Science Fiction is not included in: realistic situations, biographies, and auto biographies. Anything that could happen in real life.

5 Compare and Contrast Science fiction can never actually happen.
Realistic Fiction Science fiction can never actually happen. Realistic Fiction can have possible scenarios. Both are fiction. Both are popular genres. Science Fiction deals with futuristic settings. Realistic fiction can deal with the past or the present. Both are put into movies/books. It does not involve extra-terrestrial beings. It involves extra-terrestrial beings.

6 -URLS-


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