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phosphate- buffered saline pH 7.4

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1 phosphate- buffered saline pH 7.4
Table 1. Intrinsic viscosity, molecular weight, Mark-Houwink parameters dates of various studies released with dextrans at different temperatures T (°C) Solvent M (Da) [η] (cm3/g) a kM-H (cm3/g) σ2 Reference 25 Water - 0.5000 0.0974 [27] f 20 0.4300 0.0443 [28] f Formamide 0.4900 0.0165 [29] f 0.5M NaOH 0.4780 0.0132 [30] f 30 0.1M NaNO3 / 0.025M K2HPO4 0.05M Na2SO4 97000 – 0.3440 0.2780 0.0476 0.1130 [31] g 0.2M NaNO3 0.3900 0.0485 0.8800 [32] a 0.4M NaCH3COOH / 0.4M CH3COOH 11.0 – 140.0 0.4800 0.0138 [33] b 0.5330 0.9817 31 0.5190 0.9804 34 29500* * 0.5150 0.9783 [34] f 40 0.5080 0.9875 43 0.9854 0.1050 0.9996 0.5250 0.1070 0.9995 35 Dimethyl- sulfoxide 0.2085 0.9991 [35] e 0.5170 0.1040 0.9994 45 0.5140 0.0919 0.5620 0.0551 0.9895 0.5490 0.0548 0.9691 Ethylene-glycol 0.5430 0.0511 0.9871 [36] b ,7 0.5400 0.0486 0.9893 11, 0.5340 0.9879 Water - NaOH 0.5M 0.4363 0.1900 0.9662 [1] a 0.3311 0.6066 [37] b 0.3775 0.3685 0.9922 [3] d phosphate- buffered saline pH 7.4 0.4500 0.1361 0.9863 [8] c 0.3873 0.3197 0.9975 [16] b 65 39000 20.0 16.5 15.3 [38] b 37 0.3888 0.2628 0.9887 [5] b 1270 – 180 – 1.2 – 35.0 46.3 – 91.8 73.6 – 104.5 0.5060 0.5120 0.4250 0.2730 0.0901 0.0832 0.2297 1.4300 0.9870 0.9950 0.9170 0.8260 [39] b With permission: a- American Chemical Society. b- Elsevier Science B.V. c- Biophysical Society, Elsevier Science B.V. d- Amersham Biosciences AB. e- Springer-Verlag. f- John Wiley and Sons. g- Unilever Research. * Dates calculated from number average molecular weight. Martin Alberto Masuelli et al. Dextrans in Aqueous Solution. Experimental Review on Intrinsic Viscosity Measurements and Temperature Effect. Journal of Polymer and Biopolymer Physics Chemistry, 2013, Vol. 1, No. 1, doi: /jpbpc-1-1-3 © The Author(s) Published by Science and Education Publishing.

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