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71st Annual Conference the SAVE DATE 2017 October 16th-18th

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1 71st Annual Conference the SAVE DATE 2017 October 16th-18th
Helping Students Since 1942 71st Annual Conference FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF SCHOOL SOCIAL WORKERS The Shores Resort & Spa, Daytona Beach, Florida Reaching and Treating Children Who Hurt (for Specialized Instructional Support Personnel) Keynote Speaker: Tara Brown Survive and Thrive: Unleashing the Potential of Under-Resourced Youth “To get into their heads, we must first get into their hearts.” There is no doubt that the distance from their heart to their heads is a rite of passage every adult must navigate in order to truly impact struggling youth. Humans are ‘hard-wired’ to connect and it is through these connections that humans will thrive and excel. In this inspiring keynote address, Tara will share parts of her journey from coast to coast working with both hard core gang members and hard core rednecks in her own hometown and how she successfully engaged and motivated them to work harder and dream bigger. She will provide research based insights into the role emotions and stress play in learning, and what at-risk youth wish every adult understood about them. Pre-Conference – Monday, October 16, 2017 Applying Trauma Informed Care in Florida Schools Victoria L. Hummer, LCSW, Sanctuary Institute/ANDRUS Suicide Prevention, Intervention, & Postvention Support to Improve Mental Health Among Students and Staff Martin Swanbrow Becker, Ph.D., Florida State University Come for the learning and networking - Stay for the beach Mark your calendars and feel free to contact us at if you have questions. For more information, visit

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